Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Are you able to talk with your friend? Please do not give into this urge. What can i do to help?

Sending you love my friend… please know SH will not solve anything and only cause you more pain. :hugs:


I’m talking to my friend, I will probably be just fine


Girl this is good – just keep working it one moment at a time. Please do check in with us if you do feel stressed or strong urges. You are not alone Megan :people_hugging:


Tomorrow I’m back out of my comfort zone. Wish me luck :laughing:. A ladies social. It’s lunch so much safer.

I was so anti-social when I was drinking, to tell the truth. I told myself that I was ‘selective’ and socially anxious and all kinds of stuff. The truth: I only hung out with drunks. And we didn’t like regular people because they gave us crap about being drunk. I panicked every time I had to hang out with regular people. Couldn’t talk much. Now? It’s gone. I’m not socially anxious anymore. Damn this is freedom. Alcohol was not liquid courage at all. So I found out I talk a lot more when sober. And don’t GAF what people might think of me. Huh? How can it be possible ? In the movies they drink and get the courage. In real life I drink and shrink and hide away. Not only does it damage my brain but it kills my spirit. I’m really starting to like this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


That’s sounds like a really tough day mate no wonder you feel so sad…. Maybe your supposed to rest and recuperate for a while . things happen for a reason in our sobriety and your doing great in yours 2years is amazing :blush:you stopped yourself yesterday and you can do it again today​:pray:t2: please don’t think all is lost people have got you on here keep talking to us and keep it in the moment try and think only positive thoughts right now please be kind to yourself xx


Yes you will. Talk to friends and to us. You’ll make it :heart:


we got you love! Remember we are right in your pocket whenever you may need us :hugs: You got this tho – i know you have come a long way in your recovery and are a whole new Marie now :heart:


Thank you!! I feel pretty confident but a little bit worried that everyone will drink at lunch. There may be some (probably not much) of that so I don’t wanna get cocky. Just in case. Means a lot to know you’re with me :heart:. And thank you Jasmine for the kind words!


Day 904
Feeling pretty restless tonight. A bit irritable. Just mentally and emotionally not at my best. I think a good sleep finally will help. Have 3 hours until i can sleep. Am going to attempt to get up for the gym in the morning also. I think that would really help. Have a good night everyone :butterfly:


Checking in 1 Month 11 days sober :heavy_check_mark: Today we started dogsitting/house sitting for a family while they are on vacation. The last time we were in this house was when I experienced the worst withdrawals of my life. It was in this house that I downloaded this app in the middle of the night. I found this community and I made the decision to finally check myself into rehab first thing the next morning. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little nervous to come back here. I was afraid about experiencing PTSD symptoms and remembering how awful and scary things were then. But today we came back. We settled in. We cooked a nice healthy dinner and I made myself a mocktail. I’m doing okay and I’m proud of myself for being here sober this time.


Thank you! It feels good!


124 days sober
Am checking in early today. I just woke up and really feel awful. I had bad dreams during the night and didn’t get a lot of sleep. Hoping to have an easy morning and get my anxiety down. I think I slept walked in the night? I woke up in a different place and felt so disoriented. That hasn’t happened in a long time.


Day 43 - home from a lovely weekend with friends at a cottage. We all ran the Spartan race and then enjoyed some time on the lake. Feeling pretty calm this evening.

Recently bowed out of an upcoming bachelor party this winter because, if I’m being honest with myself, it would be a recipe for disaster in terms of my recovery.

Not sure what to think in terms of my recovery long term but all I know is today I am sober and that makes me happy :slight_smile:

Hope you are all well and able to give yourself a big hug! You deserve it


Day 1024 AF

Sup, gang.

I’ve been busy with the fam and the kiddos. Did some school shopping over the weekend and went to the beach. My little man starts kindergarten next week, and my eldest will be in 6th grade. Time’s flyin.

Haven’t really craved booze. Those days are behind me. Can’t let my guard down, though.

Finished rewatching AHS Murder House. I really enjoyed it. On to Asylum.

It’s back to the grind tomorrow. I hope everyone’s doing well. Stay safe. Stay sober. Take care.

ODAAT. Luv ya :heart:



I’m back to (experience) work this morning. Slept awful with the Olympics, mosquitos, back pains and some intrusive thoughts keeping me awake. Feeling OK now. And will see how it goes with my energy level today. I’m sober and clean. Can’t imagine how I’d feel if I drank last night. Never again.

It’s all just small fry. My life is going pretty well at the moment. Busy on the social front, liking the Dharma Recovery meetings I recently started attending. There’s some stuff moving in my world and life. Which is exciting and scary at the same time. Let’s keep going friends. Have as good a day as you can all. Clean and sober. Love.

@Refreshedperspective Today we will stay sober. We’ll probably repeat that tomorrow but we’ll see that when it comes. You’re doing great friend.
@Laner We’re in this together. Thanks for checking in.
@SadMemeQueen I’m sorry Megan. I’m glad you got a friend to talk to. You’re not alone.
@Scorpn Congrats wit the new job!
@NickiMarz Welcome to the thread Nicole. I’m glad you joined us. Life’s not easy but drinking just makes everything so much worse. Sober at least we can work on our problems. Big hugs.


@TrustyBird I’m in the same place with caffeine. When I quit drinking, I cut way back bc it made me anxious. Some days I didn’t need it at all. With working more recently, I need more to make it thru the day and sometimes drink it too late. Now I’m back to the point where if I skip a day I end up with a headache :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Tricky SOB.
@Wakikki Do you have any issues with drinking? Alot of our hydration comes from our food, so please be sure you’re drinking enough water. Also, it’s very easy to drink calories(I see @JazzyS suggested this as well :wink:). I have to at work bc I don’t have time to stop and eat. I always take a protein shake, smoothie, and vitamin water(roughly 600 calories together) to keep me sustained.
@Scorpn Yay for getting the job! I hope it’s a good fit :pray: And oh do I know what you mean! Your job sounds alot like mine has since we got a new control freak manager. She came in with so many new rules, saying they were ‘per the GM’, and constantly threatening write-ups(which were basically nonexistent before). The GM’s run the place for 25 years, if he wanted it that way, that’s the way it’d be.
@Lighter Love that new confidence! I was the same way. Opened me up too much around other drunks, but when I was secretly drinking in public, I’d shrink away to avoid people knowing. I will say this again tho, I do feel I owe it to my alcoholism for giving me this IDGAF attitude now. It’s impossible to embarrass myself worse than I’ve already done, and I’m grateful for that :pray: Have fun with the girls! :grin:


Slept like a rock on Saturday, but yet again, last night I couldn’t fall asleep. I’m struggling with shutting my brain off all of a sudden. My only suspicion is that it’s due to my entire body being chronically tense from work and it’s not allowing me to relax completely :thinking: Idk. Even still, I wasn’t overly tired today. Went to work at 4 for a tournament and they blew the horn bc of a storm around 5, so they had to come in early. That was nice bc we were done by 7:30! Was able to tidy up a bit before my daughter went to bed :relieved: I’m already feeling tired, so :crossed_fingers: I get some sleep. Have a great 24 everyone!


Checking in on day 46💪🏻

The weekend was super hectic I got a bunch of stuff done around the house so that was a plus. I had therapy this afternoon it went much better than I was expecting. My knees have been so sore the last two weeks I switched work boots and that seemed to help.
Our little guy is getting so big it’s crazy.

Have a goodnight everyone


I am glad to share with you that I have been a hundred weeks sober. Life has changed a lot, of course. But there is still a new challenges to face.
Being sober does not mean we do not have problems, but at least, alcohol is not one of them.

I continue trying to do my best only for today; just 24 hours. One day at a time.

Kind regards.


@Lighter I’m glad you’re seeing improvements :raised_hands:t2: enjoy the social :blush:
@Chevy55 congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Ncgolfer congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@NickiMarz welcome :blush: sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Scorpn congrats on getting the new job :clap:t2: :tada:
@Laner @Mno sorry about the rough nights :people_hugging: I hope your days gets better :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@EFountains congrats on :100: weeks :tada:

1456 days no alcohol.
921 days no cocaine.
436 days no vape.
9 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I gave myself a rest day after my appointments yesterday morning. I didn’t have the energy to do any cleaning jobs, but I caught-up here, read a chapter of my book, did my meditations, then fell asleep early with a podcast on, it was still playing when Wolfie woke me up for their breakfast at 1:30am. I got back to sleep around 3am, then he woke me up again at 5am demanding that I hand-feed him his grass, not a chance else he’ll expect it daily!

Today I definitely need to do a lot of cleaning, I’ve written a list and broken it down into all the jobs I need to do. I slept okay, it’s not too hot right now., so I better get cracking!



Day 983

Feeling good, been extremely busy with work so haven’t even logged in here for the best part of a month.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Had a dream that I was drinking last night and having a good time, I don’t even recall the last time I thought about having a drink consciously or subconsciously.

One great thing about my Asperger’s I can just shut things off and hyperfocus on something else so I don’t dwell on many things.

Anyway, not gonna bore you all with a long post, have a happy, healthy, strong and sober day!
