Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Thanks @JazzyS ! You’re such a great cheerleader for us all. :yellow_heart:


Went to see my chiropractor. He realigned my entire back, top and bottom as I had spams all throughout. When he did the top of my back I nearly stopped breathing. He said I was long overdue for an adjustment. Ive been icing and drinking lots of water. I was in a lot of pain but now its only painful when sitting up from sitting and laying position. I hope these appointments help in the long run. I’m going back next week.


@MrsOdh Sending positive energy to you and your husband :heartpulse::people_hugging: how are you doing?

@JazzyS How did the crayfish get in the pool? :hushed: I would have panicked for sure! :sweat_smile: I remember the first time I saw one I screamed and ran away :joy: and then my (at the time) boyfriend went into the yard and grabbed a bunch and brought them in! :scream: He put them in fish tanks and then there were babies and soon too many :joy:

@Jules000 I’m glad you’re feeling better :heart::people_hugging: I love that you were able to pick out what you wanted at the pantry! That’s awesome!

@MrMoustache congratulations on 1 month! :clap:t3::partying_face:

@Vanessa8 congratulations on 4 months! :clap:t3::partying_face:

@CATMANCAM I’m glad you were able to get past the mental block and also congratulations on double digits :partying_face::clap:t3: I also find that it’s easier to keep going, than to start going when i have a task to do. Not sure how to make it easier… But I’m proud of you for pushing through :people_hugging::heart:

Day 668

My store manager and my district manager both called me today (my only day off) and I let their calls go to voicemail. My store manager texted me asking me to come cover a shift and I told her I wasn’t available.
These are things I never would have or really could have done in the past. I have been trying to stand up for myself more, and this was something that made me proud of all the hard work I’ve put in.

I also took my son to an early birthday lunch,
Took one of the other kids to the same restaurant and had her sit at a different table with her date (first ever real date! Aww) and then we all went to the mall and walked around. I got my son a few things, and we came home.

Then I cleaned and decluttered the bathroom. Got a new shower curtain, scrubbed the floors, tried to fix my sink (again :face_exhaling:) but it still leaks… And put up a new towel rack.

Then dinner for the kids, miscellaneous cleaning around the house, dishes/trash/regular things.

Now I’m trying to get my little one to sleep so I can clean some more. And then rest.
I don’t have to be at work until 10am tomorrow! So much better than 4am!
Still waiting on my schedule at the new place. She did say to give it until Friday before checking in…but I am not sure i have the job until I have a paper in my hand saying I have it. So I’m a little stressed about that.
I picked up an application at a store/market/deli that’s closer to my house and will be bringing it there in the next few days (maybe tomorrow morning before work)

One more day at a time.



Just checking in :relieved:


Checking day 417
Back is wrecked and I’ve got a sofa coming tomorrow. Hoping I feel better.



A day of nursing ahead, before my three day weekend is here. Don’t feel particularly rested this morning and wouldn’t mind sleeping some more. But alas. Can’t have it all my own way. One thing I do control is my sobriety. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. I will. Love from the river yesterday. What a glorious afternoon that was.

@Scorpn Proud of you for not picking up that phone or reacting to the message. Sounds as if you had enough to do as it was.
@KarenKW Glad to see you and gladder to see you sober Karen. Hang in there. Hugs.
@Vanessa8 Congrats on 4 months Vanessa!
@DanaM56 Sorry for your back Dana. Hope it heals quick.


Checking in sober on a rainy Wednesday night. Had a busy day taking the kids shopping for shoes as school starts for them in a few weeks. Wishing you serenity today and peace. :blue_heart:


Check-in Day 8.

I started my day by visiting a nearby temple. I have some plans for this month as I’m a computer programmer. I want to develop a mobile application for blood donation. My aim is to gain skills and sponsor this app to some charity associations.

However, I’ve been feeling really lazy these days. Before I started drinking heavily, I used to enjoy gaining new skills in my field. Now, as a heavy drinker, I find it difficult to enjoy my work. How can I get my brain back on track like it was in the beginning?


Checking in

I hope everyone had a safe and sober Wednesday
And has an amazing Thursday morning :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope all of you know that your doing a great job :heart:


I will keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome of that result Sophia :crossed_fingers:
I understand that it worries you, I would have too.
But it’s a good thing they check everything out so he can go home safely.


Step by step Sarath! Do not rush to hard, it will come back! There is a saying in my "country: “hardlopers zijn doodlopers” It means if you walk too hard you are going to die. It stands for if you go to fast, you’ll fail!
Focus on today, you know what we all say here: one step at a time. Today!
Your progress will be small most of the time, but progress it will be! After a few months of sober time you will see it in the mirror and you will feel it too! But not today.
Your energy will come back if the lack of it was because of your drinking.
But give it time. Your body and mind are still healing and trying to find a new balance without alcohol. That makes you tired too, mentally as well as physicaly. So give your body and mind rest when you can.
Congratulations with your day 8 :facepunch:


Thanks & nice to have you here @JazzyS :heart: You’ve always been there for me (& so many others) & I genuinely appreciate that! You’re one of those unconditional friends & put a smile on my face so many times just by being there during my ups and downs, no matter how much time passed… :hugs:

I’ve been struggling these past couple of months, I won’t lie. I gave my all and got so far, and still failed, and that kinda broke me… I wish I could say I’ve found the answer and am right back on track stronger than ever - but despite currently being sober, I feel like I’ve lost faith in myself - perhaps worse than the addictions themselves. On the bright side, through a lot of intermittent researching and self-analysis I feel like I’ve come further than ever in understanding myself, my problems, causes, solutions and what’s important in life. Maybe I just need a little more time, sober, to clear my head and channel my energy into just taking initiative, one small step at a time towards who and where I already know I want to be… One small step for the present, one giant leap for the future :grin:

Anyways, thanks again, time for a cold shower and healthy brunch for a start. My goal for today is to simply stay as mindful as I can… :seedling::sunflower:

Crazy story about finding shrimps in the pool btw! Pretty sure they didn’t belong there… :face_with_raised_eyebrow::sweat_smile: As for the trouble sleeping, me too actually, have you tried listening to some sort of sleep meditation or interesting videos that I find can have an asmr effect? I hope your pain gets better, and wish and send you the same :heart:


Morning check-in
Yesterday instead of checking in in the evening, I met a friend of mine. We went for a drink, and finally I decided to have a glass of wine, which finally turned into three glasses (…of course! I should know myself by now)
I’ve already reset my counter, I just threw away 2 weeks of sobriety! :roll_eyes: Angry at myself and disappointed! I’m off to work now, I’ll check in again tonight!


Day 411. My managers job is out for ad soon. It pays alot better than mine but I don’t think I want more stress. I just hope they recruit someone good to the post. Let’s see

I want to be supportive of the changes etc as. That’s more useful than being disgruntled


Day 52 sober…

Morning everyone checking in hope your all safe and sound :+1::blush:




1000s & 1000s of sober days we all have combined, we’re not just making a better life for us we’re making life better for everyone in our lives.

  1. All ok, rested. Tried a different breathwork last night live with a practitioner. It was set to Electronic music and pitched at five rounds (with retentions) at a 4:4 pace, rather than my usual quicker pace at just 3 rounds with retentions. It finished at 9.30pm so made me super relaxed and sleepy. The power of the breath is amazing and I’ve found that it’s made my diaphragm breathing much deeper and easier after my 4 months of practice weekly. I’m certain this is making my cardio work easier also. I love it. I recommend it to anyone who can (check health exclusions like heart conditions, asthma or COPD) to try conscious connected breathing (Holotropic) to try a breathwork! IT’S PRETTY MAGIC.

Woke up to a notification that I’m 10 days deep…that time went fast. So fast! I’ve been keeping to myself mostly so things have been quite settled which is nice.


250 days

Same again. Boxing in the morning then kids sport in the afternoon.
@CATMANCAM @JazzyS I have nothing against living the repetitiveness haha just always seems like I’m writing the same thing here.
I think whats adding to the repetitiveness of the days is we’re just through the middle of winter here so not much else going on but work and kids school/activities.