Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congrats on your 200 days!!! WOOT WOOT! :tada: :tada: Keep the momentum going strong :muscle:

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Not doing well today. The stress of my move, and my job is overwhelming today. It’s been along time since I’ve wanted to drink and today is definitely one of those days.

The expectations of this job are unrealistic. I’m responsible to ensure others do their job. I’m not a supervisor I do not have direct reports but I’m required to make sure others simply do their job and if they don’t or if they do is wrong, it’s my responsibility, it’s my fault.

I’ve literally broken down in tears everyday this week. I’m very overwhelmed.


Listening Oasis and other Britpop bands. I’ve listened them simce from high school (I’m 44 yrs old). I’ve noticed that now I’m on a day 11 without weed and alcohol, I’ve been listening lots music. This is a really good sign.


oh babe i’m sorry! That is super stressful and bs at work. Are you able to talk to a supervisor or boss about this - how incredibly unrealistic it is that you are responsible when you can’t possibly be accountable for other peoples mistakes.

Glad you posted and remember that drinking will only make things worse. It really has not solutions for you and not a good coping mechanism. Can you leave work early? Get out and do something for yourself?

I know your job is demanding and you are trying to help others but sometimes you need to take a moment for yourself. Sending you love and hugs and hope that your day gets easier :people_hugging: :heart:


Day 12. The weekend has landed. What are we all up to?


Thank you so much :heart: it seems only yesterday that i could of only dreamt about reaching this number. I’m so happy xxx


Checking after 26 days, i went to the library today and got an invite for a job interview. Even though the job diesnt seem to 100% fit, i am so happy that i finally got my first interview. Also i lost a little bit of weight :slight_smile: and i went to the gym today. So im actually very happy with my day today. So funny, just 24 hours ago i was crying heavily, having ab argument with my mother and afterwards just moments away from relapsing. How fast things can change i guess… or my mood :sweat_smile:


I love it!!! so happy to see you thriving… its awesome when we can amaze ourselves with our own awesomeness :hugs:


It’s been a long 5 days. My fiance drinks 2 tall beers every night. It’s so hard not to drink my wine with him but I’m hanging in there.


@Cmillington great job on 5 days Crystal!
@AdultImprover congratulations on ur job interview! Good luck with it whenever it is :slight_smile: and yes its amazing what a difference a day can make to our moods. Yesterday i was in a real funk, feeling like a failure, wanting to use, and today is sooo much better.
@thewolf great job on ur 12 days! Plans for this weekend involve work, work n more work. Not much else. How about u?
@DanaM56 oh wow Dana, ur job sounds incredibly stressful. How long have u been doing this job for? I cant believe ud be at fault for others not doing their jobs. U cant control what other people do :frowning: Is there anyone u can speak to about this? Or a doff position/job that is available? Sending u hugs friend
@Seizetheday congratulations on 200 days!!! Great number!!!
@jazzys sounds like u had a productive day! And thank u also for ur kind words to me. I feel blessed to have u as a friend hug Hope ur able to get some rest :slight_smile:


Checking in at the end of day 7!

Woo, I made it through the cravings. Only just, but I’m so so glad I did. Considering I was being blue-lighted to hospital this time last week, I feel so well and have a pep in my step,

Managed to shower, get some shopping (sans ID) and then thought, fuck it, it’s 27°C, I’m going to go for a walk.
Managed 6 miles, which is nowhere near my usual, but I’m still recovering from my hospital visit and I’ve been pretty much rotting in bed for 2 months, so I’ve lost a lot of muscle. Time to fix that!

I’ve felt better today than I have in months. I think this would be a good new routine for me.

Going to chuck half a leg of lamb (reduced to £5!! If you live in the UK, you’ll know how excited I was lol) in the slow cooker. Have my mint sauce at the ready, but I’m kind of debating what veg to chuck in - carrots amd potatoes are a definite, maybe peas and broccoli, too?
Ahh, the plight of sober decision making lol.

Hope you’ve all had a wonderful sober day! :blush::sunflower:


Very similar plans to yours. Which involve a lot of work! However, I do have a week off starting Monday. Something to look forward to.


The first 5 days are the hardest (in my opinion) and you’ve absolutely smashed it! Keep going friend and make sure to check in every day.
Personally, I find it really helps to debrief my day and get it all out, and everyone here is so lovely and supportive.

You’ve got this!


Hey way to go on ur week sober!!! Glad ur starting to feel better :slight_smile: A sober life is a good life. Dinner sounds delicious! Hope u have a great night!


Oh sweet, I’m so sorry to hear this. Work should never make you feel like that, but I know all too well that it can.

I’ve been on medical leave for 9 months now as my job was so toxic. The people, my manager, doing the roles of 3 people without any pay. I became so sick and so thin, and, like yourself, was breaking down every day.

I’m not sure where you’re based, but in the UK we have unions to protect us from things like this - do you have access to that?
Have you told your managers how it’s making you feel) (although, I know managers can be the problem!)
You have a right to feel safe, well and protected. Please talk to someone (you can always PM me if you need a good rant) and see your GP.

You don’t need, nor deserve, to feel like this.
Sending you so much love x


Thank you! Sucks to be back at square one after hitting 85 days, but hey ho.

You too!


It is stressful. I broke down and cried. I feel better now. I am currently searching for another job. Thank you for your support. :heart:


Thank you Jasmine I appreciate your support. I had a good cry. I do feel better. I’m currently looking for a new job. Work shouldn’t be so stressful. I am going to go get my nails done do I will feel better. :heart:


Second check in to say my sons flights have not been majorly affected by the IT fail and that he’s on the last leg of his journey now so he should be home soon.
My daughters performance went well and she’s in a fantastic frame of mind. I’m so relieved on both counts.


Thank you so much. Just reading everyone’s ideas and stories have helped