Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Thank you @Lighter @MrFantastik @jeannie @happyfeet

Checking in day 62… no vaping today.

Catching up on the euros then off to bed. Looking forward to another sober weekend. Hope you’re all have a nice Friday night!


Checking in sober.
Today was a bit better. Got a fair amount done at work and was able to come home early. And now don’t have to think about work until Monday. My job is fairly demanding and always busy. But now hanging out at home with the cats. :cat2:



That’s wonderful, Juli! Happy for you. I hope it is a great package!


Woke up day 5 still had a bad headache so I almost didn’t go to my grandmas pool with my son/dad and my sons care provider but I figured it could be a good distraction so I took my vitamins got some electrolytes in me and went and I’m so glad I did I started feeling better. Mother Nature paid me a visit this morning too after being a little late so I think that has to do with the headache :melting_face: I literally dreamt of chocolate last night I’ve been craving chocolate with caramel in it since I’ve had it once recently. :rofl: just so glad to be sober. My dad handed me his drink at the pool just to hold, it was a whiskey and soda definitely not my thing but the addict in me was you could just take a sip right now. But for what? lol. I’m so glad to be sober. One thing I noticed about being outside during summer sober, is it’s a lot better than wasted bloated and sweaty. Yuck. I also love being clear headed and present. :sparkles: have a great day guys. I’m going to go pick up some fun non alcoholic drinks probably some poppi and Gatorade for more electrolytes, and ofc some caramel chocolate. :joy:


Day 1281,

My dating becomes tricky. I normally dated only one person at the time. Let that mantra go, is just dating right….my ADHD and addicted brains and ego digs it….but need to meditate on this and check my motives :pray:


Day 219. So yeah had today off, girls had a half day of school and picked me up around 1. Really trying to get some things into motion for myself with working out and stuff. Got home me and the girls went for a little bike ride and got addie off her training wheels. Then one of their friends came over and both girls were being kinda mean to eachother so idk my mom kicked the girl out. Its definitely weird coming home i dont feel like i have much say. Autumn is going down to watch a game of baseball with my stepdad and she asked if she could bathe before they go, i said yes. And my mom didnt hear me say yes and then idk she said no and it turned into this little ordeal. But its w.e we got through it. I just want my girls with me, in plattsburgh. Part of me wonders how id even handle that, i think i would have a very hard time if it did happen. Idk so much on my mind but much love


Wow! Congratulations!


Hey all just checking in.

Good day today :slight_smile: Kids were at each pther in the am, but then we had a great visit with friends and got in our new pool :slight_smile: Working hard at my friendships as I get older is something I am really prioritizing…it was easy before I had children, but tben when I had kids it was all about my family and trying to find slivers of time for myself and hubby. Been workong on it as the kids are getting bigger, and its so important to me to do that.

Great evening too. Got out in the garden and planted my earwig traps. They are loving on the zucchini and cucumber leaves this year becahse we didnt cabbages, broccoli or cauliflour (BECAUSE THEY DESTROYED THEM YEARS BEFORE!). Organic gardening is a hilarious endevour. Kids got off to bed well and I did a slumber party with my daughter which we both love.

Looking forward to visiting mom and nephew next week. Happy ny daughter can come with me, though a bit sad I cant also bring my son. It would just be a lot for my mom and I to handle all 3, and I know that. Then Ill be back and can help my girlfriend with her garden as well.

Anyway, off to watch my murder show! Xo. Happy sober night friends xo.


Night check in. I feel unsettled. So many emotions to work with. It’s a full moon tonight and the coyotes are howling. Spooky like Halloween night was. I had the candles out. Need to release some stuff. Renew. Sage helps. Just feels like a powerful evening. And eventually peaceful. Going to do some deep breathing and stretching.

And sleep :sheep: :alarm_clock: :zzz:

Good night :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 41.

Today was a little tuff. Seemed like triggers were everywhere. The group I had coffee with were talking about their travels and the subject of wine came up and went on and on. In the coffee shot, we had to sit on the side that had wine that they sold on top of that. I tried to change the subject somewhat and talk about how this generation is more into mocktails and not so much into getting drunk to have fun or enjoy each others company. That was met with mixed reviews, but at least we moved on to something else. It felt good to not have to be in the mind set that you have to have alcohol to have a good time. How much more meaningful and enjoyable when you are fully present and fully engaged with the people you are around.

The triggers didn’t last long. Went away when the conversation changed and we left the coffee shop. Good reminder for myself to just wait them out, they will pass.

Have a good night all!


Checking in day 370 AF
Feeling very restless and unsettled. The guy I’m seeing was supposed to come for a visit after 3 weeks apart. When I’ve sat and counted the time we’ve spent together vs apart over the last few months it’s been more time apart than together. He then wants to complain about a lack of intimacy. My plan was to discuss this with him when he got sick and either is delayed in coming or not coming now. I’m not sure.

Obsessing of this… I need to quiet my mind. Sleep well everyone.



Here comes my working weekend. I recognize what @thirdmonkey says so well, that when I drank I always felt this big anxiety before having to go to work, and since I’m sober I’m fine and will see what comes my way. Although there have been a few instances that made me feel a little bit of the old stress again. Mainly having to do with ‘difficult’ patients. Then again these moments pass quickly. But it does show me I need to keep working on myself. No time for complacency. One day at a time and all that.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. The pic is from inside the art depot in Rotterdam I visited the other day. Seems like a cool job to do. Love.


First time checking in

As I sit here in the living room of our quiet home I’ve realized how much time I’ve lost due to my addictions it really puts how much I’ve taken for granted into focus
I can hear the crickets outside and it’s almost calming to the nerves have a happy Saturday morning everyone I’ll be checking in tomorrow


Day 12

No Alcohol & Tobacco.

It felt good. I had office today and was able to wake up early in the morning. My sleep was good, about 7 hours. I had breakfast with orange juice and took some supplements (B-Complex and Omega-3). I started going to the gym. Today marks one week of consistently going to the gym. Sending hugs and support to all.


@Lisa-B I think it’s awesome you were able to speak your truth with a complete stranger! It’s very empowering, IMO. I found that being totally open and honest about it, with anyone and everyone, made a huge difference for me. Especially in the beginning. Well done :clap:


Boring afternoon before an early dinner shift. It was busier than I expected, but I had an unusual amount of energy, so it was okay. My last table was an 11 top of couples(and 1 widow) who were all 5-10yrs older than me. It was interesting to observe their individual drinking habits and how their demeanors changed thru the night. It was obvious to me which ones knew their limits, and those who were drinking more bc they were with a group, to ‘have fun’. Then of course, the pros(like the guy who ordered 6 tequila on the rocks within an hour and had no change in personality). Most became bubbly and happy, but one guy turned into a total dick. It’s weird being on the other side, knowing what I know bc of what I’ve been thru. It’s the side I’m gonna stay on. Hope you’re all with me :pray:


*Day 2103 :walking_woman:
Short night. Went out with some friends to a “40 up” party and danced all night.
Came home sweaty and satisfied :sunglasses:
Drank water and someone asked me why. My closest friends know about my addiction and this girl hasn’t so I told her without sugarcoating it. Now she knows.

Today? Work and tonight my Iranian friend and her husband are visithing us for dinner.
Looking forward to it.
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:


Day 48 check :white_check_mark:

Just want to say thank you to everyone here, you are like family to me. You have been the most supportive people I have ever known and had to hold me up, share advice and actually cares how I am.
You have all helped me through so much the past 3 years and I just want to say thank you thank you thank you and thank you.



I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 115
Midsummer day.
It’s raining heavyily again.

Luckily we had amazing weather yesterday.

Sharing some pictures of yesterdays Folkdance shows and celebrations.

Folkdance shows in two different villages, with two different midsummer poles.
The costume my 14 y/o wears is the Folk Dance costume for our village.

The other pictures are from yesterday’s bbq, one where the boys pick the traditional flowers to put unde their pillows, and one where we play Kubb.
Basically that game is made with different sized wooden bricks, you use something similar to small wooden baseball bats to try nad Knock the other sides wooden bricks down. Without hitting the big one in the middle that’s called the King.

And of course the traditional strawberries and cream midsummer picture. My 12 y/o found white strawberries in the store we had to try as well. He was very careful with picking the seeds out of a few so we can try and plant them.

Not much happening here today with all the Rain. In a way it’s nice, the boys and my husband needs a chill day after yesterday.

Wishing y’all a wonderful midsummer day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


212 sugar
76 UPF
83 gluten
62 dairy
24 overeating

Today marks my 7 months of no sugar. Freedom is wonderful :smile:
Me and my daughter are finally back home from our respective trips. Today will be all about arriving: laundry, sorting stuff out, groceries, errands, catching up. I have invited my close family for tomorrow for Geburtstagskaffee, so I also need to go and get some cake.

Have good day today friends. A day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


203 days
Went for a bike with the family today, just a short one as the youngest has a tiny bike :smile:
Then home for the afternoon to stay warm and chill out.
Wife is on nightshift tonight. Im thankful I stopped drinking before she changed jobs and went back onto nightshift.