Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Just suggestions…
Go for a walk
Eat a piece of candy
Breathe! Breathe!
Are you breathing?:heart_eyes:

Not smoking anything your lungs will thank you!


Ill take your suggestions and get some candy

Im walking all day here at work lol


My expectations are definitely on the low side but part of me is hopeful that it’ll help overtime. I am anxious about it and just don’t know much what to expect. But will try to be open. Thanks for the advice!


I just ate a whole box of mints outside

For some reason eating a bunch of mints help me through the craving


Thank you! :heart:


Go to a meeting. Get a sponsor. Work the steps. It has kept from getting squirrelly for a little while now


One thing is that there has to be a match between counselor and you. When there’s no connection it’s not going to work. But maybe that’s not always clear after meeting once. I’ve been really lucky with my current therapist. The first time we met (when she was one of the two therapists leading the schema therapy group I attended) I knew. That’s almost 4 years ago.


Day 394. Not a bad day. Weather rubbish but work all ok

Nearly at 400 days now… I still get the odd temptation for a beer so I need to keep focussed and check in daily


79 days :white_check_mark:

Having one of my being scared of everything episodes.
Intense fear.
London has become so scary to live.
It’s hard to see the nice in the world when so much terrible stuff is happening not just here but the whole world.
It’s scary to think it’s getting bad fast here.
I will try to stay positive and pray for all people and families struggling.

Hope everyone is doing okay and If your not hang In there, there is beauty and light we just have to notice it and remind ourselves it’s there.
Enjoy those moments when you notice the beauty and kindness and hold on to them :pray:



Hey Twizz. That kid shot by Trellick is a few streets from me pretty much as the crow flies. This city is crazy :sob:

Just remember there’s only today, and no one deserves to be fearful. Live like you aren’t scared, even if you have to practise.


Day one , lets make it to day two


@aybee Way to go! Kicking addiction in the butt ODAAT :muscle:
@mira_d thanks friend. You are the best! Yes – so amazing how the brain works. Like Yeah – I did this so now I can for sure tackle “that”. Just grateful that I am living addiction free and my body has this chance to heal.
@goku2019 Welcome to the world baby Scarlett :heart: :hugs: Happy early birthday wishes to your wife. :tada: :tada: A week full of celebrations
@mrsodh Oooh that is rough – a extra 5 hour trip to help out a friend – you guys are amazing! The zoo pics are awesome – I don’t think I’ve ever seen a moose (not even at a zoo). Hope you enjoyed your chill day
@acromouse! 8 months no SUGAR :tada: :tada: Impressive work Aga. Hope you enjoy your trip. Your pic on the selfie thread was so joyous… keep smiling friend. :hugs:
@justalys So good to see you back and posting. 55 days AF is amazing. Just take it ODAAT and you will be able to kick the other addictions too. You got the award cause you are doing a great job and deserve it… don’t let your insecurities tell you any different. Sometimes we feel like we are just coasting through life and not actually able to do what our jobs require but that is not true. Now we are more present and aware and sober we will surely kick ass in whatever we attempt. Glad you are able to take a breather and reset from your stress – remember to be kind to yourself. :hugs:
@dustysprungfield Great to see you Dave. Having a plan in place is awesome. Remember that you are not alone – Lets keep pushing forward together.
@juli1 OOH 6 months right around the corner – yes, do celebrate your milestone and achievement. You are getting stronger in the water – love that you are able to swim. It is a great release and an amazing feeling. What was disappointing about your training? Much love Jules
@whereswaldo SO grateful you were able to talk with your wife. Open communication helps especially when you are not feeling like yourself so your partner or SO can understand where you are coming from.


@butterflymoonwoman hope you were able to stay cool Dana. How did it go with the appointment? Hope all is well with the test results :pray:
@laner SO grateful that you are letting your friend help you out. I know how hard that can be at times but that is what good friends are for. Wishing you luck with your first appointment :hugs:
@noshame The addict mind is crazy. It couldn’t get you with the weed so now it is focusing on cigs. FUCK OFF ADDICTION! I hope you were able to find ways to keep yourself busy and ward off the cravings. They will not last – keep fighting for yourself :hugs: YES MINTS! So happy to hear that they helped. Way to go friend. :muscle:
@twizzlers Sending you hugs my friend. The world is a scary place and i do find it overwhelming when i start to think about all the bad around us. This is when I dig deep to find all the good. So grateful to see that humanity is still alive and all around us. Love and beaty everywhere we look. Like you said - we just need to take notice of that light and focus on that. IT will get us out of the darkness. :people_hugging:
@tragicfarinelli OMG that is so scary and sad. Grateful they made arrests and I do hope the boy gets justice. Such a tragedy :cry:
@Button83 Day 1 is awesome work – stay with us friend – you can make it to day 2 and beyond :muscle: So good to see you posting… sending strength and love your way

Checking in on Monday afternoon
Did not sleep well last night and I am grateful that I was able to get my deliveries done this morning. Got right back in bed and even though I’ve been in and out of sleep all day I feel so tired and drained as I just can’t get comfortable. Everything hurts and I feel like I may also be coming down with something. Gonna just take a pass on today and rest my bones.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


106 days sober, I’ll stay sober today too.

Looking ahead… 4 months sober sounds very doable. Even my next goal (200 days) sounds possible. This realization made me smile today because not too long ago the idea of going an evening without alcohol was nerve-wracking. Going without alcohol for 2 days would consume my thoughts. And making it past 10 days was the absolute best I was able to do.

Here I am today. 106 days sober. I’m not a slave to alcohol today and it feels good.



My chronic health problem decided to flare up again, after being quiet since March. Not happy about that :confused:

But it was still a pleasant day, with a trip to the gym in the morning and an afternoon of Netflix.
Happy sober vibes to all :blush:



Here to offer comfort!


We’re here with you! Stay strong and think of what you can do differently to make it stick this time :muscle:


Thanks friend for thinking of us!! We just finished at his appt and thankfully his brain tumor is still stable!! :pray: His oncologist is really pleased with how well hes doing. It was a hard appt tho for me. Lots of deep breathing and doing what i could to stay calm. Its really hard walking into the clinic where he recieved his treatments, seeing all the other kiddos going thru the same thing. It brought back alot of memories. But im staying in the present moment as best i can. Grateful my son is alive and well. Hes my little warrior 🩵


@Vanessa8 loving this attitude and mind shift. Yes you can!! Looking forward to celebrating many milestones with you
@HolySquid sorry friend. Chronic issues are the worst and especially when they show up after some time of relief. Sending healing vibes. Hope you feel better soon
@tailee17 thanks friend :people_hugging::pray:t4: appreciate the comfort
@Butterflymoonwoman awe that’s fantastic news Dana! So relieved and happy for you all. I’m sorry for such a stressful day as you were waiting for the results. Much love friend…you both are amazing warriors… keep being awesome!


@MrMoustache for me, my mind and body were completely exhausted from what I’d put them through in active addiction, all I could do was sleep and rest too. I listened to a lot of audiobooks and spent a lot of time looking at memes on here. You’ve got nothing to feel shame about, you are recovering 🩵
@PositiveThoughts I hope your daughter is feeling better 🩵
@Butterflymoonwoman thank you :smiling_face_with_tear: I don’t have anyone apart from my therapist who lent me the book, I spoke a bit out it in therapy today. I’ve got 2.5 chapters left. I stopped when I saw the first question on the next page last night, I was like nope, not going there! I hope your son’s MRI results were okay :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:🩵 seen your update, so grateful his tumor is stable :raised_hands:t2: it must be awful to have to see all the suffering and be reminded of what you and your boy went through though :pleading_face:
@Mossy91 congrats on your week+ :tada:
@stand_like_an_oak belated happy 50th birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face: and congrats on 50+ days :tada:
@john_connor1337 congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Noshame great work venting here instead of giving in to your cravings :clap:t2:
@TheWolf congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@AyBee congrats 1900 days :tada:
@wahtisnormal I hope you arrived safely in Peru, enjoy :blush: