Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Awe ur post is beautiful. Thank u for ur kind words. I absolutely agree that moms (and dads too) are extremely hard on ourselves. As parents there is so much to do.

I needed to read this today hugs
Hope ur doing well :slight_smile:


Day 908
Today was better. That prayer last night did amazing things for me :face_holding_back_tears: I made sure to pray first thing this morning also and then we went about our day. Got a few things done and did some cleaning. I made sure to slow down with everything i did so i didnt feel rushed. It helped to keep me calm and grounded. Grateful for everyone here and for my recovery :butterfly:


Checking day 419 AF

Spent the day being very lazy napping most of the morning and then spent the afternoon reading. The addict mind was telling me it would be ok to have a glass of wine while a read.

So I opted for my first AA meeting on my own. Iā€™m glad a did. Iā€™ve felt for awhile now that I need to find sober friends. Iā€™ve avoided my old friends that enjoy going out to clubs and bars. Thatā€™s just not where I want to hang out anymore. I plan on attending more.

I hope everyone is having a good night.


Day 1028 AF

Sup, gang.

Picked up a few hrs of OT. Much needed. I got the Saturday shift tomorrow, and then weā€™re going to visit my mom afterward.

Started reading This Naked Mind.

Took a break from gaming.

Gonna pass out. Have a good day/night! Peace.

ODAAT :heart:


@MrMoustache You really oughtnā€™t beat yourself up over junk food so early on. Plus, you did take those walks :wink: Cravings happen alot the first few months. I ate like a maniac(mostly bc I finally could) and was still losing weight. I drank upwards of 2,000 horribly empty calories every day for years, so I figured calories from junk food had to be better than those from alcohol :woman_shrugging: Sounds right, right? :sweat_smile:

@DanaM56 :clap: That was the perfect decision to make in that moment :+1: Good job! Glad youā€™ve added something new to your recovery.


I think I slept for 3 hours before waking up before my alarm :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I tried to nap before work, but yet again, just layed there. Work was chaotic bc my boss didnā€™t take any advice about how the night should go and continously made dumb decisions that complicated everything. Sometimes I wish I could see her do our job the same way she asks it of us. I think itā€™d open her eyes to the level of crazy itā€™s causing. Ah well, having to move so fast kept my energy up until the end of the shift, then I crashed. Feeling pretty tired, but a little hungry, so Iā€™m going to test my snack before bed idea. Weā€™ll see :eyes: Hope you all enjoy a sober Saturday :grin:


Thank you Laura. I agree. :blush:


Day 413ā€¦on call was quietā€¦ Not at work this weekend, going to work Monday but then off the rest of the week to go to London :+1:

Day 413ā€¦blessed to be sober. It still needs sometimes alot of attention, the ā€˜letā€™s have a sneaky beerā€™ pops up, so I read all the mess I caused in the past.

Oh chance of promotion at work and I think I will give it a miss. I have a good work life balance. I can afford my life, so not sure other than ego why I wouldā€¦ Iā€™m going to focus on my course, home, relationships and sobriety



Didnā€™t do EMDR in therapy after all, instead we took the time to talk about stuff the previous session brought up. And more. Itā€™s good sometimes to pause and have a look what Iā€™ve achieved (lots!), what still needs to be done (lots too), what still can be done (as not everything can be tackled or changed). Did take Luna to the vet after (and she got another compliment for how good looking she still is at 19). And watched lots of Olympic sports.

Today Iā€™m going to do some apple picking and grocery shopping at my favourite growers on the other end of town. Talk to some friends. Watch some more sports. Try do some writing (been slacking with that). Do some meditation. Sober and clean or nothing will come of any of it. My lifeā€™s not easier since I became sober, because now I have to work for it. Itā€™s endlessly better though. Active addiction isnā€™t living. This is. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love.



Good Morning :matƩ:


I just want to say I was scrolling and lurking here and I found something very interesting :slight_smile:
Check this out people:

We have a big anniversary today! Congratulations @Chance James on 40 sober years! Great work!


No way! Today Iā€™m opening a new one as well! What a coincidence :slight_smile:


262 sugar
126 UPF
0 gluten
0 dairy
2 overeating

On vacation.

Iā€™m writing this sitting on the train back to Wrocław. I am sad and content at the same time. Glad I had the opportunity to visit, to stay, to connect with people and places that knew me before I was even born.
Later Iā€™ll have to run a few errands and prep for the long trip tomorrow back to Germany.

Letā€™s keep our hearts open friends: in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: ODAAT


Well that is coincidence indeed. I just opened mine Canarias as well. I also drinked Rosamonte, Cruz De Malta in the past until I tried Uruguayan and Brasilian type of Yerbas. Those has totally different texture and taste. Became one or my favorites. Tho I still drink some Argentinian and Paraguayan time to time like Kraus, FD. Polish have good brands like Natural Vitality or try something new time to time like few days ago tried very famous Anna Park brand :+1:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 163

Nine of the boys could sleep tonight, I donā€™t know what it was but they kinda run in shifts into my room. Eventually I realized that it was the strong wind making strange sounds, that was mainly heard in their room.

So I moved both of them out to the couch, which was newly cleaned. Problem solved :smiling_face:
Didnā€™t got much sleep, but itā€™s okey.
Today weā€™re aiming for an outdoor day, going to make some preparations for the porch.

Weather was supposed to be nice, but the clouds doesnā€™t look nice just yet.

We also agreed on an new fishing trip next week of the weather allows weā€™re going back to Swedens Grand Canyon.
Looking forward some amazing fall fishing when thereā€™s not this much mosquitos and the outdoors colors are amazing.

Thatā€™s all Folks.
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 670

I donā€™t have a timer for pain pills
I havenā€™t taken them in at least 15 years even for broken bones
And they were never my ā€œdocā€
But once upon a time they were my way out and my gateway to cocaine which is my doc.

This back pain is making me feel out of control. I canā€™t get comfortable I canā€™t stand up straight, canā€™t walk more than a few very carefully placed steps, sit down, lay down without an electric shock running through my spine.
It almost feels like TN in my back :sob:

I want to stay sober. But I also want this pain to ease up someā€¦

Guess Iā€™m getting old. Thatā€™s what my coworke said anyway


Morning check-in!
As planned, I went for my 7K morning walk. Setting my alarm at 7:00, knowing I can sleep until late cause I donā€™t have to be at work until noon is somewhat annoying, but I finally did get up after 3x snoozing! :rofl:
I just took a shower and had some breakfast. I still have some time left to relax, plus my cat is in snuggling mode, on top of me with 35C!! :exploding_head:
Off to work in 45 minutes! :muscle:t2:


Iā€™m sorry to read youā€™re in so much pain, and I imagine your struggle to take pain meds in fear of leading you to other substance abuse againā€¦ I hope youā€™ll find some kind of relief soon! (Physiotherapy? - guess youā€™ve tried it allā€¦) :hugs:


252 days.
Saturday, busy day. Early kids swimming lessons, then to the gym for kids training. Afterwards we went home for lunch then I took the kids out to find some nice space for them to skate on. Theyā€™re obsessed lately with roller skating, even wearing and skating non stop in the house (benefits of wooden floors).
Work tomorrow day shift. Should be a good sunday with the crew


Nice for noticing this huge milestone
@Chance Massive congratulations to you on 40 years of sobriety :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler:


He says Im not feeling good because I eat to little. Need to eat more, its nothing wrong and in my head. I know. He say eat soups,smoothie and so on, try eat normal. Dont drop more weigth in so short time, thats also why my body respond feeling bad.

Yes Walking dead, I love it :see_no_evil: The spin offs have gotten more seasons and nothing here, whats up with that !?