Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I really can‘t believe this running business myself. Still feels like it‘s happening to someone else :grin:


That‘s a bummer for sure :crying_cat_face:

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Thank you Patty :blush:

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Thank you Dana. I’ve been itching to make a big move but know I’m not ready yet. 4 months is too soon. Just need to stay sober and healthy for now. :heart:


That sounds cool! Where did you find that program?


Day 14 sober from everything

Feeling good :slight_smile: This week was a lot easier than last week. I have been able to go out with my friends consistently while choosing not to drink or use substances which is great. I think something actually clicked in my subconscious that just makes me not wanna use drugs/alcohol anymore. I’ve been doing all the things my CA sponsor says to do. Life has been good :smile_cat:


Love this post …way to go with your 2 weeks :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada:… Keep working on your recovery


Checking in day 195 AF :blush:


Wow!!! Congratulations on 2 weeks!!! Great work!


Checking in Sunday afternoon with 98 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too. My husband has been sober with me this weekend and it has been so nice!


Day 22 - feeling pretty tired after this week of music and festivals, but have proven a lot to myself enjoying it all sober!

I have another check in with my Dr tomorrow and another call with my boss to discuss a back to work plan, so some heavy thoughts there, but at my core I’m looking forward to getting back into the 9-5 schedule. Anyways, one day at a time team.

As always, wishing for peace and happiness for you all.


Checking in sober. I’m having a hard time getting back into a routine of posting here. Mostly just lurking.

My depression is a dark cloud today. Some days it weighs heavily on me and I have a hard time breaking the cycle of negative thoughts. I promise I’m safe. Checking in here because I don’t really have anyone to talk to

I think I’m slowly dealing with some trauma from the past and that’s difficult. Currently feeling like I’ve wasted decades of my life. Not from addiction, but not getting proper help with my mental health from the start.

I’m turning 50 next month and don’t feel like I have anything to show for it.

I guess I should just go to bed early.


@KarenKW You don’t need to have anything to show for it. Society tells you you have to have a job, or kids, or a house to have some purpose or point. You don’t. Your existance is enough.

@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks for asking. She got better, but the lump behind her ear is still there. I will take her to the doctors if it doesn’t get better soon.


Work felt loooong. It was just a really long day. I got home, finished up the dishes that my husband started, made supper, gave my son his formula feed, did laundry, ate supper, and then gave my son a bath. Im beat lol Sleep will feel soo good later.

I experienced a strange thing today tho. I swore i could smell my DOC. It was such a distinct smell that it stopped me in my tracks. Im pretty sure no one in my building is smoking crack so it mustve been just a past sensory sort of thing. Weird. Gave me a slight craving to use but i dealt with it. Has this happened to anyone else before?

Anyway, im just going to get my son ready for bed and then do a little self care. Im planning on hitting the gym early in the morning! So want to get a good rest. Have a great night everyone :butterfly:


@acromouse Yeah, the sky was really pretty. We never get to see the sunset at work bc of the trees, but I took that 10 minutes before it went down :sunrise:

@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks Dana :blush: You know, I found it interesting when I read that you want to be more involved around here, bc I’ve been feeling the exact same way lately. I haven’t been able to spend as much time here as I was (bc of work), but when I do, I feel more connected than ever :sparkles: I guess it’s just where we’re meant to be :heart: Also, I’ve experienced phantom scents before. At work one time, our server station smelled like cocaine. No one else was there and I never found the cause :woman_shrugging: Weird

@MrsOdh It’s funny actually, I’ve worked there for 9 years, and even though employees are allowed to golf for free on Monday’s, I never have :upside_down_face: (we’re also allowed to use the pool Monday’s and I have made my choice :joy:)

@john_connor1337 That’s how it felt for me. Like a switch flipped in my brain one day and I was done. Just remember it can flip back, so stay vigilant :muscle: Great job on 2 weeks!


Woke up with tons of energy for work. Not very busy so I kept myself busy cleaning and organizing. Wish I could do that at home :roll_eyes: Of course I used my energy up and have just been relaxing at home. Happy to have tomorrow off. Planning haircuts for me and my daughter. Time to wind down. Hope you all have a great 24!

This is the 515th post on this thread on my 515th day! Ha :rofl: I like numbers :upside_down_face:


Checking in day 393 AF
Slowly but surely getting the packing done. I’ll be glad when it’s all over. Thought I’d found a solution for help, my ex husband. That’s not going to work out. He’s got some health issues so that’s not going to work. It’ll all work out it always does. I’ve move up and down the west coast twice and this time it’s only 20 miles away.

No urges or desire to drink. While the idea of a drink sounds good, the aftermath and losing my sober time is at this time enough to stop me from drinking.

My back is actually holding up well to despite the physical activity.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and sound sleep.



Back to work I go. My sleep was not very restful. Loads of dreams. Drinking was involved. Or drinks at least. Hm. Feeling a bit unsettled now. It’ll get better. I’m sober and clean and nothing’s going to change that. Good days and less good ones. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my urban hike yesterday (I felt more like walking @acromouse).


Checking in day 64. Got back home late so this will be short and sweet :yawning_face: :smiling_face:

Have a good night/day everyone.


Checking in sober. Watched the Euro Final on television with the kids. Wow what a match. Hope everyone is having a good day or night wherever you are. We got this.


Day 1002 AF

Sup, sober fam.

Woke up late today. Watched a Korean movie with the wifey. Took the lil man to park. Watched the Copa America final. Gonna excersise and then pass out. It’s back to the grind tomorrow.

Goodnite, gang. Take care.

ODAAT :heart: