Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Our Lionesses played Sweden ladies team last night in Gothenburg (0-0). Seems there’s a lot of football there at the minute, I think you guys are part way thru your season. I thought of you when I watched it! Good game, England qualified. Sweden need to go thru playoffs now to qualify as well.


@MrsOdh Your day sounds fabulous :star_struck: Put a smile on my face just to read how many interesting things you experienced. A trip like that can feel like a mini vacation in itself. Now you can chill after all the excitement :sunglasses:
@zzz That’s an especially nice one friend. Though I enjoy all the ones with your truck a lot aswell :grin:
@SoberWalker Thanks for posting about fear. I really like that. And keep shinin :star2: :sun_with_face:
@wahtisnormal Good job on ditching the temptations and chillaxing instead. You are doing a great job here.
@Just_Laura I’ll be coming over for those ribs if you don’t mind :laughing:
@Juli1 Yeah dating is tough. You invest parts of yourself, and you never know what you’re gonna get. Might be a win, might be a blank, might be a bummer. Sorry he was the useless type. Enjoy the pool :swimming_man: :ocean:
@Scorpn Fingers crossed on the new job opportunity. I hope it checks out and turns out a good option for you :crossed_fingers:
@Mno That’s a lot of courage you are showing by applying for the job at a place with so much history for you. Respect :sunglasses: and fingers crossed it turns out a good opportunity :crossed_fingers:
@justKaitlin Congrats on three weeks. That’s a great achievement there :tada: :partying_face: :muscle: And thanks for sharing the quote. It’s quite a breakthrough to recognise one is hanging on to a sinking ship and might aswell leave. :ship:
@Jules000 Good to see you back :+1:

238 sugar
102 UPF
109 gluten
8 dairy
4 overeating

Did my morning run already. Nothing special about today: Work on prototypes in the morning, a walk later, preparing for my vacation, yoga in the afternoon, reading, maybe TV, and Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Every day is new, and every day is special. Every day we can embrace opportunities to make meaning.
Let’s try for that with peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Day 389.working 7-30-4ish…or five… Alot of dull things need finishing off before I have a long weekend :slight_smile:

All good. Tinnitus is rubbish but going to an ear specialist on Monday to see if their deep cleaning thing can help. Worst case is it doesn’t and I’ve spent 60pound. But that’s ok


Thanks, @SoberWalker that resonates and I really like the idea talking to the voice like that. Getting to move while the voice is there feels powerful and results in growth. For me communicating about my fears while others are involved on my path forward is also important. Have good day :pray:


228 days
Gym then dropped the kids at grandparents for the night. Wife is on nightshift and my dayshift starts a few hours before she finishes.
Was hoping to pick up an overtime shift for tonight but no luck.
So just me and the dogs tonight


Day 245. Girls are out camping and having a good time, worked on my bike yesterday my tool that worked for my original freewheel does not work for my new freewheel so i was not able to change them. Ill grind down my tool this weekend when i go home and then all will be good. My buddy has not come back from this relapse and it definitely sucks to see,unfortunately i told him ill have to watch from a distance and when he is ready to come back ill be here. Thank you @acromouse for the love on my bike she is my baby lol. I hope you all have a great day. Much love


Love it. And the sadness is a lot shorter hey? When I would get anxious I would feel my gut churning and would feel like being actually sick. Now when I register I’m anxious and I can think through it and don’t have the gut churning anymore. It really does feel like being a different person, in a good way!


Checking in day 121. Australia’s Superbowl tonight! Kind of… NRL state of origin, my home state Queensland vs the state below us, new south wales. Similar egg ball to gridiron but less safety gear and faster pace!


IAM trying to make out a plan to follow to see what I can do differently this time my first step is to do 90 meetings in 90 days


Day 389. Second check in. Cleared all the work I had planned by lunch! Will pop the shops and then do a bit more before logging off for a well earned few days off. So nice to have a clear minding the morning. It’s made me feel so much more efficient and effective


Hey all, checking in on day 1494. I hope everybody has a good one!



I am learning to be proud of myself. The feeling is unnatural; and then for years I believed being proud was dangerous and conceited. I have spent my life deferring my accomplishments to factors outside of myself. Fear also of being conceited or appearing conceited.

Today I am proud of me. I can be proud and grateful. I can acknowledge outside forces that have allowed me to get to where I am, while also acknowledging the work I have done too. I am not just on this journey to be sober, I am on this journey to get to know and LOVE myself so I can soak up the joys in my life. When I got sober at the age of 20, I spoke at a meeting 5 years later and said how I didnt get sober just to get sober. I want to be sober so I can have a full life, I want to be sober so I can soak it all in and get all I can from life. Getting sober is a starting point, its the spring board. I felt it so deeply then as I do now. I have experienced it before, and can again. Life is FULL of ups and downs, bullets and shell casings, steep cliffs and water falls. Its sky diving with no parachute, and an outstretched hand. Its letting go, its loss but its also joy and laughter, its awe and growing, its terrifying as hell and yet…it can be downright magical and unbelievable in mpments if your eyes are open you cant deny.

If youre new, if youre struggling, if youre fighting those cravings. Hang in, do the work and connect here. One step at a time. I am grateful today to be sober, to not experience cravings for alcohol and to get to be part of this fine ass community that has been with me through this chapter. Xo.


Congrats on one year! :tada::tada::tada::tada::boom::boom::boom::free::free::free:


I’m on day 5 of my second year of freedom. Sending hugs and strength to all.:heart_hands::heart_hands::peace_symbol:


Congratulations @Vanessa8 that is awesome! :raised_hands:


Congrats on your 1 year :raised_hands:


Checking in on day 67. Doing well. Had a few strong cravings but was able to work through them. Now to curb my sweet cravings :crazy_face: trying to replace with fruit instead.

@justKaitlin awesome quote “Trying to moderate your addiction is like switching your seats on the Titanic” so true!!

Have a good day/night everyone.


Day 27 I woke up feeling like I was drunk I’m irritable today and didn’t sleep the best last night. I’m going to try to drink more water today because I’ll be in the sun for most of it. Still feeling as if I’m struggling but it’s getting better as every day passes. I hope everyone has a safe Wednesday


Day 2308. Work is getting busy, which was bound to happen. Spent the whole day yesterday enjoying my hobby, i missed my grand baby…but it was nice to have a day off


Wow wow wow @Mira_D
1 year of freedom!
Congratulations, be proud of yourself! I am proud of you too :blue_heart:
Stay strong