Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I’m here. I’m not great but I have a plan in place. I have the tools I need I just need to sharpen them.


Day 199 AF

Hope all are well. Just working multiple jobs still and getting out on the Bike for some rips when able.



Hey all, checking in on day 1499. I hope everybody has a good one!


174 days AF

Just noticed that I got a huge milestone coming up. 6 months by end of July. :muscle:t2:

Maybe we will go out in a restaurant or something like this. Not sure yet.

I feel more stabilized. Don’t have cravings at all. The guy is still writing me, blah. He realised I am right. Clearly communicated my standards and a position as a 2nd wife doesn’t meet anything at all. Of course!

Had a wonderful swim yesterday after a thunderstorm cleared up everything…
Very good flow. I am very strong in the water these days again. And after my training, walking to my car… I thought, ok this was a disappointing experience once more, but whatever happens, I got myself, know how to reset and I have become such a much more reliable person in the meantime. By being sober. By working on myself.

Love you guys :heart:
Stay strong :muscle:t2:


Checking in day 126. Had a talk to my wife and told her I’ve been feeling pretty depressed lately. It was nice to get it off my chest.

Have a great week everyone. I’ll have time soon to start reading everyone’s posts soon!

  1. Ok day so far, Pilates then Zumba class. I hate Zumba, it’s really not for me. Spending an hour round something I hate was quite good discipline though, but I won’t repeat it :joy:. Planning on a peaceful day as I feel slightly odd or off. Unease in my belly.

Day 143

Rain is on its way this afternoon. And lasting all week. :dancer: Clouds are kind, caring entities. You take quite a beating from the sun at 30 degrees N latitude. For several months. I’m so thrilled to get a break. Summer depression is widespread here. Just rain until October 15th please :grinning: That should cover Summer with water.

Love you. Enjoy your sober days!


Day 250. Really had a great weekend with my girls. Back to the grind today. Really need a one on one session. Nothing really wrong but i enjoy them. Idk much love everyone


Checking in on day
439 no alcohol
370 no vapes or ciggs 79 no form of nicotine
39 no form of marijuanna

I have to accept weed isnt for me because i have a problem with it
Its a hard pill to swollow sometimes


Monday morning workday check in.
I was 3 for 3 avoiding alcohol at summer get togethers on the weekend. Grateful (as always - repeating myself) for maintained sobriety to the night and into sleep for the next day.


It is crazy how some things are harder for us than others. I had two friends come from the half way house with over a year from all mind altering substances. As soon as they moved where were at they started smoking pot. But what i found most interesting is they say it wasnt a problem this or that but always had to justify smoking it if they were around me. I hated pot, i stopped smoking it when i was like 19, shit made me lazy, just wanna sit there and do nothing at all. So for me it was easy to stop and i dont even think about ot the slightest lol


Morning TS!! Its going to be another hot day here so im not doing much lol. I do have to take my son to his oncology appt this afternoon to get his MRI results, but other than that we are staying inside. I also have plans to go grocery shopping once my hubby gets home from work. So its a fairly busy day. Just folding laundry now while sipping on my coffee and then will begin to tidy things up. Have a fabulous day everyone! :butterfly:


Congratulations on 8 months!!! Thats not an easy thing to quit! :slight_smile:


Good shere mr mike :slight_smile:

Thank you
I look up to you.and your progress

The addicted mind is really crazy huh lol


@Chevy55 soon will see 200
@Nordique soon 1500



You’re so right. I couldn’t really put words to why it is so difficult for me to let someone help this way. As I was reading this I kept thinking “yes that’s it!”. It goes down to trust. I trust this friend probably more than I’ve ever trusted anyone in my life but still find it difficult to let her in and help in this way. And it makes me feel vulnerable to be in a position like this.
I have decided to let her help. I told her today I will accept her help. That I agree to allow her to help me pay for online counseling.


Yeah I totally agree with what you said. It is really hard to open myself up to that type of trust and vulnerability. I’m going to take the help.


109 days sober
I’ve decided to let my friend help me. I told her today I want her help. It was really hard for me to get it out but I needed to say yes. I can keep trying on my own and I’ve used every resource available to me. But I think having a counselor will really help me so I said yes to help.
So now I’m a bit anxious to meet with a counselor online for the 1st time. My friend already arranged it for me. I don’t really know what ti expect and how it’ll go. But I will try anything.


Please try to keep expectations to a minimum. Personally I pre see what will happen and it is not good. Open your heart and mind and let all the good and positive help come in! Good luck and hope it is a great experience.


I dont know why but i seem to have hit a wall

I am craving nicotine like crazy after yesterday when i craved weed

It would be stupid to go back to that stuff

How do i handle these walls