Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

It looked like such a great day with the family! I’m happy you shared this moment with us :heart:


Day 654

I felt like a truck hit me yesterday after work. Going to call my Dr today again.
Seems like our office collapses now.
We’re 6 medical assistants in total. 2 of us have Covid, one is sick bc she can’t handle the stress that good and has mental health issues and one is on vacation.
In our main hospital, where we belong to, same. Too many are sick and too many are on vacation at the same time.
Short staff wherever you look at, because good staff is expensive. This is the result.
And some of us have that mentality that we feel guilty when being sick. It’s like we ingest that with the air we breathe. Hard to unlearn, but I’m on a good way :relieved:


*Day 2127 :walking_woman:
Quick check in, nothing special. Worked yesterdag and had a good day.
Today off from work so crossfit training and house chores it is :sweat_smile:
We saw a “bijzon” (sundog) 2 days ago and my brother in law who is a astronomer adjusted our photo to explain it a bit. If you are interested? Here it is:

It was during our party sunday when we saw this right above our head! :star_struck: Ps that black thing is a pole in our garden.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:



And still sober.
There is some fundamental change in my mind.
I know I am never fully save anyway.

Love you guys :heart:
Stay on the good side!


Thank you so much! Sending hugs to you, my friend!




Good morning on day 9. I’m feeling a little tired today. Starting my new job on 1st August. Really looking forward to this, but time seems to be moving very slowly at present.


You got this! Congrats on day 9 my friend.


Day 388. Working 6.30 till 4 today… Not a bad day. Weather is alot better. Watching slow horses on apple TV and it’s brilliant… Staying focused. Not drinking today :+1:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 139.

Thank you for all the anniversary gratulations yesterday.

Not raining at the moment, it’s supposed to start again this afternoon.

Today we’re going Gothenburg for my husbands X-ray. As you know I love to get out of the house. I like the city, but I’m not a big fan of Gothenburg.

I’m always amazed on how unfriendly that city is for tourists. And like the expensive parking and pay to pee issues wasn’t enough, they’re now rebuilding parts of the Parking house in the city so it’s almost impossible to get in there.

But we aren’t supposed to be just in the city centre. Since the hospitals here neither have staff or money they’ve sent my husband to a private clinic for the x-ray. Which is located on the oldest part of the city where cars are not allowed. Because his limited ability to walk they’ve promised us that they would arrange a special allowance to park close to their clinic.
We haven’t seen that special allowance anywhere yet.

I’m sure we’ll have a great day anyway. I’m really looking forward to get out of the house more than to the local store. :smiling_face:

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


@Mischa84 You a dangerous lady :crossed_swords: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Mira_D Thank you. My headache did improve over the day and I thorougly enjoyed my first ‘free’ day.
@wahtisnormal Your trip sounds wonderful. Have never been to this part of the world. Maybe you’ll like to share some pictures with us :smiling_face:
@Mno That meeting sounds really good. I’m glad it was such a nice experience for you and you experienced a welcoming space and connection. :hugs:
@SoberWalker Next time I’ll have to sneak in one of your parties :rofl: and get me some of that great food :yum:
@Mindofsobermike Congrats on 8 months. You went a long way. You so deserve the spoils of your hard work friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Lile01 We all here are very grateful you are getting this chance to live. Grateful there are people out there who will take care of us, no matter in which situation we might be. Another chance. But as many have already said and as you yourself know: You might be running out of chances. Have you joined a recovery program? A recovery community to check in with? There are so many out there. Love and hugs :people_hugging: :mending_heart:
@MrsOdh Fingers crossed your journey today will turn out with not too many hassles. And I am glad to hear you are getting out of the house. There is a saying in german, that one has to get out of the house ‘cause the ceiling is falling onto one’s head’ (Die Decke fällt mir auf den Kopf). I find it sometimes expresses this feeling of being stuck in a place that starts feeling to small pretty well. So here is to wider skys and getting out for you today.
@Timetochange I enjoyed Slow Horses a lot. Especially Garry Oldman, he is such a convincingly commited sloth.
@TheWolf Good job on stacking days. If time is slow: What can you do to support your recovery today?

237 sugar
101 UPF
108 gluten
7 dairy
3 overeating

I tend to overeat on day 3 so I’m going to be especially mindful today :smile:

Second day all by myself in my flat. I enjoyed this new situation with no responsibility for a child immensly yesterday and went out for a game night. It was lots of fun and I’m planning on attending more often. I met a friend there I have not seen in years. That was nice too.

Today more work on my current game, groceries are already done. A walk, some yoga in the afternoon. Last preperations for my upcoming trip to Utrecht and a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening. My ex might come over for dinner.

Let’s try for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Love that,had my 14 y/o to read it in German too. He is the only one in our family that actually can speak German. The rest of us have other language skills. :laughing:

Most travels like vacations with this family do end up like something from a Donald Duck or Goofy movie. For example we’ve had a vacation to the Ocean a few years ago where we first forgot all the beddings for the caravan at home, and ended up buying them. Then when we arrived we had wrong power outlet, had to buy that. Couldn’t swim in the ocean because of algaes, pool was closed. Food got burned, restaurant got closed. And Eventually when everyone was fed and we where to relax I sat down and my button on my shorts shoot away and hit my father in the eye so he had to go to the doctors office.

When we where in England this December for the Polar express I had it all planned perfectly, timed with a great time frame. And the plan ended up being late,then the subway got stopped due to technical issues. We had to run for our connecting train and it was so crowded that we couldn’t get to our booked seats. Taxi forgot us and eventually we got to our hotel where the staff was so nice waiting up for us even after their Opening hours. Made us some tea and showed us to our rooms.
We kept on saying that the travel back home would go better. But that actually got worse :laughing:

Another time my husband managed to lock our car keys into the trunk of our car, so we had to call for a tow truck. The check in staff at the hotel have him free coffee and looked like they where about to cry, I laughed so hard that I had to sit down. My husband and the hotel staff eventually started to laugh as well.

But you know, it makes fun stories to tell and laugh about later. And we’re all pretty chill about it, because it usually turns out good anyway. And we’re happy that we get to go on adventure together. :smiling_face:


That’s hilarious! So glad his eye was okay! I like how you say it’s adventures for the family. Hope your trip to the city goes okay … the parking and everything.



227 days
Slept in longer thanni wanted to today which caused me to rush a bit this a.m
Was a good day with the family. Wife is on nightshift tonight.
Will be setting extra alarms for tomorrow morning


Thanks Jazzy, yesterday was a bit better and managed some sleep last night. I have therapy Thursday, so making notes of what I want to talkabout.


Day 155
Just a casual check-in. Managed to do over 26,000 steps today between work and a 6km walk this evening.
Will definitely sleep well tonight


Checking in on day
433 no alcohol
364 no vapes or ciggs 73 no form of nicotine
33 no form of marijuana

Good day so far
Take care


Hey all, checking in on day 1493. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 244. Had a good day yesterday, put my new chain, freewheel, derailleur and shifter on. Shifts beautiful and love the clutch on the derailleur, i ordered another freewheel and going to put that on today to see what i like better. Excited to get home this weekend with my girls. Thank you all for the love and support. I hope you all have amazing days. Its funny how many comcompliments my bike gets when im out riding. Literally so many people say they love it