Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

260 sugar
124 UPF
131 gluten
30 dairy
0 overeating

On vacation.

It’s a marvelous summer day. I already slept unusually long. My plans today are more short hikes.
There is a little chapel situated at a spring a bit higher up in the mountain range here. I used to walk there as a kid and the whole area is popular as a filming location for it’s unusual rock formations.

Let’s keep our hearts open friends: in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: ODAAT


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 162

Husband is back home you guys, he’s back home :smiling_face:

Faith in god restored…well not really, I’d say that our relationship is complicated. Anyway I’m grateful to the entire universe today.
I’m grateful for each and everyone of you who’ve kept us in your thoughts and prayers during all this. And I’m grateful that he’s back home.

They’ve changed his medication and removed the one that increases the risk of stroke. They’ve giving him new meds for his heart. And they’ve checked every x-ray they could get their hand on.

The “It doesn’t look good” from yesterday still doesn’t look good, but it’s nothing lethal.
He got some kind of bone cysts in his spine. Which is causing major pain and other problems. Not cancer, nothing bad. Doctor said that it’s something you’re most likely born with, but it doesn’t cause problems until around middle age. It usually doesn’t even get discovered until something makes it cause trouble, like a traffic accident.

They can remove them with surgery but they rather don’t, especially not when it’s like this, since the surgery isn’t a guarantee that it gets better and therefore an unnecessary risk.

He will still have some problems with his speech from the TIA attack, and he still has problems with moving his right side. Doctor said that the speech will get back to normal eventually,the right side probably won’t because the cysts is also affecting some nerves.
Moat possible he won’t ever be able to work again, and the authorities should consider that immediately.

The doctor at the hospital also said that we’re free to change doctor and doctors office and if the current doctor doesn’t do something about it, like collaborate with the authorities and get him on government support we should most definitely change. She also said that a skilled doctor should’ve seen this years ago when it first appeard and never put him on those meds from the beginning.

It feels good to know all that. And even better to have him back home.

Gray and rainy day today, but It’s still pretty warm +15 degrees. Engjy Benjy was here with some base material to our porch, and it looks like we’ll be able to build it this fall.
I took a nice walk this morning and I can’t stop smiling.

It’s a wonderful day Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
That’s all Wishing y’all the best.


Day 178
Just living my best life. It has been many years since I have felt this good and so alive. My new-found passion to live a healthier lifestyle and be committed to regular workouts/training is so enjoyable. After setting a new PB at gym last night, I was driving home tooting my horn and letting go a few Ric Flair Woooooos out the window.
So proud of myself.


Day 2330. Getting ready to go camping for a few days.

Stay sober friends!


@Thirdmonkey enjoy camping :camping: :blush:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: but omg I’d be terrified too if I encountered those creatures in a pool! I’m glad you eventually were able to get help, hopefully they are recovering somewhere suitable for them now :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@Vanessa8 sorry about the dream and the school stress, I hope they settle in with time :crossed_fingers:t2:but congrats on 4 months :tada:
@MrMoustache congrats on your month :tada: and good luck with the coffee quit too :crossed_fingers:t2:
@KarenKW feel better soon, sending strength 🩵
@Scorpn thank you :blush: and I’m definitely with you on that. Today, with the actual deadline right in my face, I was able to focus and actually get everything I needed to finished :raised_hands:t2: I’m proud of you for saying no to the request to cover on your only day off :clap:t2: I hope you hear something soon re your schedule at the new place :crossed_fingers:t2:and good luck with the closer to home application too :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@DanaM56 I hope your back has eased up after some rest :people_hugging:
@Jesile I’m glad you came right back here, stay connected 🩵
@Avior87 congrats on double digits :tada:
@MrFantastik congrats on 250 days :tada:


@MrsOdh so happy for this update, I’m glad you’re all back together 🩵 Hopefully the new meds will be better :crossed_fingers:t2:

1458 days no alcohol.
923 days no cocaine.
438 days no vape.
11 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Well, after I caught-up here yesterday, I was eventually able to start my cleaning jobs at 15:15hrs. I did get quite a lot done in the space of 2hrs, but I hit a wall and still had so much to do. I tried to go to bed early, but I was so anxious about today that I couldn’t sleep. I only managed to sleep from 12am-2am, then 4am-5am, and I still had a long list of jobs to do, so I was at it from 5am until 8:50am. So almost 4hrs, with short rest breaks in-between jobs, for my back. I pushed myself to my absolute limit with my back, and almost didn’t make it to my bed from the kitchen (only a few meters). But everything I usually do for inspections got done! :raised_hands:t2: If I had the energy and my back wasn’t so bad, I would also have gone around and polished all the surfaces, removed all the cobwebs, and cleaned all the windows, but I simply couldn’t. The time-frame they gave was 9:00-15:45, they arrived at 11am. My mind and body are so relieved. I always don’t know what to do with myself after I’ve been busy for a while, but I think I’ll start with some meditation, reading, then my morning routine. I have a long-overdue haircut at 16:30, looking forward to that. :grinning:



Today is 8th day. I dont know why my cravings worst in the evening, im saying myself you can have one beer but im remembering my last relapse. I still strong and came here to share


Sounds like you aren’t ready to be done yet. You knew you would drink and went anyway. Hope you find the desire to stop before the consequences pile up.


191 days AF checking in

Took mum to an eye doctor as emergency early in the morning, glad it is “just” an inflammation. Groceries, gardening, laundry, lunch… Now siesta with my little fruit ice treat and a swim later.

Did my somatic excersices everyday, they seem so soft and lazy, but the feelings of release afterwards are sooo amazing. Feeling like a feder :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Took a free credit in audible for an audiobook about positive mindset.

By the way I decided to go on eating healthy and enough to have a healthy and strong body, if it has curves anyway! Health is more important then being super skinny! :heart:

This won’t be the last time, I will have to decide it again.

Free from cravings, feeling saver but never too save.

Being proud of having boundaries and distance from dating.

Love you guys :heart:


Feelin fine :pray:


162 days no alcohol, or drugs of any sort
Complete sobriety…
It feels good to finally figure out my official sobriety date. Had to call my probation officer and ask when I got arrested because that was the last day I drank. I look back on that day and weeks leading up to my arrest often. Drinking a fifth a day, sleeping in a park, panhandling, and sadly committing crimes. But this is where my addiction takes me every time. If I drink or drug there is always serious consequences. Currently Not every day is good but I’m trying to look at the progress I have made. I’m trying to stay busy with my recovery and life. I don’t want to ever go back to my old life. I’m taking advice from people who have there life back because of recovery. I had a life before I became a alcoholic and a addict and I want to live like I did before everything happened. I know this journey is not going to be easy but neither was active addiction. For today I have the things I need and I feel a little bit of hope. I can change my thinking. I can repair my past. I can help other people not have to take it as far as I have. Very grateful for the good and the bad. In a meeting I heard a guy say in life there is lessons and blessings… maybe it’s all about choices and staying grateful. That’s all for now. I’ll check in when I can.



Hey all, checking in on day 1516. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 160

@MrsOdh that’s great news!

Good morning. Turkeys are yelping and eating grasshoppers and kee-keeing (they do this in summer), it’s already hot and I’m in warrior mode today. :laughing: Paper wasps! What will I do with them, yelping things? Can’t y’all just attack them? They’re on the patio in the overhead lights so I guess not. I’m mildly allergic so hmm. Need to rescue my plants and bring them inside anyway. I need a bee keeper hat. I get so angry with wasps. They just got here this week with the extreme heat. Maybe I’ll just relax and have some coffee with you instead. I have some green hippie pest control coming that won’t poison the wildlife. I’ll let them deal with it. They got them out of my fireplace last summer bravely and kindly. The wasps aren’t evil, they’re living things like me, right? :rage: haha

Things are going ok. Sleep is sucking last couple days. Weird cycle of 5/5 sleep/no sleep it seems. Frustrating but I know it will cycle back to sleep soon.

I did think about drinking a couple days ago. And thought it would be a terrible idea. It’s the socializing that’s a little triggering. Old stuff. I’m going to double down on my sober work. It’s been a while since I’ve had a drink and I’m starting to forget the pain. I see relapses and that reminds me. Who wants to think of pain? I do. I don’t ever want to forget. It’s normal to be tested here and there.

Lots of love. :two_hearts:


I drank so much tea in my first couple of weeks. Endless amounts of tea. I also had a bad habit of replacing my evening drinks with desserts, which led to me gaining a couple of extra kilos since quitting drinking. I’m easing off the desserts now and getting back to the tea.

Good luck and well done!


Checking in day 143.

We are on the merry-go-round of house drama. We are now re-visiting extending and renovating our house instead of knocking it down and rebuilding. It would save us so much money and allow us to keep living in the house while we make it larger and more comfortable. Plus as it is a renovation I can do alot of the work, and we can bargain hunt for material.

It is so difficult in Australia to buy or build a house.

Anyway, have a great week guys.


Day 3.

Not even feeling tempted right now. Remembering that the first drink is the easiest to say “no” to, I’m just being really careful not to have that first drink.

Hope ya’ll have a good day!


Hey fam, I haven’t felt truly happy or on track in months since relapsing, and I truly miss that feeling… For once I feel kinda good again though… I know I’m still far from who and where I want to be, but I also know I genuinely want to give my best again… What an unpredictable rollercoaster my life has been so far, but I’m ok with that, everything has it’s reasons and it can be so hard not to get lost, but as long as I keep trying, learning and growing, we’ll find our way one day and way or another :seedling::sunflower: Hope you have a good sober day or night whoever and wherever you are in the world right now :pray::muscle:


I know how you feel. Hang in there, be patient and forgive yourself.

Find your keys to staying strong, and then remember what you’re doing right. :slight_smile:


So glad your husband is home!


Checking in with 123 sober days under my belt. I’ll stay sober today too.
Reflecting on my decent into alcoholism and my progress of recovery today. In 4 years I developed a serious problem with alcohol. The addiction was so strong and the cravings unbearable.
I’m happy to have some distance between me and that vicious cycle.
There’s a lot to ponder and unravel today. Should make for an interesting day. :thinking:
I hope everyone has a good day or night.