Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@wakikki OOH sun sounds lovely – hope you ended up having a good day. Hopefully you were able to get some nutrition in you too :hugs:
@1in8billion I am so sorry that you are feeling so depressed and drained. I see that this was written 10 hours ago. How did you day turn out? The thought process that you have to have it all together or be some kind of superman is just the lies that society has fed us. Do you in your own time friend. It is goo that you are on this adventure. You don’t need to isolate in it – look for meetings, groups to connect with or do reach out to your family. I am glad you wrote this out and shared this with us – glad it was helpful to you. :hugs: Having a routine is great start and very helpful. I found that a routine and trying to surround myself with meditation (prayer) and laughter were essential in getting out of a depressive episode. Also – please do stay connected friend – isolation can be the worst. We have your back here :people_hugging: I totally find it great to read my old posts and see where I was then and how far i’ve come in my journey.
@butterflymoonwoman thanks love – it was a great day :hugs: You are so sweet. Glad you were able to help out someone who was struggling. Grateful that you see how far you’ve come and you are not just surviving anymore. Girl you are doing so great! Much love my friend
@chevy55 Been missing your pics – what a beautiful view :heart: Glad to hear that you have such a understanding and won’t be putting up with alcohol anymore. Life is so much better off without her in our lives! I am enjoying the season and doing much better :pray: :hugs:
@laner glad you went to the doctor and got that x-ray. Grateful its not a bad break and you were able to get a brace :pray: Sounds like a real good doc and very thorough. Glad you will be able to do a check up in 6 weeks closer to your home.
@vieira91 Welcome to the community Fernando and hell of a job on day 2! Glad to hear that today was a good day! Keep at it friend – it only gets better
@seb WOW! Great work friend. 6 months is awesome job :muscle:Keep it going strong!
@goku2019 Sorry to hear about the bad heartburn. I had to give up caffeine, spicy foods and gluten to get my stomach right again (grateful to be able to gave all of those things back in my life now) – sending you healing energy and hope you are able to feel relief soon.
@bomdhil Way to go Thomas – great work on day 19! Glad you are able to keep busy and stay connected friend – we got you – so lovely to see you thriving and adding up the days :pray: :muscle:
@bones_80 Great to see you checking in Ian. I’m sorry to hear that you are still dealing with so much pain . Glad it is manageable with the morphine. Drinking is definitely not a wise idea. Hoping you find some relief soon. Glad you are enjoying some anime :heart:

Checking in on Sunday evening
599 days free of alcohol and weed
1014 days free of cigarettes
It was a great day. Took myself out for a lovely diner breakfast. Was nice to finally finish my book and start another one. Hopefully this wont take as long to read LOL
Got in a good nap, did some baking and shopping and then made a great dinner to enjoy with a movie.
Getting ready to call it a night… hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hello friends. Checking in on Sunday evening with 3 years and two months of sobriety. Wishing everyone a good start to the week :blue_heart:



It could be the hottest day of the year here. I’m working. Let’s see how the climate control at work keeps up. Closing curtains, doors and windows at home. And advising Luna to keep her cool, and activity low. Which is not too hard for a 19 y/o kitty.

Thankful I’m no longer under the illusion that drinking would quench my thirst. That’s just another lie my addiction told me. Alcohol dehydrates and that’s why I drank even more when the weather’s hot. Never again. Have as good a day as you al can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing else will come of it. Love.


Checking in on Day 52

The weekend has been a success, I got most of my hay hauled and put away. The a/c in the house is working great. Our horses got out but we found the break in the fence and got it repaired. I put an alternator in my mother in laws trailblazer. I almost relapsed Friday a coworker and I got into an argument it got fairly heated we both said what we had to say, I don’t think he thought that I wouldn’t stand up for myself (I usually don’t I just fold and cave ) but I’m really trying to not fold on things anymore. But the stress of the whole situation just made me want to drink, the thought of resetting and having to start back over and all of the things I’ve learned here helped me step back from the edge of it.

Here’s my load of hay


Congrats on stopping and think before you drink! You can do this! Hay! I am here rooting for you!


Day 672

Super tired and waiting for nerve medicine to be ready at the pharmacy. Hope y’all are doing well :people_hugging::heart:


Day 415. Working 8-3.30 then off the rest of the week. I need to get back into the habit of checking in every morning and focusing on the day ahead. All good here


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 166.

Another wonderful Sunny day.
Ma called last evening to check on us. More or less the first time she had done that.
Said she was worried about my husband.
She also said that I need to start working on getting a driver’s license. I know I do, because there’s a risk that my husband won’t be able to drive for much longer.
Then Ma told me that her elderly neighbor (The lady is 105 years old, thwy where old when I was born and they babysat me)
Didn’t got her license until she was 60.
The lady and her husband had a hunting cabin in the North, where I’ve been multiple times with them. And when her husband got a bad heart and couldn’t drive them there anymore, the old lady decided to get a driver’s license so she could drive them and she did. I’ve known that lady my entire life and had no clue about that.

It was so inspiring. That lady is still amazing with her 105 years. Still out doing Garden work, still ride her bike to the store. Still drinks her morning coffee on the tiny porch.

Hopefully I can afford to start working in my driver’s license this fall. Unfortunately I’m really afraid of driving a car. But I’ve gotten over many things I’ve been afraid of in my days so I guess I can do this too.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


Day 2334. Our grant for a green house was approved! Mixed feelings as we had no time for our garden this year. Ms. Monkey’s sister has agreed to come out on my days off to help babysit the grandson. That should free me up to get our garden back up and going. No way i could sleep as my mind was racing about all this. Everything I need to do now, to make the spring easier. The potential to donate more next year than we did last year. Not just food, but plants as well. So many ideas!


Gorgeous day here in England, it’s supposed to be the warmest yet with 35 degrees predicted in Cambridgeshire.I’m grateful I don’t live near there and I’m sorry for all of you that are dealing with much hotter weather :hot_face: got my step work to do soon thank you to all who helped me about this yesterday. Im a good girl now I get good advice and I actually listen (who’d of thought Little Miss I don’t need anyone actually does !! Revelations…. then a call with my sponsor ,exercise class this afternoon and a meeting tonight .full day planned :+1:oh my days who thought structure and healthy plans could feel so good :blush:


Thank you immensely to everyone who congratulated me on my 6 month milestone
Special thanks @GOKU2019 @Butterflymoonwoman @Misokatsu @tailee17 @Just_Laura @JazzyS


@Thirdmonkey Congrats on that green house grant Scott! It does sound very exciting. So if you have the time do share about your process with us. I am always curious how people to stuff I don’t.
@MrsOdh Sounds like that driver’s license is shouting out to you rather loudly :wink: I remember how my mum was afraid of driving and even doing the lessons and taking the test. But in the end she did it and it has proven to be a very important part of her independence. Got for it! We are here to support you.
@Lefty624 Congrats of dealing with all that stress without using! That’s a great achievement :tada: And thanks for sharing the hay picture with us. Just out of curiosity: How big are those bales?
@Mno Sending some waves of cool and fresh air into your city :ocean: :wind_face:
@JazzyS Misread your post and read ‘dinner-breakfast’ and thought about the strange ways of people in foreign places :rofl: And then put on the reading glasses :disguised_face:
@DanaM56 Sounds so nice how you already met a welcoming AA place, a sponsor, and a new sober community!
@Bones_80 Sorry to hear about your osteoporosis :people_hugging:
@GOKU2019 Speedy recovery!
@Seb Congratulation Sebastian! Six months is huge! :partying_face: :tada: :muscle:
@Vieira91 Welcome :wave: Well done on two days! Keep coming back.

264 sugar
128 UPF
2 gluten
2 dairy
4 overeating

Back from vacation, back to daily life.
Today is going to be all about getting into the usual daily rhythms: laundry, unpacking, sorting stuff out, watering the plants, chores around the flat, maybe the pool, recovery dharma in the evening.

Let’s keep our hearts and minds open friends: in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: ODAAT


Thanks for your support , for sure i gonna keep coming back.

I’m just ready for another day :v:t5:


@icebear another month in the books :muscle:t4:. Way to go Drew! :clap:t4:
@mno hope you are able to go slow and stay cool today.
@Lefty624 arguments always would have me reaching for a smoke or a drink. Not a healthy way to deal with the frustrating emotions. So grateful that you were able to stay clear of the urges. Another day sober :muscle:t4:
@Scorpn hope you get the meds soon and start feeling some relief :pray:t4:
@mrsodh that was sweet of your ma… great reminder that it’s never too late to do anything. I know it feels scary now but I’m sure you will be great at it … remember that it doesn’t have to happen overnight…take your time in learning and feeling comfortable behind the wheel
@Thirdmonkey another huge congrats on the grant. Just think that next year your grandson will be older and may even be helpful in some ways. You had a beautiful set up last year and I know this year kinda didn’t happen but you two are great at this…I’m sure you will do a wonderful job with setting it up and getting it started.

Cracking me up…I too need them glasses at times. Glad it made sense eventually :joy:. Welcome home. Your vacation sounded amazing. :hugs:

Happy Monday to you all :hugs:
Didn’t sleep well but am up and going to try and go for my walk shortly. It’s pitch black…I am missing waking up with the sun.
A busy day ahead so I better get started… wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day
Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


It was a fairly easy application process. I called the USDA, told them I was interested in the grant. I applied to get my farm number (basically saying i run a farm and can sell stuff). Once I got that, a member of the USDA walked my property to ensure I was actually producing food. Thrn it was just filling out paper work.


Day 195 AF

Hanging around in the “now”…
Makes things much easier! :heart:

It’s getting very hot here next days, already did a lil grocery shopping and mowed the whole garden… :muscle:t2:

Got 2 new thermo mugs for the new job, fitting in my car. 1 for coffee, 1 for tea / hot water :grinning:

Siesta starting at noon for today. :sweat_smile:
All windows closed.

Will go on listening “power of now”,
yoga sequence tonight.

Love you guys :heart:

  1. Go away heatwave.

Day 935 here - I have been focused on working a lot lately, and I am grateful for the work along with being able to to do my job effectively. However, I can feel the exhaustion in my body and recognize that I need a break. This a benefit of sobriety - I have gotten to know how I feel physically and mentally because I have a clear head!


Checking in day
460 ko alcohol
391no vapes or ciggs 100 triple didgets no form of nicotine
60 yeeeeay 2 months no form of marijuanna

Clocking in to work now
More later


Checking in day 147

Have a great day and start to your new week everyone.