Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Day 242. Ugh yesterday was crazy, had emergency department. Had 42 rooms discharged, plus everything else and to say i was beat when got home is a understatement lol. E.r today as well, still havent talked to my friends, just mostly keeping a distance. But looking forward to tomorrow off and hopefully putting on some new parts. Much love


Morning friends :purple_heart: How is everyone?
Slept really well last night and feel ready to tackle the day. Im on my way to work now. Hoping the shift goes by quickly and smoothly. Will do my prayer and gratitude list on the way. Have a great sunday everyone! :butterfly:


Checking in on day 367. have a good one, all!:love_you_gesture:t3::peace_symbol:


@Mindofsobermike wow thats ALOT of cleaning to do! Sounds super hectic! Hope u enjoy ur day off tmrw. Sounds like it is well deserved.
@Misokatsu How is your daughter doing? I believe i remember a recent post about her not being well and u were worried? Hope shes doing better
@GOKU2019 great job on turning down that beer from ur uncle. Glad u had a good time with family tho. Hope u were able to catch up on some rest
@acromouse i always love reading ur weekly reviews. Great job on the running!! I tried the couch to 5k program awhile back and even that was tough lol i used to be able to run for an hour on the treadmill (back in my skinny days) but its a different story now haha Im always impressed by runners like urself. Hope u have a peaceful day friend. And thank u for ur nice comment to me. Makes me feel good knowing thay what i share, helps others :slight_smile:
@amy30 its good to see u posting friend. Sending u hugs and good vibes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@sussexguy congratulations on 60 days!!! Good to see that ur thinking has changed
@soberwalker good luck today with ur party. Everything will be just fine :slight_smile:
@brittc congratulations on 1 month of freedom!
@wahtisnormal sending u big virtual hugs. Im sorry ur environment isnt a peaceful one. I see u posted this about 9 hours ago. How are you now?
@just_laura what a beautiful photo! Glad ur work shift was a more relaxed one.


Love back to you Jasmine Thx for remembering. Peace be with you and yours :hugs:


No grandbaby today. I am sure I will live, but the heart is a tad lonely.


Yeah girl it gets wild in the e.r lol. So far today ive done 22, i do enjoy it bc it goes fast. But at the same time you start getting frustrated bc your rover just keeps going off and you cant keep up lol but hope your having a good day


Thank you :blush:
Well my hair never behaves no matter if I try to make it flat or leave it in a curly mess. So I guess Iā€™ll be stuck with styling it even if itā€™s short.

Beautiful picture,it looks like a postcard. I always say that Iā€™m going to play golf when I retire. It looks like so much fun, and so peaceful at the same time. :blush:


I guess itā€™s kinda popular thereā€™s a lot of it in stores anyway, together with Icelandic and Finnish liquorice.

Personally I donā€™t like the taste, and thereā€™s almost no Gluten Free liquorice anyway so I donā€™t eat it that often. My 14 y/o on the other hand canā€™t stand things that are too sweet, so he likes liquorice and salted snacks for the most. (And Coffee flavored anything :blush:)


Checking in, sober. Todays my babygirls16th birthday. Havent Iā€™ve been sober I would have been tipsy all day and not remembered anything of the day. Thankfull.

The anxiety have not been present all day, bur now I feel like death is near, probably used so much energy and I have done everything by ny self so Im tired.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 137

Late check-in today.

My husband wanted to try and drive today. So we went to Swedens Grand Canyon for fishing. The weather was a little tricky. Rain, a glimpse of the sun more rain and towards the end of the day the sky started to look really angry, so we packed up. We had just got seated in the car when the rain started to pour down.

Perfect timing, but we didnā€™t catch any fish. :smiling_face:

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Iā€™d be ok with not catching any fish! The scenery and views are beautiful.


Day 138. Stormy weather at the home. I am doing really well through the turmoil and conflict. Sober is best but oh shit I would like to tune it all out.
Praying and reading to avoid feeling bad about ME.

Have a great day my SOBER friends.


Congratulations on 20 and some change! :raised_hands:


101 days sober
My plans for this morning got canceled so I ended up having a relaxing day. Stayed in with a friend and played games. A great rainy day activity


Yep, itā€™s stunning. Especially if the weather is nice. :smiling_face:

There are many tourists that spend a few nights with camper Vans there. For us itā€™s about an hours car ride away. So we try to go there at least once every summer or fall.


Congratulations on 60 days!!!

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@lighter So grateful that you are working to unravel the knots through therapy. This is not an easy process and like most things it will get worse before it gets better. So grateful that you worked through those nasty thoughts and are hanging tough in sobriety. You are not along my friend. You are absolutely right to just keep doing what you are doing and reminding yourself that you are where you are meant to be. :hugs: :heart: We canā€™t always see the healing as its happening and hopefully you will wake up one da feeling light and free!

This is a great revelation. So often we will see our past and realize we donā€™t fit there anymore. 651 days strong Sabrina. Keep going forward!
@wahtisnormal Sending you a massive virtual hug Zoe :people_hugging: Hope your day improved since you posted :hugs:
@acromouse That is awesome that you are out and running more these days. Its amazing how much better our bodies and minds are when we start focusing on healthier options and routines.
@brittc Congrats on your 1 month! Keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@soberwalker How did the party go? Hope you were able to stay calm and enjoy yourself. :hugs:
@sussexguy Congrats on your 2 months! So lovely to see sobriety as second nature ā€“ keep working on your progress :muscle:
@brian1965uk Congrats on your 20+ months of sobriety! Impressive work Brian ā€“ keep up the great work :muscle:
@GOKU2019 Such a cute picture :heart: Glad all went well with your sisters baby shower. Way to turn down that drink! :muscle:
@nowenbrace You are welcome friend ā€“ great to see you checking in. Thank you :hugs:

Checking in on Sunday afternoon
Was grateful to get in my morning walk and even squeeze in a swim before the rain started. It was a perfect morning with light clouds and a cool breeze. Trying to be somewhat productive todayā€¦ hope i succeed :laughing:
It is now sunny and muggy and Iā€™m grateful to be indoors with the air conditioner.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@wakikki Happy 16th birthday to your daughter. It is a lot to prep and take care of and I do hope you find time to sit and relax. Sorry the anxiety is present. Breathe and remember to take care of you as well. Everything looks amazing. That cake :yum: :heart:

@tailee17 Sending you hugs and positive vibes ā€” you are a rockstar and hope that you can read some positive affirmations to remind yourself of your amazingness. Here if you need to vent / talk :hugs:


The program Iā€˜ve started recently is a very easy one. It starts with walking 30min four days a week. It adds running/jogging intervals of 1min every 5min the next week. Over time the amount of time jogging increases and the time of walking decreases. I really needed something so stupidly easy I was confident I could start right now, no matter how my energy levels would be. I actually hope to get to 5k at some time. But this will take a while.