Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Day to the beach this morning… Will post a pic later on


@Just_Laura good job at maintaining control over your finances and buying stuff. I used to put items I bought at pedestal like they were supposed to substitute what I was missing in my relationship back then and it wasn’t healthy. Now when I buy something I have to make sure I’ll use it, I’m happy only in case it has some useful meaning to me.

When I stopped drinking throughout last year I didn’t have significant problems with sleep patterns.Now I do and don’t know why. Melatonin does not help. Too many awakenings during night and woke up at 4 am. Hope it goes back on track soon. Still continue with running and exercising at moderate level, and eating healthy. Take care guys



I’m checking the rain radar for a couple of hours of dry weather so I can go and do my grocery shopping on the other side of town without getting soaked. And be home in time to see the guys in the Tour de France take on the Pyrenees :mountain_biking_man: :mountain_biking_man: :mountain_biking_man:. It looks like I might just have to take a bit of rain.

Seems like life. Life’s never perfect, also not after becoming sober. Recovery is work but it’s a work of love. And when we do recovery right we’ll become equipped to deal with the stuff life throws at us without having to turn to self destructive behaviours. Let’s take it one day at a time. Together. Have as good a day as you can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.

@Pattycake Huge congrats on a full year of sobriety Patricia!!!
@Laner Triple digits! Yay! Big congrats lady! You’re tough, doing the workbook on your own, without any professional guidance. I hope you can all take it. It’s a lot. Big hugs.
@GOKU2019 This is the right time to say gigantic congrats on reaching quadruple digits friend! Excellent!
@Butterflymoonwoman Sorry for your loss Dana. Hard stuff. All we can do is to keep working on ourselves. X


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 136

Managed to get into a nearby city yesterday, with the help of a friend.

Didn’t buy much except for some very overpriced American classic candy (like Root Beer Barrels) that was totally worth it.

The kids where amazed that they got to try and immediately decided on Watching Pee-wee’s big Holiday when we got back home. :smiling_face:

For dinner we had Asian food at an Asian fast food place in the city.

It was really nice to get out of the house and do something as a change.

Our “New” car that Engjy Benjy drove here a few days ago (A 2002 Red Volvo V70 that we have named Red Danger) went through the check without any red flags. The mechanic who checked it said that he’d never seen one of those cars in this extremely good shape. He also advised us to sell the car we currently are driving and just keep the Volvo because it’ll be less trouble with that one.

So we’re working on that.

Haven’t booked an appointment at the hairdresser yet. Currently I have an urge for a chic pixiecut (again) everytime I’ve tried before it has turned out looking horrible. But this time I’m into a long pixie. I like the idea of waking up in the morning and look effortlessly chic without having to brush, flatten or fluff any curls. As it is now I just put the hair in a bun, goes out in the world looking like an angry Nanny and call it a day :laughing:
Therefore I do plan to book a consultation with the hairdresser first. :smiling_face:

Sun is shining for now, that and yesterday’s day out was exactly what I needed to feel a little more alive. Weather forecast calls for rain in about an hour so I’m going to hurry up with my chai and go for a walk.
I’m trying to sit outside drinking my morning tea everyday it’s possible now. And go for at least one walk as soon as it doesn’t rain.

That’s all Folks wishing y’all a wonderful day. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


This is so sad. The poor woman’s death is a wake up call for us all. There may be no ‘next time’. I’m so sorry to hear you lost your friend Dana :people_hugging::heart:


@MrsOdh Glad to hear you got to get out AND some sun :sun_with_face: The weather is grating on my mood too. I don’t know how many times I’ve conteplated to move somewhere less rainy :person_facepalming: On the other hand I could be living in Bergen :wink:
@GOKU2019 1000!!! Unbelievable!!! :partying_face: You are such an inspiration. :tada: Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. :mending_heart:
@Just_Laura Since I’ve gotten on this journey of recovery there are so many times when I catch myself with some addictive thoughts or behaviour: shopping, work, chores. All kinds of things I try to do to change how I feel. I find it fascinating how we usually don’t even see this. Thanks for reminding me.
@Butterflymoonwoman Don’t be sorry for sharing your sad news with us. Actually we all need to hear this. To get that reality check. Because we tend to forget, romanticize, remember only the ‘good’ times… Thank you for this reality check and sending hugs your way :people_hugging:
@Refreshedperspective Negative thought patterns are so sneaky. I catch myself so many times realising I am somewhere in a trance of thought on a pattern that is absolutely not serving me. Let’s see them for what they are today together.
@Laner I think you are very brave by just orienting yourself towards dealing with your trauma. This is scary stuff and you are taking back your life step by step. Good work :muscle:
@Noshame Good work on spotting the lies addiction was telling you. When we are in a sane frame of mind we often wonder how we could have ever fallen for such nonsense. But when the cravings hit these old patterns are so strong. Great job on resisting and getting to do something useful :muscle:
@Bomdhil Congrats on two weeks! Great job :partying_face: Is this natural light in the church picture?
@Rob11 Thanks for reminding me that not picking the negative patterns is a daily practice. Helps me with my mindset today.
@Lighter Thanks for sharing about feeling alienated in addiction and connected in sobriety. Addiction messes with our minds so badly at some point we are not even capable of normal emotional reactions. I am not much of a people person myself but finding a level of connection that works for me is one of my bigger challenges in recovery. Have a nice weekend :wave:

234 sugar
98 UPF
105 gluten
4 dairy
0 overeating

My mood - especially in the afternoon and evening - has been so bad the last few days. Overeating is not making any of this better but it is an old pattern and yesterday I felt so desperate I kept stuffing myself. Today I’ll try to be more mindful with my feelings and thoughts and not increase my discomfort by stuffing myself.

It’s Saturday, time to take care of my IT-tools, my plants at home, stuff around the flat. Yoga in the afternoon. Not sure about the evening. I think going out and meeting people would do me some good. I’m going to look who is free tonight.

Let’s try for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Day 224
Man those kids did not get much sleep last night. Had a few fun activities for the kids today before they went home
Back on nightshift tonight, taking a moment while its quiet at work to watch the All Blacks vs England. Not looking so good at the momemt for the AB’s


Thanks, Claudia! I’m so happy to be on this journey with you. :heart::pray:


Dank u well, Menno. You are an inspiration for so many of us here. :pray::peace_symbol::heart:


Thanks for the shout out! Glad to be sharing this journey with you. Rest well, friend!:people_hugging::heart_hands:


Me to my kids today: Wouldn’t it be nice if we could Watch some else than YouTube videos where people play different games?

My kids: You’re right it can be a little Boring.
Changes channel to GINX eSports channel.
You’re right Ma, this was much better than YouTube. :laughing:

I’m too old for this :laughing:


Checking in on day 105.

Well, it’s been a while since I updated so I’ll just give you guys a quick rundown in case you are interested:

I’m still sober when it comes to alcohol and the cravings are almost non-existant at the moment.
Still fantasize about self destruction but that is basically the norm so I don’t count that as a substance related craving. :slight_smile:

I started to be more productive when it comes to self care and having a daily routine so that’s new.

Guess after more than 3 months that’s more than belated but it is what it is.

Nicotine is still a big problem though. I no longer smoke up to 25 cigs but I’m still hanging around at almost 10-12 daily.

Getting to meet some new people in my life. Always been a sucker for card games and this new group I’ve been with feels like a good community to be in.

So basically I’ve been doing very good in most aspects exept when it comes to my recovery.

I haven’t been to a meeting in 3 weeks and I’ve been checking here less and less which is problematic

Guess I just wanted to enjoy life on my own terms for a while. Sobriety does feel like a chore sometimes but that’s something I should be used to by now.

I guess I’ve just been slacking in that regard.
I’ll get back on track there because I can almost certainly tell you how this will play out if I don’t get more engaged in this.

That’s all for now and I hope you are having a good weekend. :sweat_smile: :tada:


@acromouse thank you :hugs:. Yes! Its natural light, it’s a little chapel.
Day 15 of no PMO and 14 days of not binging with food.
I am going to be no posting until 23 of July because I Will be in a pilgrimage. I promise praying for all of you. Love you all. I am in other social media but this is the most respectful of all and the most human.


@JazzyS thank you dear friend


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:! Welcome to the quadruple digit club!


Day 1432

Had a nice chilled Saturday, a little house work, dyed my hair, went to the park to look for stag beetles with my son. My daughter had a high fever last night and a lump behind her ear, which made me panic for a minute (Is it mumps? Will she go deaf? She is vaccinated anyway) but she was fine today, the lump still there, so may need to get that checked out after the long weekend.


Made it through 90 days :raised_hands:t2:

Working a double today but I’m really glad it’s gonna be a chill shift. Hoping to make lot’s of money. Wanna save up to move out as soon as possible, and really looking forward to it. Mentioned it to my dad last night which makes it feel more real.
Also going to peru in about a week and excited for that as well.

Hoping to finally be abls to catch up on sleep tonight since I don’t have to be at work until 5 tomorrow. Thankfully after today, my string of morning shifts is done with. I wouldn’t mind morning shifts if my schedule was just consistent.

Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1490. I hope everybody has a good one!


Omg!!! Congratulations on quadruple digits!!! Wow what a milestone :smiley:


Congratulations on 90 days!!! :star_struck: