Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I literally read this the other day and went back searching to find it today because of how much it resonated with me. I read posts on here daily and it helps me immensely. But sometimes I’m in such a rush I just read and don’t “like” or comment back. Or I think of a reply in my head but never put it into words. I would like to improve upon how much I contribute back to this platform. I know how much comments on here mean to me and I hope to get more involved and invested in conversations on here moving forward :blush:


Hi all! I’m doing quite well. I was hospitalized but I’m out and KILLING it!!


I’m glad that you are well and doing better. Love having you back here with us. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Checking in today, 3 weeks sober! I’ve been seeing a lot of other posts/inspiration/support on other social media platforms and wanted to share a quote that stuck out to me recently. It was along the lines of “Trying to moderate your addiction is like switching your seats on the Titanic. You’re still on a sinking ship.” I could try to convince myself that I could find a “better seat” but at the end of the day my story still wouldn’t have a happy ending. The harsh reality of it is that if I want to make it out alive, I shouldn’t board that ship at all. So today I stayed sober. I will continue to do so ODAAT! :muscle:t3:


I completely agree with everything u mentioned. I always appreciate the replies back (just like I really appreciate ur message). Im trying to be more involved as of late but the past couple days have just worn me out. I find that some days im just too tired to respond or comment, ot i lack the energy :frowning: hoping to do some reading tonight on here tho :slight_smile: hope ur doing well by the way. I see u have 3 weeks sober!!! Yay!!! Thats wonderful :slight_smile: im so proud of u! :orange_heart:


So happy for you! What a great day!
Ill be looking for that update in the gratitude thread :blush::people_hugging:


Aww hun even when you’re battling urges and in pain you took time to reply to so many. You really are just such an amazing person! I am glad to know you and happy that you were stronger than the urge. Another day down! Sending♥️ your way. I hope the pain has subsided or you’re at least resting



Another experience work day ahead, followed by a job interview with a twist. There’s people working there that were my colleagues during my worst times working over a decade ago. When I was trying to do everything alone and that way went totally pear shaped. While this job is all about cooperation, about interaction, about working together on a very deep level. I’m going to have to prove that I’m up to that. To myself and to them.

Time to put my money where my mouth is. We’re in this together and I’m not alone. Have as good a day as you can all. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. I will. Much love.


Day 646

Really missing my own thread right about now. So much i feel like writing but nowhere seems like the right place to put it.

But one day I’ll have access again so it’ll work itself out i suppose…

I ate today, but I feel nauseous now. Hours later. It’s really frustrating.

I went job hunting today. And I think I found something promising. So fingers crossed it has pay I need to sustain. The hours are way better and it is a cafe instead of a drive thru place, so it seems more laid back.

I have to be at work in less than 4 hours but I can’t sleep yet. :sob: Even though I’m exhausted. My brain just isn’t turning off like I need it to.

Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon.

I’m just happy I’m sober and am not rushing to get high every time I am stressed these days! I’d probably wouldn’t be here if I relapsed.


169 days AF

Hi there,

I was dating a guy few times (no intimacy yet) who is letting me know this morning, he can’t go an as he is in a relationship. He wanted diversion and then things got on the “wrong” direction with me. Lol. What a fucked up game! :nauseated_face:

I don’t even give a shit about drinking. Got myself and I can trust myself and have a good time on my own.
Hit the pool later.
My new watch is lot of fun :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Love you guys :heart:



Took a while to fall asleep last night, and then woke up 2 hours early, ready to go. Probably slept 5 hours, but had energy all day. It made me suspicious and I kept wondering ‘when am I gonna hit a slump and get tired?’, but I never did :thinking: Weird. Pretty ordinary day otherwise. I have tomorrow off, which is unusual, but I’m not complaining. I’ve been craving ribs bc I haven’t made them in so long. It leaves too many leftovers since it’s just me and my daughter now. Tomorrow she’s having a friend over so I decided that’s what’s for dinner! Hoping to spend some time outside too, if the weather cooperates :pray: Happy Wednesday :heart:


It’s like recovery gives us glasses isn’t it?
I sure liked the way how you could reflect on your upbringing and the effect it has at you in person. Recognizing paterns is such an important step into healing. If you can’t see it, you can’t heal it.
Glad you are back from the shadows and congratulations with the 200 days!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:



Temptations were strong today, but I got through it. Getting exhausted/frustrated with some things, but trying to keep a positive/relaxed mindset and not stress out too much. Was glad to have the day off. Chilling with a blanket and some food and about to watch my relaxation show (bobs burgers lolol).
Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Heeej @Jules000 welcome back Julia! It’s good to hear from you! Hope all went well in the hospital? :pray:

@Mno I will keep my fingers crossed for this upcoming interview, it sure sound like something good!!

In that case I like this one too @Rob11 I saved it because it resonates with me.
My just to be coach had one I use myself a lot. When fear is going to tell me I can’t do stuff she explained me that that voice is trying to protect me. So thank it for it she says. Thank it and explain to it that you are going to do it anyway.
Have a good day Rob!

Sorry to hear @Mossy91 Did you make some kind of plan in how to do it this time? What are you going to add?

*Day 2128 :walking_woman:
It was a good day and balanced out.
Did crossfit training, house chores, got my groceries and went to the hairdresser.

Today? Musclepain and work :sweat_smile:
A big chief is going to visit our store. So I’m going to shine today :wink:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 1004 AF

Sup, gang.

I knocked out last night, but the neighbor’s car alarm woke us up at 3am. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Busy with work today. Took the lil man to the playground. Gonna stretch and exercise.

Nothing crazy going on this week.

Have a goodnite, fam. Take care. ODAAT :heart:


:first_quarter_moon: -17-

:waxing_crescent_moon: :first_quarter_moon: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :sunny: :waning_gibbous_moon: :last_quarter_moon: :waning_crescent_moon:


Here’s hoping you’re asleep now friend. You need your rest. As to you own thread: you could ask a mod what’s lacking in the stuff needed to qualify for the lounge again. They should be able to inform you and you might speed some of that process up. As to a possible other job: fingers crossed!!! You deserve so much better than what you have now friend :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :people_hugging:


That was years ago, and he’s been dead for years. But he was absolutely okey. He just needed some ice :laughing:


Well that was just the minor things.
But it helps because we’re all pretty chill.
Most things is manageable or possible to fix if you just try and don’t freak out.

One time we had ants all over our rented cottage at a resort. Literally all over, we just woke up and everything was covered with ants.

We took everything out, showered at the service house which is commen at camping spots here.
Then we went to the costumer service desk to complain. They where fully booked so we couldn’t get a new cottage. They sent a clean/sanitizing team to our cottage and eventually we got ahold of the resort owner. She was really nice about it’s gave us a free dinners,and free minigolf for the rest of our stay (there was 7 of us) and then a coupon on a free long weekend stay to use within a year.

So mist things will work out in the end :smiling_face:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 140.

Everything went smooth in the city yesterday.
My 21 y/o daughter joined us as well.
And that was great because she knew that you could use the bathroom for free at NK (a mall where they’ve only got stores like Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga and other expensive fashion brands)

They had an art vernissage there to, so we joined the vernissage looking like we definitely belong there. My 14 y/o found a painting he absolutely loved, but the price tag was about a hundred thousand sek. So we didn’t buy it :laughing:
He ended up talking with the artist about it for about 20 mins. They understood each other perfectly even if my kis never been looking into art like that before.

After that we proceeded to the x-ray facility which was located on Haga. Haga is basically made for tourists and one of the older parts of the city. Gothia Cup (A huge soccer competition with teams from all over the world) is going on on Gothenburg so Haga was crowded.
When we where about to take a picture I accidentally backed right into France Youth team. The players didn’t mind they thought it was funny. The coach on the other hand wasn’t too happy. But we ended up talking for a while anyway. So she softened up after that :laughing:

My boys got to check out some Asian stores and a store that sells crystals,tarot cards and things like that. We bought some Asian snacks and tea to being home so we can try.

No major accidents or issues. We had a pretty good day, even if it started to rain heavily after I backed into France team :laughing:

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.