Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Evening everyone!! :smiling_face:

Checking in today with 1yr 4m 9d clean & sober
4m 9d cigarette free

Have a blessed one y’all!!! :pray::raised_hands:t3:


Day 158

All good with the lunch. Glad I went. It’s super hot and I’m waiting for dark. Ready for sleep :crescent_moon:

Good night

Oh crap, the cat has a vet appointment early. Poor thing♥️




@laner Oh that is goo d to know (that you can email your counselor if you need to) – I do hope your day got better and you were able to work through the anxiety. Sweeter dreams for tonight friend :hugs:
@conor80 Oh wow that sounds amazing. Glad you had such a great trip friend. Good to have you back with us. A holiday where you don’t see drinking as the way to celebrate is awesome!
@stand_like_an_oak YEAH 70 days and kicking ass Tammy! Keep it going strong :muscle:

:laughing: You making me laugh… hope it was a catch and release :rofl:
@mrsodh Sorry the x-ray isn’t looking right – I am glad that he is staying at the hospital where they can keep an eye on him and I do hope they are able to heal him. :pray: Sounds like you had fun with the boys and a yummy way to keep distracted. :yum:
@icebear Hope you have a good conflict free visit with the parents. Definitely no drinking as it will not help anything. We will be here if you need us :hugs:
@bobtheturnip welcome back Bob… good job on day 1 — that stupid gateway drink is so dangerous. Glad you saw it for what it was and are here back on track :muscle:


@jesile 2 weeks is awesome work girl! :tada: :tada: Good luck with the medical check up tomorrow.
@justKaitlin First of all i was about to say Damn girl – congrats on 6 weeks of clean urine analysis. :clap: Glad you are able to start spacing out the appointments – a true sign of progress. That comment was so uncalled for and wrong. I am shocked someone in that position would be so careless with her words. Do know that 42 days is a HUGE deal! We are all so very proud of you and how far you’ve come and each day sober is a day to be celebrated. Keep working it and please do not let her shitty comment ruin your evening.
@rookie Way to go with your 1 week of sobriety – nothing to apologize for – you are here and working on your sober journey. 7 days is amazing work. Happy belated 60th. So happy that you were able to celebrate it sober… a new tradition has been formed :birthday: :partying_face: :balloon: Keep up the amazing work.
@Bomdhil Way to go friend – so excited to see this! Keep up the fantastic work Thomas – it only gets better :wink:
@lighter So glad the lunch went well and you enjoyed going! Sweet dreams friend :sleeping:

Checking in Tuesday night
594 days free of alcohol and weed
1009 days free of cigarettes
It has been a day. We did finally get the storms which were on / off most of the day. This allowed me to sleep in a bit, have coffee with mom, get a lot of little tasks done, do some work for the restaurant.
The rain stopped around 4 pm and i decided to do my walk then as it was not too sunny or hot. This led to me to doing more workouts which was nice but I am so worn out and my chronic pains are screaming at me. Glad I will be asleep soon.
I did end the evening with finally ordering pizza (been telling myself i will for almost a week now LOL) and then my brother surprised me with a nice horror movie… It was a surprise as he said the other day that i was not allowed to be halloweeny in August :laughing:
Well - i am going to get my night routine started… sweet dreams my freinds.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in day 416 AF
Picture if the monsoon rolling in this evening. Looks ominous. Feeling pretty good, My back is still a bit sore. I’m off work now for the next seven days. Thank goodness. Looking forward to the time off and organizing the new home. I love it here so far.



Slept better this night. It’s supposed to cool of a bit too, with a chance of :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: . I’ll bring my raincoat to work. I’m feeling pretty good. Let’s make today as good a day as wel all can friends. Sober and clean to begin with or nothing will come of it. Love from my friend Karin’s garden where I had a lovely meal yesterday.


I was told something similar thing once at the medical check up at work (2 years ago). I told them I no longer drink and smoke, it had been 4 weeks at the time. Her reply was “until it’s not been a year, it doesn’t really count”. I felt really bad, but 2 years later, and still struggling, I guess somehow she had a point.
But don’t get me wrong, you’re doing great, and you should very proud of yourself! :muscle:t2:


Checking in on day 47

Today started out as a good day but kinda fell off in the afternoon but the evening has been great, work has been stressful so that hasn’t changed :roll_eyes:. my father in-law quit drinking as well so I’ve been trying to help him stay sober it’s been going good for both of us. Now i just have to try to stop vaping.

I hope everyone has a safe and sober Wednesday


@justKaitlin First of all, I think you’re doing amazing at 42 days :clap: and you have every right to be proud of that. Maybe that woman has never been thru this struggle herself and doesn’t understand how hard just one day can be, or maybe she has :woman_shrugging: Either way, I bet she was just making sure that fire in you keeps burning with the same intensity. It’s moments of complacency that get the jump on you, which can hit out of the blue no matter the days you’ve stacked up. Don’t let your guard down :muscle:


It’s been so rainy these past few days. The humidity has finally passed by and there’s a crispness to the air. I hope that helps me sleep bc I LAYED IN BED, WIDE AWAKE, UNTIL 4AM AGAIN!!! :tired_face: My day was good anyways. My boss hasn’t been at work the past couple days, which makes for a completely different vibe. No tension in the air. Easier to breathe. I wonder if she’ll be there for my lunch shift tomorrow :thinking: (:crossed_fingers:she’s not). Not too worried about it either way. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday :purple_heart:


No desire to slip and my system is holding firm and I’m good in that department. My anxiety is up a little this morning. I know I’ll be fine but work will be a struggle today. It’s been tame for the last while but out of nowhere it just popped up.
I’ll handle the day. I’m fresh & not rotting after a BH weekend bender and I have a run planned for this evening so I’ll handle whatever comes my way.


190 days AF

Need to be kind to myself.
(negative thoughts)

Hard to sumarise.

Love you guys :heart:


*Day 2149 :walking_woman:
Quick check in. Doing good.
Work at another store again today, not my hobby :blush:
Tonight at 18.30 it’s behind me untill next week. I’ll live.
Making progress at the crossfit and so increasing my training to 3 times a week :weight_lifting_man:

Picture made during my long walk last sunday.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@DanaM56 ooh h that does look ominous…so very Cool! Enjoy your time off…try to find time to do something relaxing and just for you :smiling_face:
@Dustysprungfield sorry to hear about your anxiety friend. Love your mentality. Keep showing up for yourself :people_hugging:. Hope the run helps
@Juli1 big hugs friend :people_hugging::people_hugging:. I’m sorry you are feeling this way. Sending punches and kicks to those negative thoughts…no room here! 190 days!!! Girl you are fabulous… I do hope you are able to turn the day around and have a wonderful one
@SoberWalker that’s badass…love that you are making progress and increasing days with CrossFit. :muscle:t4:. What an adorable picture :star_struck:. Thanks for capturing and sharing

Another quick check in…i did get some sound 2 hours or so but now wide awake and not feeling well…lol… .
It feels like the shitty feeling after drinking all night and then not sleeping…even have the spins. So weird and unwelcome :joy:… A great reminder of what I’m not missing so that’s a plus.

hope to find a way to get back to sleep
Much love everyone :people_hugging::heart:


249 days
Days off at the moment.
Gym in the morning, picked up a few things for the kids. Cook dinner, back to the gym for the kids.
Don’t know how many times I’ve checked in with that similar day, always just the same old same old. Like groundhog day haha.
Anyways it was still a good day


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 161.

No real news from the hospital.
New x-ray has been done, we’re waiting for results.
They had the alarm go twice on him tonight because of two short heart stops. He has angina pectoris before so it’s not that strange.

Today they’re going to call our local doctors office to get his medication changed, and remove the ones that makes the risk of stroke bigger. If that’s possible. They will also have a discussion on how to monitor him when he finally gets home.
New information will come in the afternoon I think it’ll be around 15.00 when he doctor have finished the round.

This morning I got to know that the doctor is alone with 52 patients and every room, even those who aren’t supposed to be have two or more patients laying there.

Husband still wants home, and we want him back if course, but for now I’m happy that he is at the hospital. Wouldn’t want the responsibility for his care when there’s a high risk still.

Feels like I’m doing last year’s August all over again. And oddly enough tye only person who’s been a real friend through all this is Engjy Benjy. He’s been visiting the hospital every day (he lives close, we don’t) checking in on my husband and us. Not even my family does that.

I might need to re consider my thoughts about that guy.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.

And once again Thank you for all your thoughts,prayers and messages. It means a lot.




This is crazy! Hope they are able to give your husband the attention he needs.

It’s during these times we realize who are friends really are. I’m just grateful that someone is able to be there for him (so you aren’t carrying that all by yourself) and for you all
Hopefully some good news coming your way this afternoon :pray:t4::people_hugging:


The swim made it until here :swimming_woman:t3::sparkles:
Noon soon, lunch time.
Fuel. For this strong body.
Hope you will have a good one too JassyJas :heart:


I love it! A good swim for the win :blush:… I am going to get myself to the pool this morning too to help wake up :rofl:

Enjoy your fueling lunch my friend…much love Jules :kissing_heart::heart: