Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I’m safe. Wish I was there closer. Here’s a hug and caring for you. I know the anniversaries are especially hard for you. You are loved, you are cared for, it’s going to be okay. @Scorpn


PS. It’s not a pity party. Glad you’re posting


Checking in on day 362. :three: days to go…


I can absolutely relate to the headache part! My last like 6 months of drinking I never got headaches even with hangovers. I’m 2 weeks sober today and for the last week and a half I’ve woken up every morning with a headache. I’ve also stayed away from taking anything for them unless they become unbearable, but thankfully they usually start to fade away after getting up and moving around for a couple of hours.


Thank you dear @CATMANCAM !!! I hope you find relief from your tooth :tooth:.
Day 11 here


Checking in day 113.

Had a big sleep in this morning until 8am despite going to bed at 10pm last night. Woke up dehydrated with a head ache but water fixed that. Spent the first half of the day with the wife and went to lunch, then had a termite inspection in the afternoon. The family had spent big at auction only to find the house full of termites after moving in :upside_down_face: ended up at that job for 2 hours with 3 re-visits planned.

Booked in to go to gym tomorrow morning, then donate blood, two termite inspections then an ultrasound in the afternoon to see how our little miss is going. I think only 4 weeks left before she’ll be here.

A busy day tomorrow that I wouldn’t have been looking forward to if I was hungover.

Have a great day week everyone!


Hey all, checking in on day 1486. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh man I feel that! A few weeks ago I posted that I felt like an imposter. Like I was faking it til I made it. I think it’s a confidence thing too… I never had confidence and think I masked it with alcohol. Slowly starting to gain it back and feel like a new person… someone who I want to be.

I hope your sleep improves. I take a natural sleep aid most nights as it quietens my obnoxiously loud brain but doesn’t leave me feeling crappy the next day. Haven’t had any side effects other than feeling well rested and more focused so that’s good.


Thank you. It’s a bit like wandering in the dark some days. I have no idea who I will be, but that’s not so bad. Appreciate the support :blush:


Day 237. Talked to my therapist over the phone yesterday, going to get paper work going for fmla. So that will be helpful, about a month ago she did have blood work done for me and had me make an appointment with primary care and unfortunately they cant get my in until august. So she looked at it better yesterday and noticed, my liver enzymes were elevated, vitamin d was low, glucose was a little high and so was my vitamin b12. So were having it all checked again. I do hope everything comes out ok, going to start taking some vitamin d. New derailleur was working fine, absolutely no issues at all, and then out of no where today i hit a bump, it sucked into my spokes and snapped clean off, luckily nothing else got messed up. A little frustrated, but when i get home ill put my old derailleur back on, hopefully fix it well enough. Idk but much love everyone, aint nothing worth taking a drink over. Have a strong day


@Scorpn Hey, don’t be sorry for being honest about how you’re feeling. I think we’ve all been there at some point. I definitely have. The older I get, I keep wondering when I’m supposed to feel like the adult. I guess I do in some aspects, but it’s made me realize the majority of people are just out here winging it. Adulting is hard. It’s okay to long for easier times :people_hugging:

@justKaitlin Yeah, mine never got exceptionally bad. I rarely medicated bc I didn’t want my liver to have to process anything unnecessary in order to heal. Dehydration definitely caused them in the beginning. I never drank water while I was drinking. It just wasn’t appealing at all. I think my body had to relearn how to properly use it again :sweat_smile: Most of my current headaches seem to stem from neck pain, but I’ve noticed the more active I am, the less pain I have :sparkles: The initial, chronic headaches will eventually subside for you. Just keep taking care of yourself and you’ll keep healing. Great job on 2 weeks!


Checking in, 93 days sober for me.

Enjoying being in the mountains with my kids. Hubby had to go back home for work. We’ve got some more yardwork to do and then the afternoon is free.

I’ll stay sober today.


almost 5 days sober from alcohol after a very bad relapse. Changed counselor and meds for bipolar and I’m back on track :slight_smile:


Checking at Day 42! its been hard lately. I went swimming yesterday and I used to love nothing more than day drinking and swimming in the summer. I stayed strong, but today its another really hot day and gotta do it all over again. Guess thats why they say odaat


96 days sober
I’m finally starting to feel better today. My headache was gone enough to concentrate on reading today and I was able to get a bit of translation work done. My neighbor filled my buckets with water again and made me dinner. I don’t usually miss running water but when I’m sick boy do I miss just being able to have a hot shower. Anyways tomorrow I’ll go to the moncho and have a shower and I’m really looking forward to that.


May i ask…what instigated you going back out after 5yrs sober??


Day 2300. No baby sitting today. My little budy had to have some minor surgery today. He is on his way home and doing well. Just waiting for Ms. Monkey to get done working, then we will go visit.


You can do it.

I understand that feeling. I feel the same.

For me it was the trauma of sepsis Jan 2024. My addictions have always been a form of coping, numbing, feeling something differently than what I am experiencing and having a form of control over something because I can’t control what’s happening to me.

Don’t stay in that pit too long. It never gives you anything worth taking.

Know you slipped up and now here we are. Don’t look at the past, you’re not going there. Sobriety is the present steps of now.

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161 days checking in

Here and sober. Mood is quite good.

I booked a 30 day course with somatic excersices to release trauma and stress from our bodies. Body therapy. I will do a lil journal about it.


Checking in with day 133. Awoke at 6am got up and layed back down at 8 (just for a few minutes, ya). Awoke at 9 decided not to go to AA meeting. Within ten minutes was in shower and soon headed out the door. So glad I went. Topic was acceptance and lots of great shares. Came home ate lunch and discovered my blouse was on inside out. This has only happened twice in my life. To be in public with an outfit malfunction is embarrassing.

I decided tomorrow at the meeting I will admit my event and as in STEP 10 will declare I was wrong and corrected it. How come nobody told me?

Good day so far. Things will get done.


Sweet share. Please tell your son lots of people don’t want their things messed around with. :hugs: