Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Checking in at the end of day 3. it seems like working helps keep my mind motivated and focused, any time I feel the urge for one I come on and read. I’m thankful for all of you, have a happy Sunday morning everyone.


2nd check-in today.
Just finishing day 77 alcohol-free. Went to a concert in the park with tons of alcohol being sold and tons of people drinking. It wasn’t too hard but a challenge nonetheless. I’m going to bed tonight sober.



A working Sunday. That’s fine. I get to start an hour later as the trains don’t run any earlier on Sunday. And the pay is better. So let’s do it. Sober and clean. Have as good day as you all can friends. Make it clear and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.


I have never heard that term before :thinking: but it describes me perfectly! I really do enjoy socializing sober now, but too much of it without any alone time to recharge and I’m shot. I was really shy in highschool, and initially alcohol made me more outgoing and ‘fun’. But as the disease progressed, I ended up wanting to be alone and hid my drinking from everyone. Becoming sober felt like such a relief bc I didn’t have anything to hide anymore. Makes me feel free :hugs:


The humidity was suffocating today. When I was pulling up to work, I actually thought there was a fire in the kitchen bc there was so much smoke coming out of the exhaust fans. They were just prepping food for 2 parties and had every oven on. It had to be 120° in there. With the added smokiness, I could hardly breathe when I had to go in for food. I felt so bad for the kitchen staff. My coworker noticed my breathing and offered me her inhaler, which helped instantly. When I was initially diagnosed with COPD 10 years ago and albuterol increased my lung function during tests, my doctor didn’t want to prescribe it and told me to workout more, which I already was working out alot. I think it’s time to revisit that option for instances like today.

Anyway, work in the am. I’m praying for rain :pray: which would mean a slow day. After, I’ll have 48 hours off! Whoo hoo :tada:


@happyfeet @Butterflymoonwoman @Juli1 @JazzyS @CATMANCAM

Thanks for your replies. Yeah, I feel like overthink things a lot. I trip over small things. Working from home is getting to me. I don’t have anyone else to talk to. I love my wife and kids, but sometimes I need to get away. I’m stuck in the apartment all day.I’ve tried keeping myself busy by reading, doing puzzles, listening to music, playing video games, etc. Stuck in the same loop. I know these feelings are temporary, but it sucks at the moment. Just gotta stay busy and stay focused. I’m glad I can come here and chat with you guys. I missed my lil sober fam.

Gonna hit out to the beach tomorrow with the kids. Should be a chill day.


“Geburtstagcaffee”, so it’s your birthday? Ore your daughters? Congratulations if so! :tada: Also congratulations for the 7 months sugar free, that’s massive! :open_mouth::facepunch:

@CHASE.E.U a late congratulations for the 3 months sober milestone. That was my biggest hurdle to get. My most relapses where around them :blush: After that life went easier, sober life went easier, at least for me. Again: congratulations!! :confetti_ball:

Did you survive your dentist appointment @GOKU2019 ? :face_with_peeking_eye: Hope you feel a bit better today? Sorry about the mental turmoil and cravings. Maybe try to see it as a warning and give yourself some extra care and softness? Maybe a hot bath while listen to a recoverypodcast ore read a recovery book. Just to help you to reset your mind a bit??


*Day 2104 :walking_woman:
My muscles are very tired from training, work and the dancing night. So I decided to take a day of rest today. I skipped my crossfittraing today, a good decision I think.
Yesterday was busy too because of work and my Iranian friend and her husband went to see us.
It was nice and I think they liked it too.

They got me a nice Calla plant, and because I have no recent walking pictures to show…here it is :blush:
Today? A walk and some house chores. Tonight dinner with my brother and his wife.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


day 622

another hot day here in the mid 90s (35°C) its been hard to get through the day without feeling rough, but im hanging in there :melting_face:

looking forward to a cooler couple of evenings in the next week


Checking in at the beginning of day 178 AF
I rarely have lie ins or naps anymore as I tend to not need to sleep my weekend away but now & then I have one on purpose. I’m still in bed (8:32am which is a lie in these days, I used to lie until 2pm or later with a hangover)
I’m making a mental list of all the things I have to do today & the lovely things I want to do. First things first, I need a cup of tea.
I thope you all have an amazing sober Sunday 🩷


@SoberWalker Thank you. My actual birthday was earlier this month, but this was the most convenient date to get everyone together. And the weather is much better :wink: How did the dinner with your Iranian friends turn out? And most importantly: What did you serve? Plant is gorgeous by the way.
@Scorpn Don’t melt friend! And get yourself and ice cream if you’re into this kind of stuff :grin:
@GOKU2019 I feel you friend. I work also from home and sometimes honestly ‘forget’ how important and how liberating it is to get out and just see something new besides my own walls and the few people of my family. I took a vacation on my own last week and went away. It was soooo good for my mood. I think I should do more ‘mini vacations’. Beach sounds good. Sending hugs your way :hugs:
@Just_Laura We had enough rain for weeks, so I’m sending it your way now. Its job here is done for now :wink: Good idea to have an inhaler as an option. I use mine during allergy season but sometimes it helps in tough situations.
@Mno You’re posting this stuff with bike infrastructure just to tease me, aren’t you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Vanessa8 Really god job on getting through a challenging situation sober :muscle:
@Lefty624 Three days are the beginning of a good streak. Keep it up :+1:
@JazzyS You rock friend! So awesome: 18 months!!! Unbelievable. Let’s get this celebration train to that lake state of yours and then right to your front door :raised_hands: :partying_face: :dancing_women: :balloon: We love you! :heart:
@Lainenicole96 Congrats on doing all the work. One week is the hardest and you are doing it! :clap: Good thinking on stocking up on food and hydration. Your body is doing overtime on healing. :mending_heart:
@Lighter I’m glad you are feeling connection through this place. This is very important for me too. I’ve been attending online meetings in the evenings lately (Recovery Dharma) and I have found them very good to wind down and have a bit of a feeling of connection before closing my day. Maybe this could be an option for you too? Sending you hugs friend :hugs:

214 sugar
78 UPF
85 gluten
64 dairy
26 overeating

Today it is time for my weekly review: looking back on where I come from, taking stock of where I’m standing, and looking forward to a new week. I always cherish this weekly ritual.
And then of course Geburtstagskaffee with my family. My birthday was at the beginning of the month, but this was the most convenient date to get everyone together. Cake is waiting, mokka machine is ready, sun is out. This will be fun.
Some yoga later, Recovery Dharma in the evening - today I’m going to try a meeting with the trans and non-binary community.

Let’s try for peace, kindness and freedom, friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


204 days
Nothing mjch today. Groceries and hanging with the kids.
Work tomorrow, will be a busy day for sure


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 116

Field trip day.
We haven’t really decided where to go yet, we might to to a place where you can watch people make “Polkagrisar” it’s similar to big candy canes.

And we might go to an old fortress where they still train paratroopers and have s military museum.

No one could agree on where to go during our morning family meeting :laughing:

Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 70

Extremely stressful situation arose tonight that lasted 4 hours, having to take care of someone because of their own decisions. Spent all night worrying about them and chasing them around. Kinda just wanna dissociate after all of that. Going to sleep soon and going to focus on self care before then. Weather is much nicer which is a relief. Don’t even have the urge to drink to be honest because that’s the whole reason this person made the decisions they did. I see value and appreciate the lesson life made me learn today. Just exhausted and disappointed with the day overall, and depressed to an extent, but I’m ok.

Edit: now they said they were gonna go say hi to someone to ask them a question, and that was over an hour ago and they’re still not back. Possible they’re just hanging out with the people but there’s no sign of them that I can see. They lost their phone so I can’t contact them. Having a great ass time right now going through all of the worst possible scenarios in my head and debating if and when I should report them missing. Sun is up and still haven’t slept. Really pissing me off. I don’t know what to do.

Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1470. I hope everybody has a good one!


@GOKU2019 ican totally understand the isolation from working at home and not socializing. We need connection and from time to time it’s nice to see others (not just your family members).
Glad you are working on keeping yourself busy and distracted. Are you able to work outside? Or are you able to work at a different location (a cafe or library?). Sometimes just getting up and ready and having a routine helps.
If not…can you break up the day and take time for an outdoor activity or a meeting or errands ??? Something that gets you out of the house and interacting with others even if it just to say hi as you pass them by.
Hope you all have a fabulous day at the beach. Much love friend :people_hugging:
@acromouse awe thanks Aga. Your reply had me giggling this morning and I really appreciate it! You are awesome friend…hope you enjoy your family time today.
@wahtisnormal aah sorry Zoe. Sucks that you are dealing with this but the silver lining is that the situation is reinforcing your reason to be sober. Hope you are able to detach and relax soon.

Checking in on Sunday morning :sun_with_face:
I’m up but feeling super tired. My app says it’s raining and some storms due for next few hours. I can’t see if it’s raining cause it’s still dark so lying here trying to see if I should just roll over and sleep :rofl:
Maybe play some memes and then decide lol… luckily it’ll be cloudy and cooler today so a delay in my walk isn’t a problem.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Ha ha, yes we dicussed that didn’t we: what to serve? Husband made a vegetarian beef Wellington with no beef :sunglasses::sweat_smile: It was filled with sweet potato, onion, herbs, goat cheese, etc and tasted lovely. I made a beetroot salad to go with it. As dessert we had some macorons :yum: And so I had to reset my sugar daycounter (13 days), but no regrets.


Checking in 97 days. Have a great week everyone!


Day 170 AF

Seems this is more and more becoming who I am, and I love that. Sobriety while not a non stop ticker tape parade, is a very enjoyable way of life. Energetic, engaged, enthusiastic. Living a life of health, rest and appreciation. I truly dig it.

On a sadder note, we have news of a friend in final stages of some failing health back home. It’s heartbreaking to know she is on her last days and we are so far away, not able to sit with her and bid her well in whatever her next phase may be. She will be missed dearly and was a beautiful light in this world. Being present as I am these days makes these moments that much harder, as typically I just buried these emotions with drink. I am appreciative that I am able to feel properly for our friendship, albeit from a distance. Just sitting now and reminiscing of time spent with her. She is going to be missed dearly.

Well, that’s an update. Apologies for somberness of it to end, but I guess life can’t always be rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes reality likes to kick you in the crotch.

With that, enjoy what you have TS peeps. Embrace those around you and live your best healthiest life so as you avoid placing this burden as best you can onto those that care for you sooner than necessary.

Lotsa love


Day 132
Sunday night 9pm. Had a great weekend. Spent a few hours with my Grandson yesterday then dinner date with my partner. Awesome gym session today and read about 90 pages of my current book.
Peace and strength to you all :smiley:


Congrats on one week sober!