Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@acromouse You’re more than welcome to some ribs :blush: There’s plenty! Already in the crockpot. Dinner’s at 6:30pm(EDT) :joy:

@Mira_D Congratulations on your year :tada: :clap: :confetti_ball: Wonderful to see how far you’ve come :heart:

@Lefty624 One thing I’ve learned in sobriety is when in doubt, drink water. Anytime I’m feeling funky for any reason, it’s the first thing I do and it usually helps alot of the time :+1:


104 days sober
I’m still struggling with anxiety today. Again didn’t work on the work book…I’m not avoiding it but think it isn’t good to go onto when my anxiety is already quite high. I keep thinking about a lot of things that got brought up the other day and decided to write about it. Am thinking if maybe I should talk about it with my friend.
I did some more translation work this afternoon on the alcohol recovery material I was given from work. The translation is tricky but it needs to also have cultural adaptation done to make it understandable in a Central Asian context. I’m enjoying this particular project and requested more materials of a similar nature for me to translate in the future.
I am curious if any of you have recommendations for a workbook or something similar to this that deals with alcohol recovery? The problem is many of them are very Western in mindset and perspective which is not always easily adaptable in my context. I want to find a good one to translate into Kyrgyz that could then be used here.


@justkaitlin Congrats on your 3 weeks. Glad its starting to feel more natural. Keep pushing forward :muscle:
@scorpn Thanks love – sending load love back your way. This community has become my outlet and a place I go to for my connection and escape from my pains (if that makes sense). It helps me interacting here and also a good reminder that I don’t need my DOC for any relief. Hope you are getting some rest yourself. A early start today – hopefully that means you will be home and able to rest soon :hugs: Good news on the job hunt – hope it pans out for you. You do need something more stable. Here for you love – feel free to PM anytime. I know you’ll have your thread back soon enough too – here in the meantime :people_hugging:
@juli1 I’m sorry love – what a fucked up game indeed. His loss for sure. So grateful that you are so much stronger in your recovery and know your self worth – this bs is not gonna get you down. Hope you enjoy the pool time today :hugs: Keep rocking my sweet rockstar!
@mira_d WOW that is awesome news! Way to go Mira :tada: :tada: So very happy for you and yes you should be super proud of your achievement.
@lefty624 Oh that sucks friend. Not sure what caused that sensation – sometimes when I’m low on vitamin D I feel weak and drained. Smart plan on hydrating today especially if you will be out in the sun. Hope that you start feeling better soon. :pray:
@laner It is not avoiding it but being protective of yourself. You should not try to work through trauma when your anxiety is high. Only adding fuel to the fire. Great job in writing it down and I do hope that talking it out with a friend will be helpful. Big hugs friend.

Checking in on Wednesday afternoon
My at home sleep study was a nightmare last night. So tired and worn out now. Will hopefully finally get some sleep :laughing:
I am grateful that with the moments i did manage sleep i got at least 4 hours for the study to analyze. So i will not have to do this again. Spoke with someone else at the lab and she said it was the best night of sleep for her. Guess i just had a different reaction to it.
The movie was a great get away last night. Not scary and not the best ending but overall decent enough.

Ok - gonna try and get some shut eye… wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much lover :heart: :heart:


I slept right up until 7am when i had to wake up to relieve my sons night nurse. I was sooo tired. I had such a slow morning and took awhile to get going. But once i did, i got a lot done. Dishes, sweeping n mopping, vacuuming. Feels good to have a clean home :smiley: Not doing too much else today. Just taking it easy. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:



Just started the day and already getting berated :blush:
If i didnt have work in a couple of hours I would leave the house right now. But of course that’s not an option.
I released my shift a couple days ago hoping someone would pick it up since I have so much i need to get done these next couple of days. Then someone elss released their shift, of course someone picked up their shift and not mine even though I released mine first :blush: contemplating messaging the group chat asking if anyone can work, but I know its gonna just make me look bad since I’m going out of town for a couple weeks and already won’t be there. If only they fucking knew what I have to deal with outside of work. If only they fucking knew.


I pray peace and strength consume you through this day


Thank you so much :pray:t2:


@JazzyS thank you :people_hugging:🩵 I’m sorry for your pain, it sounds like torture :disappointed: I’m glad you enjoyed the movie :clapper: rest is important too 🩵
@Lighter thank you :people_hugging:🩵
@Just_Laura thanks for the recommend :smiley_cat: I do already use the Feliway anti-anxiety pheromone diffusers in each room, I replaced the refills after he had his attack thing. I wonder if they’ll let me put the collar on, they are both indoor cats so they’ve never worn them before :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Scorpn that sounds like a lot :people_hugging: sending you strength and some energy 🩵 :battery: this new opportunity sounds promising :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@wahtisnormal thank you :people_hugging:🩵 it’s not nice at all :crying_cat_face: Peru sounds exciting, and a much needed break :raised_hands:t2: sorry for your start to the day :people_hugging:🩵
@Sabrina80 feel better soon 🩵 I’m sorry for how things are at work :disappointed:
@J363 welcome :blush:
@RosaCanDo I’m sorry you’ve been struggling too :people_hugging: and thank you 🩵
@Tragicfarinelli welcome back from the shadows :people_hugging:🩵
@Vanessa8 congrats on triple digits :100: :tada: thanks for sharing 🩵


@Laner that sounds like a great project to work on :blush:
@Lile01 rehab definitely sounds like a good option, take that place, it could save your life 🩵
@Mossy91 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Cmillington welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Jules000 welcome back :blush:
@justKaitlin congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Mno I hope the interview went well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Mira_D congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:

1437 days no alcohol.
902 days no cocaine.
417 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

I didn’t sleep for a single second Monday night. I was already up late waiting for Prince to feel better and come out from under the sofa after his funny turn, whilst waiting I managed to catch-up here which is always good. Then it was 4am and I felt tired, but I feared if I went to sleep I wouldn’t wake up in time for my appointment, so I stayed awake.

Yesterday I had my first session of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with the psychiatrist, it was so strange seeing him again. There were many moments of silence as there always were. Going forwards we’ll be doing Fridays at 1pm, starting from the 26th. I said I’d prefer in-person session so he’s going to send me the details for where he’s based on Fridays, but initially I said let’s try online first.

I also did my whole morning routine again yesterday, for the third day in a row, in the dark this time…

The bathroom light has stopped working, so I took the cover off to see what type of bulb it takes, but there wasn’t a bulb in there, it’s all LEDs that appear to be built into the light. So the estate agents have sent a work order to their contractor to sort it. Hopefully I’ll have some notice for when he’s going to come.

Today I’ve unpacked all of the deliveries that were half open and clogging up the spare room. My back is fked atm so I had to lay down for a bit before I dismantled the mountain of empty boxes and took them all out to the recycling bin. I did it though!

Now that I’ve caught up here I’m going to do my morning routine in the dark again, can’t miss a day else I’ll never know when I’ll start again.

Then I will catch-up with the episodes I’ve missed of the show I’m watching.



Checking in day 198 AF :blush:


Tomorrow is my day 9 without alcohol and weed. I still have withdrawal issues, anxiety, panic attacks and shit, but overall I’m starting to feel better. Hooyah!


Afternoon workday check in.
It’s my 3rd tough week in a row with me working days and my wife working nights — trying to balance parenting and housework with minimal time to relax.

So many things to be grateful for though, so I keep on truckin’:muscle:t2:

Take care of yourself soberfolks, and thank you for your contributions to this wonderful and supportive thread. :+1:t2:


Checking after 24 days without gaming and youtube. Pretty nice day, i went to the library abd worked on applications. Then visited my boyfriend and we had a good talk and list of cuddles. After that i went climbing with a friend.

Its so funny, in the past i would have dreaded these days. Busy all day, came home at 10pm exhausted, no time to get some good hours of gaming in. I wouldnt have been attending to my boyfriend, would have looked on my phone all the time while talking and played some random stuff. This evening Im calm because im home late and i know there is just no time i guess


Way to go @MrMoustache, what did you do today to deal with the withdrawal symptoms and whats your plan for the next time they come?

@CATMANCAM that sounds like a busy day and congrats on doing your morning routine even though you dont have light in your bathroom.


Checking in day 141

Drove 2 hours for post op appointment. Was led to examine room and saw this guy and first thought “ how long has he been waiting for Dr to come in”. Saw X-ray at right after surgery and now. I am doing terrific. So glad!

Friends I feel so much of my anxiety is leaving my body. This would not be possible without. Sobriety. You newly sober I can assure you life is so much better sober.


Omg I so needed this laugh :sweat_smile::joy:. Thanks
So glad you are healing well. :pray:t4::heart:. Keep doing and being terrific!



1 year is amazing!


Day 138

Bit of insomnia, but it’s better than a month ago. Things are bothering me. I will return to nature and fix it. No doomscrolling. News blackout. Sometimes I have to mess with plants for a day, and walk in the woods. Do something creative and relaxing. I’m really bothered by the news cycle; nothing but crises and drama and hate. Tired of it. If the Hippies came by in a flowered van to collect me I’d probably go! :heart: :dove: :peace_symbol::peace_symbol::peace_symbol::peace_symbol::peace_symbol::dove:

Love you guys.


Make sure to come pick me up too. :people_hugging:
Smart to spend time with plants today. That’s great therapy. I have had to take a break from the news cycle for my mental and heart health.


@JazzyS we are heading your way! Yes on the heart health. My blood pressure is up again. Thank you for understanding :heart: