Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@Scorpn Don’t be sorry for sharing how you are feeling. That’s what this place is for. Sending you hugs :people_hugging:
@Zse Getting out to the country side in the summer heat from the city is so nice :smiley:
@Timetochange Yeah, it’s good to remind oneself what using will bring us, and why we are actively choosing a different life. Especially in long term sobriety.
@MrsOdh Yay to sunshine :sun_with_face:
@SoberWalker Nice tat! Do you have to sit there for five hours?!
@MontanaLady77 I know these thoughts of using can be very scary. But always remind yourself: These are just thoughts. They will come, they will go. No matter where you are in your sobriety these kinds of thoughts will come up. What changes over time is the emotional response to those thoughts. Imagine having a thought of eating cauliflower. Does it scare you? Do you have to eat cauliflower? Do you to engage with that thought? Probably not so much. The addicted part of your brain will latch onto the using thoughts. But the sane part of you, the one that consciously realises what is going on, can just let the thoughts and emotions be, and decide to keep working your sobriety program. With time the addicted part will lessen its grip. Keep at it. Have a good meeting :muscle:
@Butterflymoonwoman You realized your behaviour. That’s where it starts. Next time you might be able to realise how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and what you are about to do earlier. Good to be in progress :wink:
@SadMemeQueen What are your usual tools to get through a period like this? Have you utilised them all? Can you thing about something else? Distraction? A guided meditation? A physical activity? A meeting? Talk to us. Tell us what you are doing, about your thoughts and your feelings. Connect, share :mending_heart:
@Vanessa8 @Just_Laura Some bat-women around her, eh? :bat: :woman_supervillain:

230 sugar
94 UPF
101 gluten
0 dairy
0 overeating

Today is going to be a rather hot day here. I already did the groceries so I don’t have to go in the heat later. My daughter is off to her summer workshop. I’ll keep working on state machines. We’ll go to the pool in the afternoon to cool down. Recovery Dharma in the evening for me.

Let’s try for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


This is my first day without booze, pills and weed. I feel really shitty and hopeless, full of guilt and shame. I know it’ll get easier, just gotta grind it through. I was back in the days 5 years sober, so I can do it. Now I just gotta survive from these horrible feelings, anxiety and panic.


Day 130

Awake at 1 am with racing heart. Adrenaline. I handle this better than I used to. It’s trauma and flashback stuff. It can’t harm me. Just wakes me up and my brain goes into overdrive while trying to go back to sleep. So I just get up. It’s getting less frequent. I had two large coffees and some yogurt with chia and I’m good. Almost to the point where I can function/work. But I’m taking this time to get better. So I’ll put all the projects aside and do my CBT trauma work today. Journaling. A good workout. Homemade food. It takes time. I want to see what it’s like to be free.

Sorry it’s so long. This is hard. I’m in between sickness and health and that’s a strange place. Lonely. Not sure who I am yet. But know sober is the way. Reaching out is the way. Things are really on track despite what my brain tells me during the wee hours. Stupid wee hours! I hate them. Trying to love them. Should I bake something or will the house burn down because sleep overtook me!? :kissing_heart:. Nah, I’ll just read.

Thank you. Rough day but I have somewhere to go and I am safe and sober. All is well and that’s a good mantra. I’m not alone with this.


I totally get it. I have CPSTD and it is very challenging. Hang in there. Have you tried colouring? Been a good source of therapy for me.

Sending you gentle hugs & rooting for you.


Checking in.

Day 1 - 5 minutes

Everything screams why are you doing this?
I know this is the stake at the end of the road. I have to master this addiction or it will master me.

I see the little timer going on - I have survived the first 5 minutes. It’s a win.

Only the beginning. But I am here.


Thank you :blush: I’m sorry you’re dealing with similar but so glad you took the time to reach out. It’s rough sometimes.

Thank you for the reminder- I have a Funky Cats coloring book I that needs to come out! It’s like I can’t trust any of my thoughts right now. So I’ll distract. Thank you- I forget when it hits me hard. :people_hugging:


I get it hun. You aren’t alone. I am glad I am here too. Repeat offender lol. But hey that’s what we are here for to build and support one another. I am glad I was able to help in some small token. Please post if you are not shy about your work? I would love to see your masterpiece. :wink:

If you wanna ever connect just shoot me a msg. Doors always open.


I’m glad you’re here and this five minutes is the most important five of all! They have milestone chips for the first increments. Proud of you and your decision :people_hugging:


Yeah I have an old chip somewhere. I should dig it out.


Thank you :blush: Appreciate the support too. Nice meeting you.


You can do this. I know how tough it can be. Remember the end result is being free and breaking the cycle. It sucks going “thru” it but getting control and being sober is one of the most important things you will ever do for yourself and the people who love you.


Nice meeting you too!


Congratulations on your day one. I’m glad you’re here. Stuck with us, it gets better quickly! :people_hugging:


@Laner feel better soon 🩵
@JonasE congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@TheWolf welcome back :people_hugging: sorry about your separation, but congrats on coming right back here to start your sober journey again :clap:t2: :tada:
@Binx thank you :face_holding_back_tears: oh yes, very familiar :man_facepalming:t2: getting back out for walks, and to the gym and swimming, are my goals at the moment, all good physically and mentally, but I’m struggling to do either atm because I’m so ashamed of my size 🩵
@Whereswaldo thank you :face_holding_back_tears:
@Bomdhil thank you :blush:
@SadMemeQueen congrats on the new job :clap:t2: glad it’s going well :blush:
@JazzyS thank you 🩵 I’m glad you enjoyed kayaking :blush:
@Scorpn sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@2JTravNZ good to read from you :blush: sorry you’ve been unwell :people_hugging: feel better soon 🩵 Bali is a dream destination for me :sunny: :parasol_on_ground:


@SoberWalker the baby steps are the BIG steps, I’m proud of you too :clap:t2:🩵 the new tattoo is beautiful :heart_eyes:
@Mbwoman belated happy anniversary :confetti_ball::revolving_hearts:
@Deelzebub congrats on 400 days :tada:
@Binx I’m so sorry about what happened 10 years ago :mending_heart::people_hugging: I struggle on every anniversary related to my mum and her death too, so I can relate 🩵
Also sorry about your dad passing too :mending_heart::people_hugging: I’m glad to read you got through yesterday, sending you strength 🩵
@Bomdhil congrats on double digits :tada:
@SadMemeQueen :people_hugging:🩵
@MrMoustache welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada: sending strength 🩵
@Lighter you’re definitely not alone :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@LovelyLya welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:

1428 days no alcohol.
893 days no cocaine.
408 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Yesterday I had therapy. I talked about all the stuff that happened around my bday. I’m hoping for a bit of time distance from my dad’s family. The next special occasion is my eldest step-brother’s bday on 18th Aug, followed by my brother’s bday on the 19th. They did say they’d be having some BBQs to make use of the brand new beast of a BBQ they bought for the other weekend. The conflicting part is that seeing them, usually means I can see my nieces, so I doubt I’d decline an invite if my SIL confirms they’ll be going.

At 16:30 yesterday, I received a call from AEDS. They were calling to offer me a video call with the psychiatrist I’ll be seeing for therapy. The appointment was for today at 9am, but they didn’t send a link. Since the admin team operate 9-5, I emailed the psychiatrist directly to explain, and he responded that he’d only just seen the messages and that he’d had to fill the appointment. He offered me Friday instead, but I’m going to visit my WhatsApp friend, so it’s now scheduled for Tuesday 16th at 9am, and he’s just sent the link now.

Today I will be reading, catching-up with some meditations, and keeping on top of my pain from the tooth extraction.



Way to go! Congratulations!
Therapy has been such a great tool for me 2.
I definitely understand about family issues. Alot of my addictions stems from them too. I am proud of you. Keep going! You’re an inspiration for all of us.


Have a cup for me? :wink:


Thanks, im definitely feeling a whole lot better both in mind and body. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures and countries!


Hey it’s not a pity party. It’s valid. You want it, that’s a normal human [feeling and need]. I was withheld from all that too as a child and growing up. I had to fight for every bit of attention. Never be sorry for expressing your needs as a human.

You are here and you have shared your heart. That’s of value. The world needs you. People often who have never experienced this kind of pain will never resonate with someone else’s pain - you can. That is huge. I would trust you over anyone else with those kind of feelings. So - yes you’re valuable and I am grateful you shared. It gives others permission to say yes that’s me too.

Sending you gentle hugs. You’re not alone. Hang in there. Keep working because it works.


Day 148
Just a casual check in to say G’day
Hope everyone is well.