Checking in daily to maintain focus #68


Off work today. Made it through a busy weekend at the restaurant. Was crazy busy and is only going to get busier with school in session and the winter months coming up soon. Plus catering season kicks in. Busy is good. Have my counseling appointment for probation shortly. The person who leads the group has been sober since the 90s. He was a manager at Burger King then went back to school to be a substance abuse counselor. I get a lot from the groups. When I first had to go to these groups I didnā€™t feel to excited but now Iā€™m learning to take away something from the class. with the rest of my day will get on my bike and see where it takes me. Get some lunch somewhere new and definitely try to hit a earlier AA meeting. My parents are in Denver Colorado visiting my brother really wish I could be out there but once I complete probation Iā€™ll be able to leave the state. Itā€™s probably a good thing Iā€™m where Iā€™m at and taking care of my recovery and mental health. There will be plenty Iā€™m time for family and travel in the future. Iā€™m grateful for days like this where I get to enjoy my day and be a part of life. In my addiction I was always avoiding life and everything good. I know one thingā€¦ Iā€™m not picking up a drink or drug! The only way is forward. Thatā€™s about all for now. Iā€™ll check in soon.



Hey all, checking in on day 1520. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 164

Landscapers are here! Hard scape, mulch, extended beds and drip-line irrigation this week. Plants in September when it begins cooling off. Iā€™m spending my drinking money on rocks! Haha, at least Iā€™m not pissing it away :laughing:. Iā€™m really excited and happy to watch and learn. It means a lot. :heart:

Enjoy your sober days, :kissing_heart:


AMAZING!!! triple digits no nicotine and 2 months no MJ !!! Way to go friendā€¦ you are crushing it :muscle:


@JazzyS thank you šŸ©µ your Sunday sounds lovely :blush:
@1in8billion honesty and openess is a good start :clap:t2: Iā€™m sorry youā€™re suffering with depression, I struggle too, but I always feel better when I do my daily routine things, and Iā€™ve learned not to beat myself up if I donā€™t ā€˜achieveā€™ everything. Meditation is my biggest tool and has been for 20 years now. I lost all my friends due to mental health challenges, but maybe itā€™s not to late for you to reach out to yours. Wishing you peace :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@acromouse thank you :blush: šŸ©µ
@Laner Iā€™m so glad you went for the x-ray, sorry it was broken but hopefully it will heal up nicely :crossed_fingers:t2: Iā€™m glad you took a friend with you and enjoyed your coffee and a shower :blush:
@tailee17 congrats on double digits for no added sugar :tada:
@Vieira91 welcome :blush: congrats on day 2 :tada:
@Seb congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Timetochange enjoy London :blush:
@GOKU2019 thank you :blush: feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Bones_80 sorry for your diagnosis :people_hugging:


@Lefty624 wow thatā€™s a lot of hay :grinning: hope you got your horses back in okay. Glad you didnā€™t drink over the arguement at work :clap:t2:
@Scorpn I hope the medicine helps :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@MrsOdh that sure is inspiring :grinning: 105! You can do it too :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Thirdmonkey congrats on the grant approval :tada: :potted_plant: :seedling:
@Noshame congrats on triple digits no nicotine :100::tada: and 60 days no marijuana :tada:
@Lighter that sounds exciting! Rocks are cool :grinning::seedling:

1462 days no alcohol.
927 days no cocaine.
442 days no vape.
15 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Not much to update. Yesterday I did my laundry, caught-up here, did my meditations, and fell asleep around 7pm. I was awake between 11pm-2:30am, then slept again til 5:30am.

Today I had what I thought was my appointment with the specialist for my back, but it turns out they were supposed to only book me a phone appointment because it was just the physio updating me that the specialist team have accepted my referral. So I was in the city centre from 08:45 and therapy wasnā€™t til 11:15. I sat in the Sun with a Starbucks, bought 2 pairs of shorts, cards for my brother and eldest step-brothersā€™ birthdays, and some hand cream, it passed the time. I spoke briefly about the photos. I am getting annoyed by how much time I spend talking about my dad, but I guess if thatā€™s what comes up, itā€™s bettter to release it.

I came home, had lunch, and recovered from being out and about in the Sun. Iā€™ve done over 8K steps today, my feet and back are sore but Iā€™m okay.

Tomorrow I am going to the cinema with my eldest niece :grinning:



Checking in with one year and one month sober. Sending love and peace to all.:peace_symbol::heart:


Checking in day 708, and today happens to be my birthday. As I turn 36, I reflect on this past year with many ups and some down, with particular challenges lately. Iā€™m remembering the importance of allowing myself to experience joy when Iā€™m able. For the year ahead, Iā€™m setting the intention of living my 36th year with as much presence as joy as possible.

Wishing everyone a magnificent sober Monday :sparkles:


Checking in with 127 days sober.
I had some cravings this weekend but realized they were a craving for an instant dopamine hit. So, I did what I could to earn one honestly by being a good mom, good wife and good to myself.
Itā€™s going to be a busy week with some high emotions since our son is moving far away to college. Iā€™m grateful for being sober. Iā€™ll be the rock my family needs this week.
And I stay sober today too. ODAAT



130 days sober
Iā€™m looking forward to going home tomorrow. 2 days in the city is enough for me. I always get very anxious when Iā€™m here. Cities make me feel uncomfortable and over stimulated. And thereā€™s not really the best walking places.
But I visited a friend who lives there and we did a bit of shopping today got coffee beans and some spices that arenā€™t available at home. And got fabric so a friend can sew me new trousers and a shirt.
I had to reschedule my appointment with the counselor because of needing to go away to get my arm looked at. Hoping to sleep better tonightā€¦itā€™s much hotter here than at home and Iā€™m not used to this heat.


Great to see you posting and on such a lovely milestoneā€¦ happy 36th bday. :tada::confetti_ball::birthday:


What a great aspiration, thanks for inspiring me! Happy Birthday!!:confetti_ball::gift::balloon::birthday::tada:


Day 141. I woke up super positive today but that faded quickly. I am a foreman for an excavation company and I have been having issues with an employee who happens to be the nephew of one of the owners. He always side steps my instruction and calls his uncle and gets direction. So i called the owners and asked them to stop causing confusion if they are on the job they dont know what needs done. They told me i have a history of being hard to work with. Which made me wonder why I doing all this work to be a better person if I am only going to be judged off my past. I am extremely frustrated today


Speaking my own storyā€¦i drank for decades, the damage accumulated. I was told Rome wasnt built in a dayā€¦so dont expect all my past wounds and issues to heal overnight.

141 days is amazing! For many of us, it took longer to repair past damage.

Keep working on you, and in time things will come together. Healing ourselves, healing relationships, growing enough for the outside world to see our change takes time.


Day 35. Iā€™ve been extremely stressed lately because the uncertainty of my financial situation. But today I got good news and the suffering is over, thank God! During the weekend I seriously considered of buying some benzos to calm my crazy mind, but I didnā€™t buy them, I didnā€™t give up. Still sober and going strong.


Day 911
Not much to report. Its been a decent day so far. Just plugging away at a few things like laundry, dishes, tidying up my sons room, vacuuming etc. Trying my best to stay focused on my health today so i can start feeling better mentally and physically as well. Hope everyone has a great Monday :butterfly:


It does suck when we are working so hard on becoming better and others are constantly seeing us as the past us. Keep working on your recovery friend. In time people will start to see the efforts and seeing you with a different view. We canā€™t control how others see us but we can change our own perspective of us. WE can walk with pride for all that we are doing daily.

Be proud of your 141 days and all the mental / emotional growth you are doing. I do like what Scott said too ā€¦ healing is not linear or quick. Be patient friend :hugs: :pray:


Hey friend ā€“ so very grateful that you did not give into the urge. It would not have helped calm anything down and you are much better today for staying sober :muscle:

So glad that you got some good news are are no longer suffering :pray: Grateful that you are here with us friend ā€“ ODAAT! :hugs:


Checking in on day 5
Today I was off, and the truth is I didnā€™t stop all day long, keeping myself busy. Walk in the morning, dyed my hair (getting rid of that grey hair! :exploding_head:), pedicure, breakfast at the ā€œplazaā€, some shopping, cleaned my car, batch cooking for the week, spent some time at the pool, and now Iā€™m finishing some bits and pieces before Iā€™m off to work tomorrow!
I did most things alone, but I felt good. Alone doesnā€™t always mean lonely. I guess Iā€™m a loner!