Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in on the milestone of 1 month, yay! This day has been pretty good despite of some stressful shit I have in my life. But I try to stay positive and trust on the universe; everything’s gonna be allrite in the end. I decided to quit drinking coffee because I’m addicted to it and I don’t need any addictions in my life, I don’t feel good when I need to drink coffee because my body and brains needs it. I’m better without it. I took a morning walk and later day a longish run/walk. Life feels pretty good despite of the stress. I hope ya’ll have a great day/evening/night!


125 days sober
Today was better. I still had anxiety but it was pretty low. In the afternoon I went to the orphanage again to see the kids. We played football which I’m terrible at but it’s fun kicking the ball around with them. I’m arranging to bring the kids on a picnic next week. I just need to find transport for everyone. I felt good again when I left. I did a lot of work after and then brought food and buckets of water to my neighbors. I only stayed for a quick tea together but was good to check in with them. Am hoping for a good sleep tonight.


Let me be the first to say 42 days is HUGE! One day at a time as you well know, but enjoy and lean into the amazing things you’ve done over the last 6 weeks.

Proud of you


Day 45 - Enjoy a beautiful lunch hour outside at work today, paired with a croissant and a lemonade (would have usually been a sneaky pint)

Dealing with some stress of not knowing if my recent car collision will turn into my car being written off, or what, but like my recovery I am taking it one day at a time and trying to enjoy the little victories.

Much love, breath in gratitude breath out the stuff that is not serving you!


Day 906
Morning friends! Its been a busy morning so far. LOTS of tidying up to be done. Really wanted to do a deep cleaning today of the apartment, so im currently working on that. Juat stopped to a take a break and sip on some coffee while checking TS.
Today is going well. Im feeling alright. No urges to use :slight_smile: Not much else going on at the moment. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Congratulations on 1 month of sobriety! Proud of u!


Congratulations on 4 months of freedom! :sparkles:


Thank you so much!


Husband update.
Don’t know much more than before, he’s staying at the hospital.
All they said this afternoon was that there’s no huge risk for a big stroke anymore.

So that’s good.
What’s not good is that the doctor from the hospital has requested all the doctors notes, and all the X-rays even the new ones that we haven’t got any information about yet.
And she said that there’s something that’s not looking good on the new X-ray.

I don’t know what, she didn’t say.
Hopefully I’ll get more information tomorrow, and hopefully he’ll be back home tomorrow.

Once again thank you for your support :heart:


Ugh, that’s rough being told there is something concerning but no details! We’re with you- hope you hear more soon :people_hugging:


Thinking of you and yours friend. Sending many positive vibes. :people_hugging: :heart:


@vanessa8 WOOT WOOT 4 month is outstanding! :tada: :tada: Hope you are able to practice some self care during this high stress time :pray:
@MrMoustache Nicely done with your 1 month with all that you have come through try to keep that in mind when the urges hit as its easy to forget the original struggle. Keep stacking up the days my friend – you are crushing it! :muscle: Sending you strength and energy as you attack your coffee addiction
@mrsodh Grateful that he is out of the woods with any big stroke risks. I do hope that whatever is not looking right on the x-rays is nothing to worry about and can be easily tended to :pray: Continuing to send healing energy your way. :hugs:


Hey everyone. Update on life: I’m doing great! Super grateful for my peer support staff. They brought us to a food pantry and I picked out so many veggies and food! Yay! I’m seeing my chiropractor and I’m FINALLY getting help for my pain. Been visiting my sister and friends all week can’t wait to see more of them. I’m just excited bc last week I was battling severe urges to sh and this week has been so much better. Staying safe and sober!


Thank you so much, my friend! The battle against coffee is real, I just drank my last cup of coffee and I don’t have anymore coffee left at home. I’m not taking my coffee addiction too seriously, just trying to quit it because it messes my head. I think I’m over sensitive to caffeine. But let’s see. :blush:


I had to give up coffee and it wasn’t easy. Just remember anything that we give up is harder at the beginning…it gets easier as our bodies adjust.

I did drink a dandelion chicory root alternative that was actually better than I had expected. Maybe give that a try?

Best of luck my friend :muscle:t4:


Thinking of you and your hubby Sophia :pray:


I gave up coffee a few weeks ago because I couldn’t sleep properly.

I drink chai and green tea Instead, works like a charm.
First week was a little tricky but totally worth it.
I do plan to drink decaf for my fall pumpkin spiced latte later this year, because I refuse to go without that one. :joy:


Thank you @JazzyS for your supportive words and a tip. I gotta test that, my friend!

Thank you @MrsOdh for your words. I should try teas, thank you! And haha, I understand the decaf latte, my friend! :joy:


Congratulations on. 4 months!


Checking in sober. I was horribly sick for 2 weeks with Covid or the flu. I’m still exhausted. And now overwhelmed and depressed. It feels like everything in life is awful and a struggle. I know that’s the depression talking and there are positives. I just hate everything right now. Want to go to bed early but last night I had horrible nightmares and I’m worried tonight will be more of the same.

At least the meme thread made my smile a bit.