Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I’m sorry you fell! I hope you heal up fast. :heart:


@mira_d and @lighter thank you - doing well enough. A bit banged up and hurting but I am grateful it wasn’t any worse.



@Brittc congrats on your month :tada:
@SussexGuy congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Amy30 sitting with you in the void :people_hugging: I hope your next gig is so much better than the last, that guy can FRO! Sending strength 🩵
@Brian1965uk congrats on 20+ months :tada:
@john_connor1337 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@KarenKW you are enough, sending strength 🩵
@Butterflymoonwoman I do get this sometimes, I had it at one of the train stations on Friday last week, it was so strong and so distinct. I hope things go well at the hospital :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Dan.h84 congrats on double digits :tada:
@acromouse congrats on triple digits for no UPFs :100::tada:
@MrsOdh belated happy anniversary :confetti_ball::revolving_hearts:


@Doreen1 sending strength 🩵
@Lile01 welcome back :people_hugging: sorry for your loss :mending_heart: so glad you got the help you needed and survived, and will have support again going forwards 🩵
@Mindofsobermike congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Laner we can’t rush trauma recovery, even therapy is only 50mins once a week for a reason. Sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 200 days :tada:
@MrMoustache congrats on your week :tada:
@Trixie1 congrats on 10 months :tada:
@Mira_D happy anniversary :confetti_ball::revolving_hearts:
@JazzyS ouch! I’m glad you’re okay :people_hugging:🩵
@Lighter :mending_heart::people_hugging:🩵

1435 days no alcohol.
900 days no cocaine.
415 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

I have ben so fatigued from the travelling to visit my friend. Yesterday it was very hard to stay awake, I fell asleep alot of times. Today I was still not very alert and could have easily fallen asleep if I had tried. I did manage one thing yesterday, I did my entire morning routine from start to finish, for the first time in months, so that’s something.

Today I was feeling very depressed. I have been attempting to start catching-up here since 7:30am, but I just couldn’t. I also needed to drive to my hometown to collect some medications. So after failing to start here, I decided to go get my meds, so that that anxiety was out of my head. I got back at midday and still wasn’t been able to start. I did my morning routine again at 4pm, but it didn’t make me feel any less depressed.

I fkin hate depression. All I wanted to do was binge crisps and watch a TV show. I really tried not to give in. I ignored my cravings and did many meditations, but I just couldn’t cope, so binge-eating is now back to zero.

My tooth pain is also back and making me feel extra miserable.

Prince had one of his funny turns 2hrs ago, so I will be awake now until he comes out from under the sofa where he’s hiding. Wolfie is very corcerned, but whenever he goes near the sofa Prince hisses, spits, and growls at him. I don’t know why it keeps happening, the vets say it’s behavioural so there’s nothing they can do. :crying_cat_face:



Sending you love and hugs my friend. Depression SUCKS! Hoping you can get some rest and get relief from the tooth pain. Here’s hoping for a better tomorrow :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :heart:


2y 4m 13d no self harm

really wanting to relapse today. nothing bad has happened but I’m just gonna be honest and get a little political. i live in the US and watching this whole trump assassination thing, well let’s say I’m not a fan of trump. and as a nonbinary person who hasn’t even moved out yet, if he gets voted in I’ll never be able to receive gender affirming care and that’s simply not an option for me. i can’t handle that


Hey Cam,

I’m glad you went to see your friend. You’ve got plenty here as well, please lean on us if you feel down :people_hugging: sleep well


Checking in on day 20! It’s crazy how fast the days seem to stack up now. Those first few days/first week absolutely dragged. It felt like I was in single digits forever. But then it feels like just yesterday I was texting my dad to let him know I made it to 10 days. Now I’ve somehow already doubled that. Still just taking it one day at a time :smiling_face: Really loving the support from this community :blue_heart:


Congratulations on 20 days. You are amazing.


Thank you Mira! :blush:. It’ll be worth it once it’s all over.



I went to my first in person Recovery Dharma meeting last night. It took me 1865 days to get there. I feel we got a match :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and I’ll try again next week. Twenty minutes of meditation went by quick. Or not slow anyway :upside_down_face:. Came up against some big internal blockages. No huge new insights or epiphanies came to me but it felt good to be there, in person, with my friendly peers. I did feel connection. We’re in this together.

Going for a day of experience work today. Doing something new as well, as I’m going to join a colleague experience worker and host some groups instead of my usual improvising and impromptu walking around and doing talks with individuals and small groups. It’ll be good. Have as good a day as you can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love.

@SadMemeQueen I get it. I’m sorry. It’s just that what you feel the urge to do wouldn’t help, not the situation and not yourself. Big hugs friend.
@CATMANCAM Thanks for being here friend. Sorry for the binge. Much love.
@Lighter Thanks for reminding yourself and us all that feelings aren’t facts Marie. X


Hello friends. Checking in another sober day. Hope you are well.


Back from my trip to the mountains and had one of my mega commute days today. Tomorrow will be worse traffic so today wasn’t too bad. We dropped my son off at camp for 2 weeks in the mountains, that was the reason for our trip. I don’t have many photos from our trip. Here is one of a Manzanita tree. Have a good evening/day everyone!


Day 1003 AF

Wud up, gang.

Not whole lot going on today. Busy with work and the kiddos.

I hope all is well with everyone. Gonna excersise and pass out.

Goodnight. Love yall :heart:



@2JTravNZ That’s exactly how I deal with it :+1: There’s been a few bad days throughout my sobriety that reverted my mind back to default mode and the thought of having a drink sounded like a good idea. Until I quickly snapped myself back to the reality, which is that having a drink will make that day SOOO much worse. I’m done riding that merry-go-round. Have fun in Bali! You’ll enjoy it so much more sober :blush:

@CATMANCAM Sorry about your tooth pain :heart: That’s no joke :confounded: I’m wondering if a calming collar might help your cat :thinking: My vet suggested one when my boy Krieger suffered anxiety over us getting a 2nd cat and began stress grooming himself. He was ripping out his own fur causing bald spots. Within 10 minutes of wearing the collar, he was the chillest I’d ever seen him. It was actually really weird, but it worked! Just a thought :relieved: It’s made by Sentry.


Ugh, the rain today made me so lazy :weary: I wanted to get things done around the house(it needs it!), but felt so tired and achy. Pms could also be the culprit. I was able to find some energy after dinner and wiped down the bathroom and detail vacuumed all the carpets, upon which my cat vomited less than 5 minutes later :face_exhaling: Eh, what are you gonna do :woman_shrugging: Anyway, feeling pretty good otherwise. Another day won!


Day 645

Another day come and gone.
It’s been a long day, and I’ve had some missing time. These days are hard for me. It only happens these days when I’m overly stressed, but then missing time adds even more stress.
I’ve got to figure out a way to be less stressed out.
Sounds comical though, considering…

There’s a house full of people who rely on me
My job is getting weird… Like today they opened an investigation into the staff because someone complained there are vaping in the back room, one of the new managers wants to quit, last week one of the managers got fired for being done early, and i was written up for someone else selling a coffee we didn’t have…
Also I have shifts that begin at 430am, and in the same week, shifts that don’t end until 9pm… When will I sleep?
Everyone at work is on eggshells
And of course, my own mental crap from July being one of the hardest anniversaries from my teen years.
Eating has become a chore
And I’m just so tired.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :pray:t3:


So proud of you! Congrats on 2 weeks!


@Scorpn that sounds absolutely exhausting. I hope you can get some much needed rest soon, and that things at work calm down as soon as possible for you. :pray:t2:
@justKaitlin isnt that crazy? The early days are definitely the hardest. Now that youve got that behind you, you know you can handle it, and hopefully see how much better your quality of life is. You’re killing it, so proud of you! This community has definitely helped me so much. It’s so refreshing being surrounded by people who purely support you.
@CATMANCAM sending you so many hugs. We’re in this together. Depression definitely sucks. Remember as long as you’re getting through each day and putting one foot in front of the other, you’re winning. Tomorrow is a new day :blue_heart: I’m sorry to hear about your cat, that’s got to be so stressful seeing them in distress like that :cry:
@Butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry to hear you had such a stressful day with so much going on. Look at you, you got through it and managed to calm yourself down and ground yourself. That’s amazing, and not easy! Hope tomorrow goes better for you, and that these changes are beneficial :pray:t2:

Day 93
Had a decent day, just a little exhausting but not too bad overall. Saw my therapist, and continued planning a trip to Peru with a friend. We leave in less than a week and we still have to book our hotels and tours, and buy travel insurance, along with a couple of other things. We’re getting there, it’s just getting stressful as time is running thin. Feeling pretty meh the rest of the night but can’t complain. Volunteering tomorrow (and I really don’t wanna wake up for that tbh) then probably planning the trip some more.

Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Sorry that I facebooked this thread with my fotos yesterday. It was such a nice day, I just got carried away a bit :sweat_smile: