Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 141

Yesterday was another lazy rainy day.
My husband was away with our oldest daughter and picked some chanterelles.
Well actually she picked them for him because he can’t move like that anymore.

They came home with a lot, I helped with brushing and cleaning them.

They where at a quick visit at my mother’s house as well. My sister’s kid (he’s like two years old) loves Volvo Cars. So he went for a ride in our Volvo, and was really happy about it.

They decided that we’re going to help my Ma take things like old furnitures to the city dump on Tuesday.
Not really looking forward to that, most visits like that at Ma’s house turns out to a huge family gathering with all us siblings, partners, kids, and eventually my uncle will show up, some of the cousins. And then all cousins (which includes the closest neighbors we grew up with) their partners and kids, sometimes pets as well. More friends to the family.

Before you know it you’ve got 20 people that tries to stuff you with food you can’t eat, while they’re getting involved in everything from your family life to your career and overall life choices.

Ever seen my Big Fat Greek wedding?
If you have, just change the Greeks to Gypsies and you’ll get the picture pretty clear :laughing:

Sun is shining today, I’m planning to be outdoors as much as possible.
I’ve finally booked an appointment at that new hairdresser. Only a consultation appointment that is in 10 days, but at least it’s a step on the way.

Tomorrow we’re planning to go back to the Old Western/ Cowboy theme park because the weather is supposed to be nice the entire weekend.

With nice I mean no rain, sunny and around +17 degrees Celsius.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


Hey, I’m coming with you as well.
People used to call me “The hippie” back in the days.

I was a vegan, had dreadlocks and have a peace mark tattooed on my shoulder :laughing:


Day 390. Off for four days :+1: the sun is out and I am going to relax. May go down the beach later on… But no rush. Have a fab day folks


@Mno Congratulations on applying, going through with the interview, reflecting on it, reflecting on your own motivations and needs. I don’t know if I have a right to say this: But I really do feel proud of you. This is tough work, and you are doing it, one day at a time. :clap: :heart_on_fire: Enjoy the weather, enjoy your ride :bike:
@HolySquid 500 does look great. Like in Fortune500. You are one of the fortunate ones who made it, so that you can celebrate 500 :tada: :partying_face: :sparkler: Enjoy your summer holidays :sun_with_face:
@wahtisnormal Good job on dismissing the urges. You are doing a very fine job with your recovery! :clap:
@Just_Laura Yay to house work in times of PMS. When my mind is obsessed with anger and how everything is wrong, laundry always helps. No idea how that works, but it does.
@Butterflymoonwoman Sometimes it takes a bit of time to adapt a routine to new circumstances - like different schedules, or changed care needs. Maybe yours just needs a bit of time, and a bit of adjusting. Have fun with hot yoga :hot_face: :lotus: :wink:
@vagabond Great job on sharing when you felt down and had ‘stinking thinking’ attacking you. Great job on staying connected. And great job on getting through it :muscle:
@Refreshedperspective Enjoy your rest after so much intense work. Working on youself, especially therapy can be pretty exhausting.
@Lighter Nature is such a balm. I quit the news cycle. It’s designed to keep us agitated. I don’t need that in my life. Flowered hippies are more my style :wink: Let’s get that van, pick @JazzyS on our way and go do some kayaking and tree hugging. I’ve heard that country of yours has some spectacular stretches of nature to enjoy. I’m taking you as my guides to show me around :sunglasses: :minibus:
@tailee17 I am very glad to hear you’re healing from your surgery. Very glad the x-rays showed the progress your body has made. Very glad you can celebrate this healing process sober and awake. To hundres more sober days :raised_hands:

239 sugar
103 UPF
110 gluten
9 dairy
5 overeating

A rather uneventful week, and that’s how I expect the day to go. More work on prototyping, a walk, stuff that needs doing before I go on to vacation, yoga, and a RD meeting in the evening.
Last evening I spoke with the host of the wednesday meeting I attend about facilitating. He wants to pass the role to someone, and I can see myself contributing like that. There is another person who is interested and so I hope we can do this together. Looking forward to the experience.

Today let’s go for peace, kindness and freedom in all our affairs friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Day 157
Just kicking along nicely
Congrats @Mira_D
@Whereswaldo Such an intense game hey. As a Victorian I have to supprt QLD as NSW is always the enemy. Go Storm @MrFantastik


Day 246. Looking forward to my next one on one which isnt until the 29th bc i definitely need it. Its nice talking to my counselor and him helping me see both sides. Im having a difficult time with some things but ill get through it. Always grateful for my rides to work so i can reflect on life. Much love everyone


Hey all, checking in on day 1495. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m sober still. Heading towards 2 years in November. My problem is that sober has made me look at who I was. I spend a lot of time feeling regret and shame for the person I was. I can’t change the past, so I need to live in the present.

I’m being treated for PTSD.
I really struggle to judge people and recognise how I should think and behave. I’m never sure of people’s intentions and I’m not sure if I’m friendly, unfriendly, too friendly etc. I’m very black and white - you love me or hate me. I feel nausea in my stomach like something is wrong every minute of every day.

I’ve shared this with my therapist, but it’s depressing and difficult to manage at times. Having a tough week but I’m going to do some gardening now and that will help.

I won’t drink. Right now it’s sober me that’s the hard thing. I’ve nowhere to hide when I’m sober.


Day 139

Good morning or evening!

How cool!! I had no idea y’all would want to get in the hippie van too!! @acromouse @MrsOdh @JazzyS
Aga, you are so right. The news makes us agitated by design. And addicted to that agitation. I’m going to drop out! I’ve been on a doomscrolling spiral since last weekend. It’s a new day. I will put on my beads and bracelets. Let’s goooo!

Slept in, stormy morning. Ahhh. Ordered delivery groceries. I need to relax today. And clean. Grocery shopping here is an endurance sport, and I end up spending more in panic-buying. I only get what I need this way, and don’t have a cart full of junk. Cooking more now. Going to make up a nice marinara today for the freezer.

Lots of love :heart: peace :peace_symbol:


@mno sounds like a tough interview process. Grateful you did it and came out of it with some insight. Even if this does not work out…you have a better understanding of what you may want and also know that you like where you are at the moment while all this gets worked out. Hoping you have a wonderful ride and weekend
@HolySquid eoe!!! I love it and am so happy to see you posting with your amazing number! Way to go friend…:tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:… Keep up the amazing work. Good luck with tonights ceremony.
@MrsOdh @acromouse @Lighter we got a great group here … hippie van, tree hugging and kayaking…I’m super excited for our adventure
@Brian1965uk some great progress in your journey friend. I’m sorry you are struggling. Everytime I start to look back and see the old me I feel the shame and regret but then I force myself to see me now and all the changes I’ve made. I know it’s not easy and I’m proud to have overcome so much to get to this point. Glad you are posting here and talking with your therapist. Hope the gardening helps. Nature is always a calming force for me :people_hugging:

Checking in on Thursday morning
It’s a decent day…glad I did finally wake up after hitting snooze 20 times. Got in my walk and managed a decent pace.
At doctors now with Mom and then some errands. Hopefully will do more active movements today.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@JazzyS @acromouse would a kayak rack spoil our van’s vibe? Not a chance. :grinning:


105 days sober
I really slept well last night and woke up feeling refreshed. I think this helped my anxiety go down some. I wonder if some day I’ll ever be able to be completely free of anxiety? But I do feel like I’m managing my anxiety better these days. Or at least coping with it better.
I even went on a hike with my friend and I talked some about the things that are being brought up. I was really open and she listened and responded to me well. I’m really thankful that I have such a good friend who I trust. I did feel better after.

I worked more on my current translation project. I got a lot done today. I also called the ministry of social services to talk about partnering with them after I translate material into Kyrgyz. They were really receptive to this idea and enthusiastic. They said they have nothing like this and would really find it helpful to the community. We will have some meetings about it next week to talk more about it. I think it’ll be a good project for me to work on and I’m also feeling excited to get involved in something like that.


Day 28

Another day another dollar headed to work on this beautiful Thursday the weekend is so close I can almost taste it :slightly_smiling_face: I drank a bunch of water yesterday and ended up with a terrible sinus headache around 2 o’clock I almost feel like my allergies are flaring up because I’m super plugged up

Thank you @Just_Laura for the advice I drank two glasses of water last night just before bed and I actually think I slept better :slightly_smiling_face:

@JazzyS my wife takes a vitamin D pill I may try taking one of those a day to see if it helps :slightly_smiling_face:


The kayak goes on the roof. I’m also willing to go for surf boards instead to sport this lazy surfer look.


Alcohol day 1800
Binge eating day 2

I have a very productive day so far today got up and done a boot camp at 6.30 then done some homework then took my daughter to the cinema to watch the new twisters :tornado: film and now drinking hot chocolate while my daughter talks on her phone :joy:
Yesterday me and my mum booked a trip to Spain :es: to do the Camino De Santiago in October something that’s been on our bucket list for a long time so really looking forward to that and the joys of sobriety, I’ve been talking about doing it since I first watched the film The Way
Wishing everyone a good day :wave:


Checking in with 102 days sober.
Had a terrible dream I got drunk, it sucked in my dream, and had to start my counter over which was extra awful.
I’m definitely not drinking today.


Day 2450. Not at all goals need to be sobriety related at this point. But setting and achieving goals takes the same level of commitment and effort. Remember this the next time you’re saying something doesn’t work after trying it for 3 times, or 3 days, or even 3 months. You want the rewards? Well ya better put in the effort, especially on the days you don’t want to.

I started running in the spring of 2022, so over 2 years ago. My first run I was able to make it about 2 miles in around 19 mins. I thought I was going to die afterwards. Today I set off on a run with no real goal in mind. Ended up running a half marathon in 2:02:17. You think I just magically improved from dying after 2 miles to being able to run a half marathon? Because the answer is no the fuck I did not. I’ve been putting in consistent effort for 2 years and then some. Sobriety requires the same amount of consistent effort. So remember this the next time you claim something doesn’t work.


Well said :+1:


That was a long read so I just skimmed it, but I wanna know about this magic you used to get better fast.
I want quick gains, dammit

Congrats on the improvements - I’ve always hated running, though admire those who do it.


I also hate running and have a silent resentment of myself for starting