Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Heyy :slight_smile:

I had a slow start to my day also. I didnt have a good morning at all but thats no reason to pick up a drink or drug

Sometimes days get slow i guessā€¦ its still better then a day feeling extremely pushed to the limmit

Dont give up on exercising
Or at the least
Complete your goal :slight_smile:
You got this


Thank u for ur support :slight_smile: i wont give up on exercise, i juat have to find a way to get mt butt up alot earlier than 7am haha i love my sleep too much i guess. Once my son gets back into school ill have a more regular routine for the gym but until then, ill have to keep trying to get up much earlier.

I read u had a rough morning with craving. Im so glad u didnt follow thru with that. U played the tape to the end and it worked!! But its amazing hey how quick our minds try to justify us using, thinking no one would care. U did amazing today. I hope ur proud of urself :slight_smile:


I just received some horrible news about another friend of mine from back home who passed away due to this disease. Its incredibly sad to see this disease taking people out, especially at such a young age. She was trying so hard to get clean and that 1 replase was her last. Im sure she thought she had another recovery in her, but unfortunately that wasnt the case this time :frowning:

This is one of the things that helps me stay clean. Knowing that it could be my last time if ever drank or used drugs again. Its a scary thought to think of who and what i would leave behind. Sorry for the glum post but every time i hear of someone i know that had passed away due to addiction/alcoholism, it gives me a massive reality check.


So sorry for the loss of your friend.
You are so rightā€¦a harsh reality check that we may not have another recovery in us. Addiction is such an ugly disease. Grateful we are in recovery and working on our journey :pray:t4::people_hugging:


It really is such an ugly disease. I think of the past and all the years i was in the problem, trying to get clean, but never really taking it seriously bcuz i always thought id have another chance at recovery. I used to laugh at my never-ending collection of white key tags from NA and made jokes about it like it was something to laugh at. Disgusting behaviour on my part. Makes me grateful that i quit for good over 2 years ago but also makes me wish that others could get it too. Im so grateful we are all here trying to better our lives. Its can be a tough journey sometimes, but sooo incredibly worth it.


Happy happy 1 year @Pattycake! What a wonderful milestone. Iā€™m glad I happened to see this today as have been absent somewhat lately. Glad I didnā€™t miss the party!



Thanks so much for sharing your story. Congrats on 1000 days sober af. Thats amazing. Im glad you were able to make a generational change for your family. Weā€™ve got your back @GOKU2019


Iā€™m so sorry, Dana. I know that awful feeling. I can still see their faces in my memories, and remember their voices. We honor them with our sobriety. Itā€™s very hard :people_hugging:


Hey, thanks for thinking of me. I think about you aswell and hope you Are goodā¤ļø I fele better today. I have problems sleeping aswell, probably dont help on my mentalhealth.


Awe thank u for ur kind words :slight_smile: ur right tho, the best thing we can do is continue on with our sobrietys. Hope ur doing well :slight_smile:


Thanks! I appreciate your kind words and advice here. :love_you_gesture:t3::heart:


Im sorry for your loss. Im glad you shared because addiction is deadly and its an important reminder for us all. Sending comforting hugs your way sister


Thank u friend šŸ©µ It really is an important reminder, i agree. Im glad ur on this recivery journey too my friend


Glad today was better for you. Sleep issues definitely hinder our mental health. Sending you calming vibes and hope you are able to regulate your sleep :sleeping::zzz:

I am doing well enough. Able to be more active these days which Iā€™m grateful for.

Always great to hear from you friend :people_hugging:


Day 642

Checking in. :people_hugging::heart: One day at a time


Just a quick check in at the end of day 62.
@JazzyS thank you!
@acromouse thank you!
@CATMANCAM thank you!

Have a good night all.


Congratulations for the :one: year sober milestone!! @Pattycake Patricia :confetti_ball: You did everything sober ones: birthdays, Christmas, Easter, 4th of july, etc :facepunch:

Glad you didnā€™t cave in @Noshame :facepunch:

@Laner almost triple digits!! :sunglasses:

*Day 2024 :walking_woman:
It rains, againā€¦Hubby is going to bring me to work because of it. It rains an aweful lot lately :disappointed:
Had a good day at the silver casting workshop despite the ensresult wasnā€™t that great. But it was nice to learn something new and meet new people too.

Today? Work.
Tomorrow is going to be very busy, so my goal for today is staying in the ā€œnowā€, the present.
Instead of worrying about tomorrow :blush:
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:


Checking in

I had a fairly good day, Iā€™m soooo ready for swimming tomorrow. I canā€™t wait what a great way to spend the day

@GOKU2019 I donā€™t know if anyone has said it but Iā€™m proud for you :heart:

@acromouse thank you and I hope you do as well
Night all


@GOKU2019 Thank you for sharing your story with us :pray: HUGE congrats on 1,000 days!!! Getting better with each one and closer to who you strive to be :sparkles:

@Butterflymoonwoman Donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Itā€™d be a miracle if I made it out of bed at 5am to workout once, let alone everyday :sweat_smile: Itā€™s not realistic 100% of the time for anybody. Itā€™s tough to keep a regular schedule in the summer with kids, but wonā€™t be for long(as summers seem shorter every year :face_with_diagonal_mouth:) Consistency is key and you definitely seem to have that going for you :100: So sorry about your friend :people_hugging: A truly sad reminder of why weā€™re all here :pray:

@Pattycake Yay! Big congrats on your year :clap: :tada:


My body ached when I woke up this morning. Not even muscle pain really, but my joints. Very hard to get moving, but after an extra cup of coffee I was alright. I decided to treat us to sushi for lunch and a little shopping for girly stuff at 5 Below(such a great, cheap store :grin:).

I canā€™t even begin to understand how I used to go out to eat every single day while drinking. How tf could I afford it?! Oh wait, I couldnā€™t. I just didnā€™t know it. All that mattered was whether or not there was a bar :roll_eyes: And the amount of times Iā€™d just go shopping for something to do, buying needless things Iā€™d often forget about. Yeah. Definitely found a bunch of random, unopened crap when I got sober. Stuffed away in drawers while drunk, never thought of again. This is why I struggle with decluttering. Too much stuff :tired_face: The way I spend my money is so different now, now that Iā€™m mindful about it.

Work was extra insane tonight but wasnā€™t overwhelming for me. Just happy itā€™s finally over bc it went late. Trying to wind down enough for sleep. Hope you all have a great weekend! :heart:


Day 1000 AF

Thank you, guys, for your replies. It means a lot :face_holding_back_tears:. Much love to yā€™all.

Just jumped on real quick. Weā€™re at my momā€™s right now. Gonna spend the night here. Weā€™re helping my sister with her babyshower tomorrow.

Iā€™ll catch up with yā€™all later.

Have a goodnite! Stay strong! :muscle:

ODAAT :heart: