Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congratulations!!! Triple digits is great. You’re putting in hard work and it’s paying off. Sounds like a lovely time with some likeminded people.


Thank you! Here is to spreading peace and kindness all together :slight_smile:


Day 21 - it is a scorcher where I live! Doing some fun morning errands and got in a light workout. Looking forward to maybe chilling out a bit with my partner before we head to a concert tonight with friends.

Always grateful for you all and wishing you another wonderful day.


Congratulations on 100 days! :tada:


Checking in from the mountains. It’s very peaceful and relaxing here in the cabin we are renting. We are hanging out in the cabin this morning. After lunch we will explore the area a bit. I have a couple of very short walks planned for the twins and me. And then I hope to get into the town and explore the shops. Hope everyone has a good and sober day/night!


Checking in 97 days sober. No plans for this weekend, so I’ll need to be creative in this heat - 109 degrees today.
I’ll stay sober today.


You can break the pattern @wahtisnormal. It definitely doesn’t have to be that way for you. You have a therapist and have reached out in ways your mother hasn’t, and that is a very healthy sign! Sometimes tears are a good release and I’m glad you were able to let things out a bit. Sending virtual hugs. :people_hugging:


I missed your one year, but congratulations on one year and a day @Pattycake! :tada:


Day 385.went the beach :slight_smile:


@Dan.h84 congrats on your week :tada:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 90 days :tada: go view the house :house: :smiley:
@Pattycake congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Bomdhil congrats on 2 weeks :tada: enjoy your pilgrimage :blush:
@Butterflymoonwoman sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging:
@Thirdmonkey congrats on 60 days tobacco free :tada:
@Whereswaldo I can relate to never having been together in the first place and not knowing how to rebuild, thanks for sharing :people_hugging:🩵
@Noshame congrats on 70 days no cigs :tada: and 30 days no marijuana :tada:
@Laner congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@RefreshedPerspective congrats on 3 weeks :tada: enjoy the concert :notes: :musical_note:


You are doing great Mike – coming up on 8 months eh – that is amazing work. I know how hard you are working and it can be frustrating to see people around you not pulling their weight but getting rewarded. Are you able to talk to your boss openly? Or possibly bring it up when you are up for review? Unfortunately, every work place has similar situations and it is maddening. Keep working your recovery friend.


Congrats on your 3 weeks! :muscle: :tada: Have fun at the concert tonight


Checking in 5 days sober. I won’t lie, being sober is extremely hard and I’d like to smoke pot, but I know it would just make everything worse just like drinking booze which I’m also craving. This has been a really hard day, but in God I trust. I hope you all have a great day/night!


@Mno @acromouse @Alisa @JazzyS thank you all, aside from the journey’s there and back, the actual visit went really well :blush:

1433 days no alcohol.
898 days no cocaine.
413 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

So I visited my WhatsApp friend who I talk to on there throughout the day, every day, for years now, but had only met him once irl back in 2015. The journeys there and back were quite horrendous, 2.5hrs each way with a change each way too. On the way there my signal wouldn’t let me play music or listen to podcasts or audiobooks, so that didn’t help. I was also facing backwards and my seat was at a table section so I had 2 people opposite me, which is a big nightmare of mine.

When I got to my friend’s house, all 3 of his dogs were very enthusiastic about meeting me! His biggest and strongest dog, an American Bulldog jumped on me, pinned me back into the chair, and proceeded to lick my face all over :sweat_smile: his Husky was friendly and just kept asking for more attention, she’s a rescue bless her, and very placid, then he has a Jack Russell who was friendly and wanted attention too, he barked a lot at anyone who walked by. I had worried I might be awkward and find it hard to speak in person, but we got on just as well as we do on WhatsApp so that was nice :blush: My back was f**ked before I’d even left home, even more so after the trains, but I still wanted to attempt a walk with them, so we went to the closest park, and after about 20mins I just couldn’t carry on so we headed back, had a salad, chilled for 30mins, then it was time to leave. I was only there for 2.5hrs. I didn’t want to be too late home to my cats.

The train home was delayed by 30mins and I was in so much pain standing on the platform, there was nowhere to sit. I considered sitting on the floor but the platform was rammed with people. I got home eventually, an hour later than planned, but nevermind, it was really good to spend a bit of time, with my only friend, in person. :blush:

This morning I could have easily gone back to sleep instead, but I pushed myself to attend the online Survivors group, and I was really glad I did.

Fatigued but I’ve somehow managed to stay awake all day, I’ve mostly been catching-up here this afternoon.

My tooth socket pain is improving slightly but it tastes funny so I’m hoping there’s not infection forming. I’ll do some more warm salt water rinses and see how it feels after a couple more days.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Checking in at Day 46! I hope everyone is having a good weekend :hugs:


Yaaaay!!! Congrats to you friend on 100 DAYS!! :star_struck::tada::partying_face:


Checking in day 194 AF :blush:


165 days sober
Not questioning sobriety.
Being sober is freedom.
Love you guys :heart:


Thank you so much, i am reminding myseld of this and know I have a way better shot at living a healthy life. :pray:t2:


Thanks jazz, you always know the right thing to say!