Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Hello all,
Today I am 10 months alcohol free!


I am here for connecting. Sending you positive energy for today and always.


Congratulations on 10 months. That is amazing.


Just to hear that helps!


Happy 8 months of recovery my friend!! :sparkles:


Congratulations on 7 days of sobriety!


Congrats on 72 days. Hope you feel better soon :slight_smile:


I donā€™t know who else needed to hear this but I surely did. Thanks, friend. Itā€™s an important reminder.


It could be a lymph node flare up. I get them sometimes. Iā€™m glad youā€™re getting her checked out.


1 week, Congratulationsā€¦ I am here with your progress. Keep it upā€¦
Sending you strengthā€¦


@DanaM56 Wish I could be there to lend a hand. Moving 20 miles somehow is the same ampunt of darn work. Hope yhe rest of the move goes well. Youre doing the right thing for you, even if it isnt easyā€¦xo.

@MrsOdh Congrats on the wedding anniversary :heart::two_hearts: Funny thing, our anniversary is actually tomorrow :slight_smile: And we plan on celebrating tpmordow but this may be the first year weā€™ve celebrated on the actual day :smile:

I hope all goes well with the xray, you and your husband have been through so much and its such a beautiful thing that you are working on your sobriety through all of this.

I understand also your desire for a job that doesnt suck yoh dry. I too want a job that allows me to balance my life, and make an okay wage. Wishing you luck in finding soemthing that givws you that ability xo.

@MrFantastik ā€œQuiet day with the kidsā€ made me laugh straight outloud :sunglasses: good on that day count!

@acromouse Hope you are feeling better! A whole week without your daughterā€¦wow. I hope you are able to let go and relax (I find this so hard when I actually have time to relax). Theres a meme of Quentin Tarantino out there which directly depicta how I get lost trying relax when I get a break frpm them lol.

Little check in :slight_smile: By chance got an appt tomorrow with my therapist. I want to focus on anxiety and family, particularly my parents. It feels like one should have all these things healed up by now, but I know the big thinfs in life come around. Pain in the ass.

And not to forget, a Happy Anniversary to @MrsOdh!!! Hope you are able to have a nice day together xo.


1y 9m 27d AF

One more sleep :airplane:

Heres hoping i dont struggle in Bali, im sure there will be enough mocktails and NAs to be ok.

The temptation to drink has been setting in a bit but then i remind myself of what i was like when i drank so yeah. Not going to happen.

Stay focused, stay true.


Thank you.
And happy anniversary to you as well. I hope you get an amazing Celebration together. :blush:


@karenkw How are you doing today? Depression sucks. You are not alone. Glad you are working on breaking the cycle. As Flo said ā€“ you donā€™t need to show anything for it. It is funny how society has programmed us into believing that we need to show proof outwardly that we are doing good or have grown. Look at the progress you have made internally as I see you have grown immensely. Figuring out your emotions and working through the trauma in a healthy manner. ODAAT :hugs:
@soberwalker So glad that it went well and you all had a great time. That was a short weekend. Hope you have a restful week. The food sounds absolutely delicious :yum:
@dan.h84 Nicely done with your double digits! Way to go Dan :muscle:
@acromouse Way to go with 100 upf! Gonna be 1 week no dairy tomorrow. Hope you enjoy your home space :hugs:
@danam56 Hope all goes smoothly with the move. Glad you have some time to get things sorted. Super glad your back is not causing you trouble.
@mrsodh Happy Anniversary friend. Hope you and your hubby have a good time celebrating :tada: :tada:
@doreen1 Iā€™m sorry you are struggling. Anything you want to talk about? You are not alone friend. Glad you are still hanging onto the journey ā€“ keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@lile01 so good to see you back here posting. Grateful you are alive and back with the program. I am so very sorry for your loss. So sorry that you relapsed. Grateful you got and are continuing to get help. :people_hugging: I am doing well friend ā€“ thanks for asking. ODAAT for the both of us. Please do what you can to stay connected ā€“ reach out if you ever feel the urges rising.
@mindofsobermike WOOT WOOT! Way to go Mike! So happy to see you here celebrating your achievement. Keep stacking up the days and working your recovery :muscle: :tada:
@laner So sorry that today was so triggering friend. Great work on getting out and being active. I know working through trauma can be taxing. Be kind and gentle to yourself as you process these past events / emotions. Much love friend. :hugs: Glad you didnā€™t pick up. Life only gets harder with alcohol.


@twizzlers 72 days is awesome! Iā€™m sorry you are feeling emotionally drained. Glad you are acknowledging the isolation and posting. Stick with us friend ā€” donā€™t let these feeling consume you. You are doing so well in your journey. WE got your back
@tragicfarinelli 200 days! Woot Woot! :tada: :tada: Thatā€™s awesome friend. I am sorry you are feeling feels to isolate. This is the time to engage harder. We are all here for you ā€“ lean on us. You are doing amazingly well ā€“ keep that momentum going strong : muscle:
@mrmoustache There is no ā€œonlyā€ in sobriety ā€“ you are 7 days strong today! Each day sober is a day won :muscle: Keep at it friend. Glad you are not experiencing cravings. Stay vigilant and stay connected ODAAT
@mischa84 WOW that looks like a fun day! Glad you and the boys got out for a lovely adventure :heart:
@trixie1 So lovely to see you posting and with 10 months!!! Way to go friend. That is awesome work. Keep up the great work.
@mira_d Hope you and your hubby have a wonderful anniversary tomorrow and a wonderful celebration. There is no set timing to heal our wounds and ourselves from past traumas. Just keep going forward and doing all that you are doing for your recovery. :people_hugging:
@2jtravnz OOH Bali! So exciting! Remember we are just ever a moment away. Stay connected and yes ā€“ do remind yourself of what alcohol does and how you are so much better off without it. And always play that tape forward friend. Safe and happy travels

Checking in on Monday evening
572 Days free of alcohol and weed
987 Days free of cigarettes
It was a decent enough day. I slept in as it was raining and i allowed myself to rest. I managed to fall out of the shower last night and not sure how it happened but am a bit banged up. Glad i am ok. Feeling the after effects today.
Not much else to report. Gonna take it easy tonight.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


There was alot of change that happened today. I dont mind change except when its all dumped on me at once, which is what happened today.

There was a change to mt sons school nurse for next year. Its someone we dont know but hopefully she is a good nurse. We will meet her on Aug 28th.

And there was a change to how we will get my sons formula starting Oct 1st. Which will be good in a sense bcuz we can now get it closer to our home. But bad in the sense that it will cost alot more upfront (still determining how much that will be).

I was experiencing mild panic attacks earlier bcuz i was blowing things out of proportion. I needed to do some deep breathing and some mindfullness techniques (did the dishes mindfully). It helped to ground me. Im trying to see the positives of these changes. Trying not to stress over them.

Im just getting everything ready for tonights sleep study appt for my son. Waiting for hubby to get home so we can have supper before we go. Thats about it. Have a great evening everyone! :butterfly:


Day 136

I am feeling sad. Trying to sit with the feelings and not totally believe them. Meaning I donā€™t want to wind up or indulge in it. Yes, itā€™s there and itā€™s a response to grief, loneliness, uncertainty. Of course I want to feel safe and loved instead. So those are the things Iā€™ll focus on. Iā€™m actually safe, loved and healing. I may not feel that way, but those arenā€™t facts. Things wonā€™t always be this way. It just hits me hard sometimes. So Iā€™ll say it is hard. And that maybe I need a smile or a hug. I try to put an extra positive spin on things but sometimes Iā€™m just hurting. Tomorrow will be better. :heart:


Iā€™m sorry you are going through the feels my friend. Sending you massive virtual hugs :hugs::hugs:.
This will pass. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we just canā€™t put a positive spin on our emotions. Itā€™s ok to feel sad. Just remember that this too shall pass and you are not alone. You are loved! :smiling_face::heart:
tenor (2)


Thank you Jasmine. Just what I needed :heart:


@JazzyS I hope you didnt hurt yourself too badly! Shower falls happen so often, I am glad it sounds like it wasnt too serious. Good for you gettinf some rest, and thank you for your kind words (as always). I hope tomorrow for us to at least get out to lunch or something, hubby was in a right mood today but he has a Monday thing lol. Its a big pathological!

@Lighter Im sorry to hear youre feeling down. But sometimes thats just where we are and we have to breath through it. Sit with it, and its not fun but weā€™re okay. I really appreciate your perspective on feelings. My sponsor of 10 years, a beautiful soul used to remind me that just becausd I felt something doesnt mean its real. A mind bender that can be at times, but once those feelings pass or shift we can see how true it is. I know some peopke hate the expression, but he used to say it to me all the time (and it never came off as dismissive or like he was trying to shut what I was going down) was this too shall pass. The way he meant it was more the feeling state, and I hear his voice in my head reminding me of that. Im sending a smile and hug your way :hugs:

@Butterflymoonwoman Good for you taking that second to breath through stuff. The unknown and change can be rattling, but it sounds like you took some good steps to center yourself. Sometimes I get so anxious my face goes numb, and its usually then that Im like wait a minuteā€¦BREAAAATH. Hope yhe sleep study goes well for your son and youre able to gef some helpful info.

XO everyone and sleep well.