Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in day 223 AF :blush: Never in a million years did i think i would be 223 days AF. I am beyond proud.
Please if your struggling take it a day at a time and before you know it youā€™ll have 223 days under your belt. Happy sober sunday :grin::heart: xx


Day 2

But i had one of the most lovely day with family and friends so itā€™s a great chance to believe miracle happens


Welcome to the forum! And congratulations on day 2! :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for your answer! Iā€™m gonna check if I can get the one you recommend and let you know. And definitely want to try the cold brewing.


Thank you :heart:





I fell behind by a whole week on this thread. How the f@#& did I manage thatā€¦ AGAIN?
Love you all, even if Iā€™m totally useless in keeping up with you.

Pic from the park yesterday. They have some big summer play&fun activities going on during the holidays. Loved that massive sign they put up.




Day 414.its been a nice day. Did a little bit of workā€¦ Cleaned the sofas which took hoursā€¦ Then chilled.deciided to work tomoro and then we are off to London on Tuesday. Gives me a bit of time to sort work out as well as save another days leave for Jan and Feb when the weather is rubbish and I could generally do with a break


Day 1030 AF

Whatā€™s up, fam.

Woke up sick this morning. My heartburn was messing with me last night, too. Gonna take a break from the caffeine and stop eating spicy foods.

Not doing much today. Just chilling at the pad.

@CATMANCAM @Misokatsu Congrats on 4 years off the booze!

@Seb Congrats on 6 months!

Everyoneā€™s killing it. :muscle:

Have great day/night, gang. ODAAT :heart: :v:


Congratulations on 6 months ā˜†


Your not alone I pick up other people s shit all the time too :frowning:mostly from around the canal benches where I like to sit and tourists like to visit . I donā€™t excuse this behaviour at all Iā€™ve been on the street s and even I found a bin for my shit .


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


Wow that 6 months is terrific!


Dear @JazzyS yes, definitely I have to be busy, my mind is one of my greatest enemies and I should be busy as you said.
Lately I can do that
Day 19.


Yeah Dana! Love it as well. In Texas we get the pumpkin spice late August. And we drink it hot. The beads of sweat bouncing off the lid, with palms so sweaty the cup nearly slips to the groundā€¦itā€™s an annual tradition, 100F/39C but we STILL line up for pumpkin spice lattes on the first day. The rationale is, if we drink fall coffee hot it will cool off in Texas. But it never does. Until October :laughing: :maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern:. Which is when youā€™re supposed to have pumpkin things but somebody pushed it way back. Kinda like Christmas shopping.

Haha, Iā€™m happy to hear youā€™ll get one on the first day too! Iā€™m so ready for anything Fall-related. :white_check_mark:


628 :muscle: been binge watching lots on anime

Happy sober Monday everyone

Oh got osteoporosis now too :weary:

Donā€™t drink people it ruins your health big time :muscle:


Congrats on 4 years!


Checking in Day 421 AF
I attended another AA meeting this morning. It was a Womenā€™s meeting. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. I found a sponser and someone who was so kind to include me in some sober social gathering. It was just what I was hoping for. We made plans to attend another meeting together later in the week. Iā€™m looking forward to making new sober friends.


Never apologize for speaking the truth

@Seb Yay! 6 months :tada: Nice job :clap:


Early check in for me. So exhausted today, but so was everyone else. I was okay at the start, but after walking up and down the stairs enough times, my feet started dragging. I was refreshed after laying down for a little while at home.

There was an unusual amount of drama today. My boss was on another level. Last night someone told me she said the chef was a ā€˜lazy piece of shitā€™ for leaving at 9pm bc there was still to be food served for the wedding. Firstly, heā€™s the best chef weā€™ve had in my whole time there and works more than anyone else in the whole place, while she usually waltzes in around 2pm and leaves by 8. Plus he had someone to heat up the pizza that was already made. This morning she blames him for something that wasnā€™t his fault bc I already talked to her about it 2 weeks ago and she said sheā€™d figure it out! Then, she comes downstairs and tells the bar manager that her bartender upstairs is upset with her bc she heard that she was talking shit about her. She tells me what she actually said and someone in between obviously twisted the words to sound negative. But now, for the rest of the shift the bar manager was worried her bartender was mad at her. Weā€™re all friends so I kept telling her thereā€™s no way, none of this makes sense. Later, after our manager left, they talked and the other one had no idea what she was even talking about! Why the fuck, as a manager, would you go around and stir so much shit?! I just donā€™t get it. Everyone is over it. She never tries to pull that shit on me. Idk why :woman_shrugging: but I donā€™t care. Maybe she knows I can see right through her. Eh, whatever. Rantā€™s over.

Happy to have tomorrow off. I should make a plan so I donā€™t waste a beautiful day. I feel like Iā€™ve done nothing this summer. Maybe some nature trails or something like that :thinking: Hope you all have a good one :heart: