Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I’m glad you’re here friend. We need each other. I’m 100% sure I can’t do it alone. Hugs.


Day 29. Morning was rough, I had nightmares so I woke up feeling like crap. But I went for a walk and that lifted my mood. I’ve been sleeping a lot, like last night I had 10hrs sleep and I also took a nap in the afternoon. After nap I went for 2hrs walk/run and now I feel balanced, pretty good. I’m gonna make some coffee and read a book for the rest of the evening. No cravings except I WANT potato chips, but because I wanna lose weight, I can’t eat chips. Dammit.



Not that I want to compete with you @JasonFisher but I catch a big and rare one today :wink:


Thanks for the advice. I am feeling worried about taking something because of my location and the complications that come along with it. I have limited access, no real doctor around so would have to fly to Turkey for these types of medicine and buy in stock like I said or to see a doctor. And that seems like too much for me when I don’t know if the medicine would even help or not. I think I don’t need it if I am able to manage/cope on my own.
Also cool job you have!


Second check in.
Husband update.
He won’t be coming home today, there’s was something “not right” on the last x-ray, so he’s staying at the hospital for now.

I don’t know what it is, all I know for now is that they are going to do another x-ray to check whatever it was. And that I will get more information tomorrow morning.

Until then I’m trying to make the boys think about something else. They don’t half of what I know yet, and I’ll keep it that way for now.

We’ve spent the day trying to make glutenfree pop tarts (Wasn’t successful as pop tarts but we’ve found the perfect way to make a McDonald’s copy cat apple pie)

And tonight we’re trying to make gluten and dairy free S’mores cookies.

That’s all Folks.
Wishing y’all an Amazing day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Checking in on Tuesday morning. Parents are visiting for the week. Mostly smooth but conversations that veer into politics can be dicey, as we definitely do not see eye to eye in that domain. I’m not a fan of conflict and so that always shakes me up a bit. I’m going to stay sober, though. That’s the most important thing. Off to the dentist now. Wishing everyone peace and serenity :blue_heart:


Day 1.

Yesterday was embarrassing. Had a drink in the morning . . . stupid. I know that the first drink is my “gateway” to just . . . not stopping. Wife got home in the evening and could tell. Yikes. Time for a break from drinking.



Good night :crescent_moon:


Day 161

Just finished AA Meeting and on my way to sponsor meeting. Made breakfast for hubby and as I was leaving to go to meeting hubby told me he was proud of me and how I am continuing my AA and healthy routine. I am proud of myself but to receive a supportive comment from someone so close to me is HUGE!

We had a newcomer in meeting today. I felt the hope they feel what it is like living sober.

Have a great day my sober friends!


Checking in day 218 AF :blush:


The connection thing is very true, the moment I disconnect, I enter the “fuck it” mode. Sending you a big hug! :hugs:


Checking in on day 14
I don’t really have much to say, I went back to work today. Tomorrow I have my annual medical check up at work. Blood analysis at 7:00 am! :exploding_head::yawning_face:


Day 1326,

Checking in, the way I take things negatively is challenging me. At least I’m aware of it now and know we’re it comes from. Just keep on moving ODAAT. Without moving I would not experience those thoughts, but we’re would the growth be then….???

Have a good sober 24 :pray:


Checking in on day 42. I just got home from rehab. I saw a new provider today because my usual doctor was on vacation. She initially seemed very kind and made comments about how proud she was of my progress so far. I’ve now had 6 weeks straight of clean urine analysis and can start spacing out my appointments to every other week! However, before I left she made a passive aggressive comment that didn’t sit well with me. She said something along the lines of “42 days is nothing!” I beg to differ. I worked really hard to get to 42 days clean. As someone who drank pretty much every day for 7 years, I think 42 days is huge. Especially for my first attempt at getting sober. I kinda wish she had just kept that comment to herself. I know she probably meant well and was reminding me to stay vigilant but she could have worded it differently. I’m taking it one day at a time! No need to downplay the days I’ve stacked up so far.


Two weeks @JazzyS I hope you can rest well after a busy day


I don’t post often but I am here daily. Yesterday, I celebrated my 60th birthday and I was sober. I am certain it was the first birthday I have had without alcohol for over 40 years. I am proud and moved onto today which is going well too. Looking forward to a good sleep and onto day 7 (again :frowning: ). Stay strong everyone.


:partying_face: :birthday:


Day 905
Today was nice. I was able to get a good sleep in last night. Woke up still a bit tired tho but after breakfast my son and I went to Walmart and got him a couple toys and some new school clothes for the fall. I love clothes shopping :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Treated myself to a donair sandwich for lunch which was nice. Felt good today. Just waiting on supper now and then will give my son a bath and play a game of Trouble with him before bed. Thats about it! Didnt really have any thoughts of using today, which was nice. Hope everyone is doing well :butterfly:


Happy brithday to you!!! Congratulations on it being a sober one :smiley:


Wow ya that comment wasnt necessary. She obviously doesnt know truly how hard it is to get even 1 or 2 days in, never mind 42 days! Thats a big deal! Hope u get to see ur usual doctor next time.