Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 114

Good sleep last night. Much better week with it overall. I’m trying not to expect this, lest I be disappointed, ya know? But getting this straightened out will change everything! I’m already seeing big health and energy improvements. One day, today. :heart:

@Just_Laura yeah! I don’t much care for labeling people but sometimes a descriptor fits perfectly! I have been considered an introvert before but then there’s the talking…. :laughing: (I don’t always talk but when I do… ) hahaha. Definitely need to recharge and recover afterwards, but do crave company about half the time. So cool to find the middle. Too many dichotomies/labels and people are very complex. And how we change sober is a beautiful thing! Thanks for posting. :blush:

A triangle of summer morning sun is shining in my eye. Maybe :thinking: I’ll get out of bed now. Feeling happy and calm.

Have a great day



80 days sober

These past days have been insanely crazy. My week work trip turned into me now being gone for over 2 weeks but I’m hoping to be home by next week.

My friend who traveled with me became very ill and I was worried about her. I ended up taking her to Istanbul to see a doctor where she then needed an operation. Is why it’s been difficult finding a time on here between taking care of her, traveling unexpectedly and then needing to be there for translation and help. It has been stressful but things are looking better now. And amazingly during all this stress I’ve done very well. I made a plan before I left for my work trip and I stuck to that and then everything went sideways. But one of the things I am really used to living where I do is that anything unexpected can happen and you just need to go with it. Even though I’ve done poorly checking in on here I’ve done what I’ve needed to keep myself on track while trying to get some help for my friends medical condition. And I’m sober so I think I’m doing well. I am really looking forward to going home though! We hope to travel the end of the week.


Way to go with your 80 days friend. That’s awesome. Sorry that your friend got ill but grateful that you were able to be there for her and now things are looking up.
Hopefully you will be home in your comfort zone next week. Keep working on recovery…you seem to be doing a wonderful job at it. :people_hugging:


Thanks! I realized being away how much stronger I feel. I still have a lot of work to do but I feel more confident in it now.


Morning friends :slight_smile: I had a decent sleep last night and am now at work. Cant wait for my shift to be over honestly. Im just not in the mood to be here today. I have alot on my mind today. Things that i cant even control at this moment. So idk why im letting it rent space in my head.
Im pretty upset right now at my pharmacy. They were supposed to deliver the remaining bottles of antibiotics on friday afternoon/evening and no one showed up. And now my son doesnt have any more of the 1 bottle we were given. He will be missing 2 doses if antibiotics and im super upset about this. I have to wait until 9am tmrw to get this sorted out. I know nothing about missing doses of these kinds of meds so ill have to speak with the pharmacist. Im not impressed :rage:

Then theres daily stuff and weekly tasks that are running thru my mind. Its going to be a busy week. Last week of school for my son and then summer break begins.

And THEN theres my health that has me all twisted up lol. Im trying to figure out what i need to do moving forward to get my weight down. I tried to cut back my calories even more last night and that didnt go well. So upset about that.

I think i need to just be present right now. My mind is on every other day except today. Like they say… if u have 1 foot in the past and 1 foot in the future, ur pissing all over today. And thats whats happening. Not going to let it tho. Deep breaths and focus on the current moment. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Sunday check in. Was another busy week and pretty chaotic but that’s when I seem to be at my best so I am told. Taking today off so will recharge a bit. Hoping everyone has a good week.:v:


It feels good getting an acual recharge when your not getting drunk at the weekends…I’m the same, enjoying my Sunday not working, not drinking and no hangover. Hope your day’s going well mate👍


@wahtisnormal sounds pretty dire Zoe… You might look back and see this as a lesson in a few months as to why you don’t drink. Hope you’re feeling better soon! Congratulations on 70 days!

Congratulations on 18 months @JazzyS …that’s proper inspiring!

Checking in day 63…It’s been a good weekend. I gutted my van yesterday, I’m not going to say about any of the horrors that was found under the seat​:joy:…found around £7 in change which was nice and it’s now spotless :slightly_smiling_face:

I went out for breakfast with my family this morning, then met my sister in law in a beer garden in the sun. I had an AF beer and felt good, I’m proud of myself that I felt this way. Fuck alcohol :joy: Spent the afternoon gardening in the sun, it’s been a beautiful day in Scotland. I’m away to make dinner and get ready for Scotland Vs Hungary… probably one of the biggest games in my lifetime for Scotland…I hope they win :grimacing::pray:

Struggling with vaping but I ain’t going to be too hard on myself…

Hope you’re all well and enjoying a nice sober Sunday :slightly_smiling_face:


It sure does! I don’t miss feeling half dead :smile: Enjoy your day off as well brother :facepunch:


Checking in on day 86.

My day has been a bit boring tbh. But that’s my own fault. I overslept well into the afternoon and just sat in front of my computer reading useless crap and playing pinball on my phone. :sweat_smile:

Now I’m sitting at a reststop and getting some evening sun.

As for the smoking, didn’t go well. Had the thought of 1 more before I shower and then use gum.

Naturally I didn’t shower nor change my sheets and it’s 9pm here so yeah. Whoopdi fucking doo. :tada:

One “last time” seems to apply here as well. :sweat_smile:

I hope your day was better than mine and I’ll keep you posted.

Have a pleasant evening and a good start into your new week^^


Thank you! I’m very happy :blush:


Day 814

I’m still not feeling very good mentally, but I’m still making the effort. Hemmed up some torn shorts, still have one pair to go and a set of leggings. Was gonna map out a pattern to sew up a stuffy for my 12yo.

Working on tightening up my eating habits again. It’s perpetually been the last vice I have and I’ve experienced what happens when I try to quit that cold turkey (not great lol). Made an appt with my nutritionist so I can continue working on the program we started.

Realized I didn’t meditate or journal yesterday so I’m going to make time to do that today in just a little while. Still trying to get outside and get some fresh air and at least move around a little bit. Starting to accept the fact I’m going to have to add in legitimate exercise routines again.

My whole sink unit is broken because one of my roommates super overheated a glass cooking lid after turning on the wrong burner, and then for some reason decided to put it in the side of the sink with the garbage disposal and it exploded downward into the disposal.
Now the sink isn’t draining, the disposal is 100% not working and the water is also draining into the dishwasher. Going to set up a plumber coming over on Monday but for today I just left because I didn’t want to deal with the depression brain it was throwing at me.

Still telling myself despite all this, the things that I should be grateful for. It’s a sunny day, my kids are happy, I am making positive huge changes as far as living situation and employment. I have food and still a roof over my head. I am determined to just keep doing the things until eventually I’ll feel better

Have a great day everybody and enjoy the week ahead


One week sober yay! Literally the first thing my brain thought of when I started waking up was “damn, I really committed to this whole sobriety thing. This is going to be hard.” But then I remembered how much harder constantly feeling (and looking) like crap is. I made a few tiktoks about my sobriety as a way to not only encourage and connect with others going through the same, but as a form of accountability. And have a few in my drafts to finish when I get further along in my sobriety as motivation to keep going. It may sound silly to some, but it actually helps me. I took my vitamins had some eggs, got some laundry done (although I have a TON to get through - really want to get rid of a lot) and now I am getting ready to get outside for a walk maybe a jog and some workouts with my weights if I can find them lol. I am so happy to be sober. 🩷 have a good day guys!


Checking in day 174 AF :blush:


Day 71

Not ok. Last night was fucked. Pissed off today and I just need space and also simultaneously someone to vent to, but i just feel fucking alone. Just wanna pack up and go home. Really irritated with the person i came here with. Woke up in a panic remembering I couldn’t find them last night, rushed to get dressed and was LITERALLY about to go to the med tent to report them missing, then thankfully I found them. Angry that they’re gonna be that careless and put me under THAT much stress, it’s fucking inconsiderate, and if I did that to them they would also be pissed. I’m just fucking over it. And that doesnt even begin to explain how I feel.


Day 365.secone check in. Just relaxing this evening. Going out for a meal tomoro at lunch time to mark one year and pretty much thank my wife for her support.

And then focus again as tho it’s day one.


@butterflymoonwoman How are you doing Dana? Sorry to hear about the prescription. Hope you are able to get the antibiotics first thing tomorrow and it doesn’t cause an issue for the missed doses. Sending you love my friend. Grateful you are working on staying active in the present :people_hugging:
@danwood85 thanks friend. Glad you were able to enjoy your time in the sun today and the chill out game time was fun.
@lainenicole96 Way to go with your 1 week of sobriety. Cool stuff with the tiktoks. Not silly – whatever way you can stay on the path and keep yourself motivated is a good thing. Hope you enjoyed your job / walk and workout
@wahtisnormal I’m sorry Zoe. Do come here and vent – hope that letting a bit of it out helped you. This person is being inconsiderate. Hopefully you can find a way to vent it out and not let their actions affect you (I totally know that this is not an easy task). You are not alone friend – we are here to listen and lend a ear.
@timetochange WOOHOO 1 year is amazing work! So glad you are enjoying some relaxing time and will be celebrating with your wife. Glad you have the week off to fully celebrate your achievement. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:



Huge congrats on your year sober. Here’s to the next one. Keep pedalling :bike:


:grinning: Thank u for your feedback and support. It’s been the most stable year I can remember in a long time


Checking in on day 826 free from alcohol. Nice to see lots of great milestones on here recently. :sparkling_heart: