Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Thanks I appreciate it!!


Checking in on a Sunday. Iā€™m trying to prioritize my day to deal with the most important things first, especially since Monday and Tuesday are my mega commute days and I will be too tired to do much at the end of the day. I mostly have to do house chores so I wonā€™t bore you. And I need to go for a walk. If I do that before my 12:30 meeting I will be in really, really good shape and feeling good. I can sit on my butt all afternoon if I want after that. Have a good and sober day/night!


Day 114.

Whew so lifeā€™s been doing all kinds of funky shit at the moment.

Iā€™m still sober so thatā€™s good. Otherwise Iā€™m having a lot of people in my life rn that are facing difficult challenges.

I try to be there for them because I care about these wonderful humans but itā€™s just everthing at once and thatā€™s overwhelming.

Otherwise nothing new to report. Life takes itā€™s course and Iā€™m somewhere in the middle of that.

Take care everyone. Wonā€™t update daily anymore but Iā€™m still checking the site ervery day.

Itā€™s just not how I communicate atm.

Stay safe and enjoy whatā€™s left of the weekend^^ :slight_smile:


Day 21 sober from everything

Going good :DDD Just been doing the things my sponsor says to do. I need to pickup the slack on joining meetings every day, about to join a meeting though :smile_cat:


:bangbang:For all forum members who live in Germany ,:bangbang:: Eiliger Bier-RĆ¼ckruf: Hersteller unterlƤuft folgenschwerer Fehler ā€“ Produkt bei Edeka und Rewe verkauft

Sorry for posting in German. It is a recall for falsely declared supposedly non-alcoholic beer.


Hey congratulations on 3 weeks clean and sober! Sounds like ur doing all the right things :slight_smile:


Checking in onbday
438 no alcohol
369 no vapes or ciggs 78 no form of nicotine
38 no form of marijuana

I was thinking about pot today after work because of the stress level here at work and at home

I feel like today, everything i did wrong this past year and a few mistakes at work came back to me in the form of irradiated people.

Today i was told by my grandparent in law i can dissapoint him with all these little things i do or forget to do

Thrn the beginning of the day at work was stress out the gate

Then i talked to my wife at lunch and she communicated she would like me to br more present in the tasks of the baby and with the baby

I ligit felt like i had no1 and pot wont hurt and will actually help me rest

I told my wife i thought weed sounded like a good relese and recover from days like today. She said im a grown man and can mske my own choices

Then i thought of all the support i get here snd you all and how i feel when i relese my stresses over talking sober snd the advicecand help youve all given. I thought relesing and recovering on here is better then pot

So i messaged my wife snd said i dont want thc and we got this and dhe said ok i love you then i came here to vent.

Works almost over
My backup showed up after all day by myself


Heres to going through difficult times sober


Wow! What a day ur having! But ur handling it like a boss! Uv come such a long way and are doing things differently now. Ur right! U dont need pot to cope. Bcuz we all know where using leads us and how it makes us feel afterwards. Guilt and shame and disgust and dissappointment. We are here for u friend :hugs: Stay strong in ur decision as u go about ur day


Me too. Itā€™s part of what made me an addict too. Finding my own path, not relying on anybody, do it all myself. Part of change and recovery (discovery) for me is to learn to accept help. Learn there are limits to what we can do on our own.

I think itā€™s very nice you have a friend willing to help you in this way. And I think itā€™s not even pride that makes it so hard for folks like us to accept any help including financial.

Letā€™s speak for myself. Itā€™s the fear for people wanting something in return for their help. For being dependent on another. For falling short in taking care of myself because I have to rely on someone else. Someone else who is not to be trusted anyway. I think itā€™s very good to accept some help from your friend. And be grateful for it :people_hugging:.


Yes thank you for noticing ive come a long way. I only have 38 days streight no weed. Ive used every excuse possible to pick up. I know for a fact when i pick up pot or when im activity smoking it, my rock bottom is a puff away. It NEVER ENDS UP GOOD. its even kind of funny how that works for me. Pot is a huge trigger for me for some odd reason


Thatā€™s a great read friend! Thanks so much for sharing, for being present, for being accountable and for staying sober!


Checking in day 202 AF :blush:


I havenā€™t checked in in a few days. Iā€™ve had terrible internet and cell service lately, but itā€™s been kinda nice to feel ā€œoff the gridā€ for a little bit. Day 26 for me today! Itā€™s been a great sober weekend. My fiancĆ© has been part of a beer league softball team for a few years now. Itā€™s been a huge part of how we spend our weekends in the summer. As his biggest cheerleader, I was always drinking while cheering on the guys. This past weekend was a true test for meā€¦ heā€™s played in 5 games since Thursday night and Iā€™ve gone to every single one. Surrounded by everyone drinking. I even had people offering me free drinks when the games went into extra innings. I stood my ground and politely declined. I held strong to my sobriety and Iā€™m so proud. :metal:t2:


I had a nice family day out. Now im absolutely exhausted in a good way.

This is Gunby Hall Gardens, we visited the house too, but I didnā€™t find it that captivating.


@john_connor1337 congratulations on your 3 weeks! Impressive work
@Planipennia Iā€™m not in Germany but that sucks.
@Noshame sounds like a super stressful day. So grateful that you did not pick up. Grateful that you talked it out and came here to vent. Hope you are at home and your day has turned around :people_hugging:
@justKaitlin wowā€¦be proud for sure. Glad you are working your recovery and protecting your sobriety. Btwā€¦sober looks great on you- just saw your latest selfie in the thread. Keep up the great work


Just about to lay down. Yesterday I slept for three hours after an early morning and I have since been up for 22 more hours.
.Iā€™m so happy to be able to go to bed early. Even if it is only for a few hours!
I saw the new twisters movie. It was good, but I was so tired I almost fell asleep a few times :sweat_smile:
But now Iā€™m home. Yay!

Day 650.7


You enjoy those precious hours :zzz::sleeping_bed:


@Noshame youā€™ve had a day of it :pleading_face: well done for muddling through the shit to get the day done sober only 35 days ā€¦. Pot may of been our best bud excuse the pun ,but it became our worst motavation killing communication killing and emotionally killing worst enemy . I havenā€™t ever had 35 days yet in 25 years but I want to keep remembering why I canā€™t so I can get to 35 .your doing ok donā€™t let the fucker take you back :facepunch:


@justKaitlin thats amazing fair shout :muscle:


Day 14. I have had a very busy day. Done all of the housework, went for a run, cut my lawn and some other bits. In preperation for my kids arriving tomorrow for a week. I actually took a moment on a couple of occasions today. I stopped, smiled and thought being sober is amazing. Itā€™s been a tough few months personally, but Iā€™m seeing the light today. I wish I could bottle that feeling up and give it to someone who needs it. For those still struggling, donā€™t give up.