Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Im on day 2 and I’ve been out with my kids all day…im tired and done and want to go home but they don’t. The demon voice keeps telling me to get some wine on the way home. I know that this is my habitual, tired voice telling me that this is the way that I unwind…because thats what ive always done. I think what i really need is reprieve, rest and to sleep well…so today i need to ignore that demon. Thanks for “listening”


Yes … ignore that demon voice and stay strong. It takes time to rewire our brains and find new ways to relax and unwind.

Glad you are here with us posting your check ins. Welcome to the community :pray:t4::hugs:


Ooo I know that feeling my child never wants to go home Their like Duracell batteries. Get your head on that pillow sober…… eventually!! Tomorrow morning you’ll be proud and Recharged :ok_hand::sleeping_bed:


Checking in on day 3
Late check-in for me tonight, I just made it home from work. Tonight I felt a slight trigger: we had a tournament with dinner afterwards. I had to be at the restaurant terrace guiding the people (170 pax) to their tables. As the crowd started gathering, they were all served (obviously mainly alcoholic) drinks, and people were smoking. I was standing there, in my uniform, smiling and thinking :thought_balloon:I wish I could leave”. Obviously I couldn’t until they were all seated, so I just had to sit with that feeling, which could be a lesson at some point.
Now I’m at home I’m ok again, watching some TV, and then I’ll be (sober) off to bed! My weekend starts here! :smile:


You will set everything to be ok. You’ll be able to handle everything coming your way. I believe in you. :muscle:


Thank you so much, my friend. Your support means a lot. Although I’m really anxious and scared at the moment, I know everything’s gonna be allright. Just gotta focus on ODAAT. Thanks again!


@MrMoustache yes sir, just one day! I run off into other days constantly :wink:


Day 18. Cravings have started but I have the day so busy that its literally impossible right now to fall. The problem will be when this rhythm decreased. I pray to God to maintain the determination of not ruining my life


The end of day 218 AF,

A zero day again that I needed (when was my last one?? I can’t recall). I know that last weekend travelling for concert was my first weekend not working in over a month, and two weeks before that I had one day off in 31 days… so this zero day was needed!

My friend asked me last weekend when we were in Toronto what was the most important tool that I think I have with staying sober, since he knows I don’t attend AA nor see a therapist or counseling. I thought about it for quite some time and while this app comes to mind the quickest and was most certainly the most important place for me in the beginning few months, I think hearing about playing the tape forward had had the biggest impact for me.

I’ve had some temptations here and there, been fortunate not to too many, but they’ve been hiding in there waiting for an opportunity. I’ve definitely used my self imposed work schedule and health focus as a good reason to push away, but I have to say playing it forward onto the next day, the hangover, the shame, potentially the embarrassment, the guilt and quite possibly just not stopping and getting back on the wagon frighten me way too much.

I still linger here daily and read a lot, don’t post nearly as often, but draw strength from the stories from you all. You all have been and continue to be massively important and inspiring to me. For that I thank you all again.

May your sleep be peaceful and you awake for the sunrise​:heart::v:t2::peace_symbol:


Great work on fighting the trigger and staying vigilant - you will be happy to wake up hangover free tomorrow :muscle:

Have a great weekend!


Way to go my friend – 18 days is impressive work!

I am sorry that today is riddled with triggers. Grateful that for now you are too busy to engage. Are you able to find things to keep you on staying busy once this rhythm ends? I had to constantly keep myself occupied mentally and physically for the first few months.

Here for you Thomas - ODAAT :muscle: :pray:


Hey Nick, it’s good to see you posting again :blush:. I am happy to hear that you took time off to be with people, and time for yourself today. You are sounding good! Stop by whenever you can, you always have good stuff to share.



Four years sober today. Still working on a lot of emotional / spiritual stuff, but grateful to be where I am.
Shout out to sober twin @CATMANCAM congrats to you.


Way to go Flo!!! So happy to see this

You and Cam @CATMANCAM are indeed sober twins and badasses :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Wow :star_struck: Amazing work Flo!!! Congratulations on 4 years!!! Ur truly an inspiration to me :slight_smile:


Day 909
I really had a decent day today. Im so glad to be feeling better mentally. I feel somewhat better physically, but i still need to work on that. Just making sure i eat better foods in the right amounts.

Anyway work was good! I was really productive and got alot done. Came home to cook supper, did a load of laundry, gave my son a bath, and now just putting him to bed. Going to relax with hubby soon after some well deserved self care. Feeling pretty good overall and i am so grateful to my HP for guiding me thru the hard times and getting me here. Hope u all are having a fabulous weekend so far! :butterfly:


Congratulations to you and @CATMANCAM !


Congratulations on 4 years!


Congrats to @CATMANCAM and @Misokatsu on 4 YEARS!! That’s fantastic! :tada:


Day 97

It’s been a rough week in my house. This time last week I was staying in a hotel due to hazardous drunk family member. Just been emotionally exhausting this week. Haven’t felt “normal”. Really threw me off.
So I decided to take a few days off work in a couple weeks and go camping with the pup. We will celebrate sobriety camping right next to a beautiful lake at the state park. Just us, God, some trails, a kayak, a fire, good food, good book, and rest.