Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congratulations on your year Mira!! Very happy for you finding your pride and those magical moments in life. So grateful to be on this journey with you! :dancer:


Day 24 - Pretty intense therapy session today that dug into some of my underlying reasons for drinking the way I have. What came out as a positive was confirmation that I really love those close to me and I will do almost anything to be sure I am a positive force in their lives.

I need to shift my energy into the importance of the steps I am taking in my recovery. This will build my self confidence and have the knock on effect I am looking for. Either way it’s been an emotionally exhausting day, but the work has been done and I deserve some well deserved rest


Hahaha. I think he’s cute.

Glad you’re feeling better!


Congratulations on 3 days. You are in the right place. Suggest you look into other in person or online support groups such as AA. Stay strong. One day at a time and reach out every time you need support!


Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone here for all the love today. Im in the city visiting my mom and nephew, and am so happy to be here with them. He has his first in-home visit where he is dropped off tomorrow, so I know this will be challenging for him and an emotional day. Im glad to be here for ny family; and I will go pick him up after his visit. I just want so much for this to be a good thing for him and my mom also.

Thabk you to you all for being here for me durinf this time in my life. I owe some much to you wonderful folks. Xo.


I am sooo grateful that i didnt miss this post. A huge happy 1 year to you!! Youre post was beautifully written :purple_heart: I am so happy for you!!!


It was an attack of wrong thinking. “Sobriety isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, who cares if I get drunk once in a while, a drink would feel refreshing right now”, etc.

Your post was the extra spark I needed, and it passed. :slight_smile:


It was incredibly hot today :hot_face: Its supposed to be hot all week. Thankfully the AC cools off one room in our place so we have an escape from the heat somewhat.

Today i did cleaning, made supper and then did physio with my son. We went to the gym to do his walking laps and it was hot in there too lol Tmrws mrng workout is going to be a gooder with the heat. Almost like hot yoga haha

I didnt get everything done that i wouldve liked. I wanted to do some recovery related stuff in the mornings again but that didnt happen today. I used to be so keen on a morning routine. Ever since school finished for my son for the summer, my routine has been all over the place. I can say tho that my eating was on point today! Im proud of that. Tmrw will be a better day for routine. I have to put in the effort. Starting with a morning workout. Have a fabulous evening everyone! :butterfly:


Oh that’s the addict mind at its worst. Grateful you wrote and connected. Grateful my reply was helpful. Stay connected friend. Alcohol has no solutions…only more problems and you are worth a sober life :people_hugging:


Checking in on Wednesday evening. Sobriety is pretty great!



Not the day off I expected, but turned into a good one anyways. My daughters best friend (who’s never been to our house) wasn’t feeling good today so she didn’t make it over. She was a little sad about it so when we went shopping I got her a couple little treats I normally wouldn’t buy. I wish I would’ve known she wasn’t coming sooner so I could’ve planned something more fun, but we didn’t really have enough time before dinner. I did her nails beforehand and then she played with the girl upstairs.

I was really feeling overall pms today and started downward spiraling by focusing on everything that’s going wrong in my life. Instead of grabbing my phone or turning on the tv to zone out when Zoi went upstairs, I started angrily folding the 2 week old laundry. Once I started putting it away, my head had cleared out and I wanted to keep moving. It was pouring rain so I just kept cleaning. Got into some places that needed it. Realized I forgot about 2 plants my ex put in my daughter’s window :grimacing: (they’re still alive). He knows I’m the worst with plants, yet he keeps bringing them here to their death. I’m happy with my single snake plant that thrives on neglect :joy:

Once I finally sat down I could really feel how much work I did. Sore all over, but I feel good. Tomorrow is more laundry before work. Maybe I’ll actually fold it too :crossed_fingers: Have a great day my sober friends :green_heart:


Day 1005 AF

Sup, gang.

Slow day at work. Catching up with the threads.

I downloaded Prime Video and started rewatching AHS.

Nothing much going on right now. Gonna excersise before passin out.

I hope everyone’s doing well.

Have a goodnite! ODAAT :heart:


Day 647

Long day! But overall not awful.
I worked, I ran errands, I got an hour nap, I helped make dinner, I told my manager I am looking for another job and why, she seemed to understand…
I played with my little one some, ate with the family, am laying in bed with a air cooling fan pointed in my direction.

Good night sober family :heart::people_hugging:


That sure is a good start! :facepunch:


*Day 2129 :walking_woman:
Just a short “hi” is gonna do it today. I’m all fine. Just working and busy.
Today? Working.
A bit tired too :blush: But nothing a good sleep tonight can’t fix.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:



My job interview yesterday was a tough talk. The manager / therapist who conducted it posted some hard questions and seemed to understand my motivation better than I did myself, and also my fears. In the end I am not 100% sure I really want this job right now. Maybe I’m not quite far enough in my journey of discovery to be successful in it. Anyway, we’ll be in contact on Monday so I have some time to think about it. Chance that they don’t want me right now is pretty big too I guess. We’ll see. I’m happy with the work I do now too.

Glad it’s my weekend. The weather looks great, time to put some air in my tyres and ride off into the countryside. Have as good a day as you can all. Sober and clean. I will. Love.

@Mira_D Huge congrats lady! That’s a huge milestone to reach. So happy for you!!!
@acromouse @CATMANCAM Thanks for then encouragement friends. Hugs.
@Scorpn Sounds like a pretty good day to me friend. Maybe just a little bit too busy. Rest well :people_hugging:



Work went by fast which was nice. Dealt with more urges to drink today which was annoying. But got through it. Lots of stuff I have to get done the next couple days, its definitely pressuring. Looking forward to sleeping soon.



Oh I can’t believe that number! Doesn’t it look great? I’m so thankful for all of you here, who have supported me through those 500 days. I know I don’t post every day, and sometimes I go awol for a week or more, but I can always drop back in here and you will make me feel welcome.
Thank you :blush:

Tonight is the annual awards ceremony from my volunteering work. First time I’m in charge and I had to plan it all. I’m a bit nervous. I hope everything runs smoothly.
But after tonight we break up for summer holidays, just like the schools do. I’m looking forward to a few weeks without sessions, so I can relax and breathe, but also catch up on paperwork and prepare for when we meet back in September.

Hope you all have an awesome sober day!


Hi Mira, just to say congratulations :clap:t2::tada::clap:t2::tada::clap:t2:


229 days
Late bight and then up early for work today, busy busy morning. Was sweating pretty hard for most of theday despite it actually being pretty cold.
Luckily it quietened down after lunch, but we still got some training in

@Whereswaldo how good was that game. Hard for us here in NZ, game doesn’t finish till after midnight, few tired guys at work today. Go the Blues. And up the Wahs