Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Thanks Jazzy!! Yup, two nights in the big city. Concert and touring around sober was an absolute blast!!
Sober living is the best living imho.


I will day by day :relieved:


That it is!!! So happy to hear that you are doing well. Lovely smiles ā€¦ keep going strong :muscle:t4:


With every day that passes the thought that guzzling down a few bottles of beer or hard liquor keep creeping in. The problem, or rather, the good news is that Iā€™ve decided thatā€™s not my answer anymore. But that leaves me with all this pain. To feel all the hurt. And I donā€™t see the end.


Day 36 sober

I feel much sharper at work than I was during the first week or two. Feeling pretty good and my energy level is nice and stable. I feel like the withdrawal from my DOC has finally ended, but Iā€™m still getting a craving once a day, but itā€™s a lot weaker than what it once was. Iā€™m looking forward to the day where I stop getting that once-a-day craving :smile_cat:


Welcome to the community and the check in thread Nicole. Great choice to give up the poison friend. It has nothing to offer. You are doing great. The pain will get easier. Are you able to get some support in real life - like talking with a sponsor or a therapist or going to a meeting. Hang in with us friend. :hugs: It does get easier!


Great news friendā€¦ this is when you have to be the most vigilant as we tend to forget what the cravings and withdrawals were like. You are doing great with 36 days ā€“ keep it going strong :muscle:


Do any of the people in those pics go to CA by any chance in Toronto, like especially the SNL CA group? I SWEAR I recognize a couple of the people in those pictures from CA, or Iā€™m just tripping lol. Great pictures btw :slight_smile:

If youā€™re ever in Toronto again, let me know! Iā€™d be down to link up sometime :smiley:


Congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::fireworks::fireworks:



I have a therapist, whom I love. I go to meetings when I can being a stay at home mom to two kids, one with special needs (asd) my current situation doesnā€™t really allow for a a sponsor. I barely have the time or freedom to shower once a week.


Awe thanks love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: appreciate you and glad you are here with us :pray:t4:


You do have a lot going on love. Grateful you do love your therapist and do get to meetings when time allows.
Now you have is too. This is a great loving community full of support, great advice and good distractions.

Sending you strength and love and big hugs. Keep fighting those urges my friendā€¦it does get easier :pray:t4::pray:t4::people_hugging::heart:


Iā€™m doubtful as no one in pics is from Toronto area bud.


Day 665.75

Day is coming to an end.
One more 4am shift then itā€™s back to nights for me.
Itā€™s so exhausting getting up at 3:30

I did the interview and I got the job! I just have to wait for the hr person to get the onboarding paperwork (he wasnt there today)
And I told my store manager Iā€™d like to do both jobs at least for a little while to see if this new place is a good fit, but if it is Iā€™ll be turning in my 2 weeks notice. She said she understands and Iā€™ll always have a job there if I want it. I told her with all thatā€™s been going on, I just need a break. I am always stressed out, and I need to listen to my body and mind.

Today the ā€œborrowedā€ store manager tried to tell me

  1. I have to coach people -which I already do
  2. I have to abide by dress code -again, already do
  3. I canā€™t use earbuds -dont even own any


  1. Canā€™t use profanity while clocked in, even in the back of house.
    Ok you got me. Ill be fired in no time.

Iā€™m sorry but in the back of house where there are no customers is the perfect place for a good string of swear words when a customer tries to pull some off the wall shit :sweat_smile: i mean cā€™mon!?
.i canā€™t say something like ā€œwhat the hell was that about?!ā€ To my coworkers in the back where no customers can see/hear me? This is a coffee shop, yes, but itā€™s also the service industry and anyone whoā€™s ever worked in the service industry knows what I mean (i hopeā€¦ Unless I am the asshole :sweat_smile:)


Oh this is fantastic news!!! Congrats Renee


YUP ā€“ this is the place to use profanity ā€“ unless she would like you to say it to the customer :rofl:

I am glad the new place is letting you do both to feel things out but hey girl ā€“ i canā€™t see any place being worse for you.


2y 5m 3d

first day jobless. not doing great. almost relapsed twice already and might relapse tonight

edit: spoke to a friend I will be okay tonight


EXACTLY This is what all of us think! Every single person who works there said the same thing!!!


Hi @SadMemeQueen Iā€™m really sorry to hear about your job whats happened today :palm_up_hand:


im chronically ill and had to quit due to pain but I really loved the job