Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Day 6 Friday night 20.05 and I am getting into bed with some goodies to watch a film I had some strong cravings 5 or 6 times today I thought I was going to give in at one stage but so glad I didnt the weekend will be a big test but feeling positive after today :slightly_smiling_face:


Great job on pulling thru those cravings. They sure can be strong sometimes. I had a strong craving yesterday and im grateful i woke up clean and sober today. Cravings do pass. Hope u have a great evening




Thank you :blush:


@Mossy91 Yes. It has stolen enough of your life already. Well done on battling through today. Sometimes I would just have to end the day early, get in bed with popcorn and disappear into a show :melting_face: or just go to sleep. Coming here helped me lot, reading posts for hours. Glad you are here with us!


Thank you :pray:t2: your really helpful to everyone on here an im very gratefulā€¦if you were in school Iā€™d make you a prefect :innocent:


Going out with a girlfriend that I truly look up toā€¦ Cannit wait for her to get here!!


I just read your post, and wanted to sayā€¦something really good and helpful, but mostly just to say hang in there. Good for you for coming on here and letting ALL OF THAT OUT. I have found this place so helpful for that, especially when you feel lonely and dont know who else to talk to.

I am not sure if this would be helpful, but I wanted to share something I learned years ago and that I have found to be helpful when my brain will not shut the hell up with worries and noise. Its called a worry journal, and the way I was told to use it eas to set a time or take time one or two times a day to write all of that stuff out. I wiuld usually do it in the morning by writing out my list of things I have to do for the day and then all the worries on my mind. The point is to write out the worries, and then give yourself permission to park them thereā€¦for the rest of the day or until your next worry journal time. So Id worry all over the page, and if my brain would start up later Id just say to myself ā€œnot now, you can worry when you journal about it laterā€. Id also do it at the end of the day before bed to put all those things down, so I could then read or watch a little something and drift off. I found this exercise was difficult at first to get in to, and actually tell myself ā€œhey its not wirry time nowā€, but over time I have found it has really helped me to train my brain into having a set time to put all that stuff down. Now if my brain starts going, i just say okay its worry journal timeā€¦and I write it all out, and then say okay there it is. Now its time for a break from worrying.

Anyway, no obligation to try and just a suggestion but hang in there. I hope you have an amazing trip to Peru and enjoy every last bit of the food :two_hearts: It will all work out, and some things wont work outā€¦but in the end it will all be fine :slight_smile: a thought on that is also whether you could communicate with your friend that you are more used to having things planned and ready? It may help them understand where youre coming from :slight_smile:


@cmillington Way to go with 5 days Crystal! It is rough when you have someone at home that drinks as you are trying to quit. I find making sure that I have a place to escape to helps when I feel triggered. Also having my non-alcoholic drinks on hands is key so I donā€™t start feeling FOMO. Keep going strong :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman You are too sweet Dana. I did manage a fairly productive day. Thank you and I too am very honored to call you a friend. We are in this together :people_hugging:
@lile01 Oh I love it ā€“ 7 days!!! Way to go with your one week. Your past sober time is not gone. You have the tools from before and a whole new attitude now and this is amazing! Keep at it friend. Hope you enjoyed your meal! :heart:
@danam56 Grateful you are looking for something else. I do remember the days of crying at work and it is not fun. No job is worth that kind of stress ā€“ you are doing so well in your recovery and do not need that toxicity. With the move ā€“ possibly a new job ā€“ will be a whole new beginning for you :people_hugging: Sending luck your way.
@deelzebub Great news Delia. Glad that your son will be home soon. Yeah to your daughters performance. Glad she is happy with the outcome too :tada: :tada: A great way to start off the weekend.
@mossy91 Love the quote and you should repeat this to yourself when the cravings hit. Have a solid plan for the weekend as I find idle time is deadly ā€“ especially early on in sobriety. Remember that you can come here as often as you like for support and advice. I lived on here basically at the beginning and still do on days that I find hard to deal with. Yeah to day 6 :muscle:
@19801 Thank you for that Corine! You are sweet to say so. So glad you are here with us. Lets kick this addiction in the ass ODAAT :muscle:

Checking in on Friday evening
576 days free of alcohol and weed
991 days free of cigarettes
I am loving the fact that in 9 days I will have quadruple digits for not smoking. WTF - I had quit for 2 years many a moon ago but honestly did not think I would ever kick this or any addiction. Knowing that I was able to do this gave me the courage to quit my other addictions.
I am grateful for today. Got a lot more done then I had planned and am feeling accomplished LOL. Watching Bosch now and going to wrap up early againā€¦ I need to get some sleep. I am loving my early nights and early mornings. The quiet of the morning just hits different. Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank u. I have been drinking sugar free pink lemonade in a fancy cup. Seems to be working so far. I will definitely find a get away spot thanks for the advice


Nice work on 200 days! Very inspirational!!


2206 days clean and sober. 6 year birthday a couple of weeks ago. Life is pretty good, crap at checking in as always.

Nicotine is proving a bitch to kick. Getting to around a week then picking up vaping again. My brain is annoying me! Although in putting little to no work in with it regarding quitting. So itā€™s hardly surprising.

Some good numbers racking up in here lately, some fine efforts all round, proud of you all :blue_heart:


200 that is terrific


Amazing work, well done :blue_heart:


Congrats on 12 days. Recently I am blessed with calm and no conflicts in my home. Pray momentum continues in this direction. Making tomato sauce with a shit load of home grown tomatoes. Next chore get all these nectarines ready to freeze. Life on the farm. E I E I O!. What are your plans?


Days can change in the blink of an eye. Keep thinking positive and your day will follow. Ya I know I need to practice this too. :hugs::t_rex::parrot:


5 days is amazing. Let him drink his beers. You stay strong ! It does get easier.


Here we are!!!


Checking in day 69. Back up helping my Dad. I hate coming to this city, too many bad memories. I reminded myself I am so far from all of that and am such a different person. Thatā€™s not even who I am anymore. There are a few friends Iā€™m looking forward to seeing while Iā€™m here so thatā€™s nice.
Have a great evening/day all.



My working weekend is coming up. Going to be very warm today. Iā€™ll try to take it easy. Will see. Itā€™s one day at a time as it is with all. Iā€™m glad I saw my therapist yesterday after her holidays. Not quite ready to ditch her. On we go. Sober and clean.

When youā€™re off, have a great weekend. When youā€™re working too. Or at least as good as you all can. Be sure to make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love.