Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@GOKU2019 congrats on staying sober whilst surrounded by alcohol :clap:t2: congrats on the birth of your baby niece :tada: :baby: 🩵 and happy birthday to your wife :birthday::balloon::gift::partying_face:
@Lefty624 congrats on your month :tada:
@acromouse congrats on 8 months no sugar :tada: and enjoy your trip :blush:
@JustAlys welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 55 days :tada: and for the recognition at your new job :clap:t2::tada:
@Tragicfarinelli I hope you did manage to have a peaceful day and are feeling more at ease now :people_hugging:🩵
@Mindofsobermike congrats on 250 days :tada: can you request a 1:1?
@Laner I’m so glad you’re accepting your friend’s help, I’m sure it will mean a lot to her to be able to help you heal. I’m proud of you 🩵
@Button83 welcome back :people_hugging: proud of you for coming back here, congrats on day 1 :tada:
@JazzyS wishing your pain away for you :magic_wand::sparkles: I’m glad you are listening to your body :people_hugging:🩵
@HolySquid sorry about your flare-up :people_hugging: sending healing vibes :sparkles: love the photo :camera_flash:

1442 days no alcohol.
907 days no cocaine.
422 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

Yesterday I caught-up here. Then played a Pokemon event, during which I thought I’d attempt my “usual” 35min walk around the lake…it took me 2hrs 20mins! most of which were spent sitting on the floor or on benches, in agony with my back. So it seems I need to build up to doing the lake walk again.

I managed to shower this morning, but not until the very last minute. My brain is so frustrating.

Today has been very painful too as I do quite a lot of steps (for me) on therapy days. 7000 today. I don’t want to go back to using my wheelchair, as it hurt my back even more from how uneven the paths are around here, it was only smooth in the shopping centres, but navigating those was a whole other challenge.

Therapy was okay today, I did speak about some difficult childhood subjects, including one very awful memory that I have been having a lot of flashbacks from, but for a change, I do not feel triggered to binge-eat. I’m grateful for that.

When I got home, I had to drive to my hometown to collect my repeat medications.

I’ve done some meditatiosns.

I haven’t done any reading today, but I’ll get back to that tomorrow.

I’m now 3 episodes behind on the show I’m watching, but it’s almost midnight and my appointment is at 10am so I probably should try to sleep. Maybe just one episode :grimacing:

Tomorrow I have my rehab appointment for my back, so I’ll see what she has to say about how bad it’s gotten.



@Butterflymoonwoman That is great to hear!

@JazzyS Sometimes you just have to rest. It is great when you can rest rest, not just crash to recover from a hangover.

@Noshame Eating mints and sniffing lavender based essential oils helped me a lot.

@JustAlys Welcome back! :purple_heart:


This is one of the reasons I feel sad and worried about how life’s going downhill in our communities we live in.
So sad.
Where I am literally phones are being robbed constantly and now they are starting to attack again.
My dad walks his dog there too he was close by.
I thought about you today and last night and how it happened so close and hoped you are ok.
That next door app puts the fear of god in me once you start seeing what’s really going on around you.


Day 651 evening

Another night I need to go to bed early. Having trouble with it especially with all of the chores and things that need to get done…
But I’m doing my best and that’s all I can do…
Hope y’all are having a good day or evening


Yes. Its on the 29th lol


Feeling lonely, as I am sick and have to stay in my room most of the time. Struggling to stay sh free. I need support rn but I’m not sure how my peers would like me being around them. I’m tired so maybe I’ll just go to bed. But then I’ll wake up and be lonely again in the morning. Idk what to do


Good day. It rained all day and I got my landscape overhaul project plan proposal back. :blush:. I now have a fun project to think about. It has lots of new plants, rocks and a little bit of lawn. Much better. I really enjoy this type of stuff. I have line items and drawings to review. Love plants and design.

Glad to be moving ahead with things here. I’m just sober enough to start tackling some bigger things. And once you build momentum, other goals can be reached. August and September are looking good and hopeful. Only challenge is pacing yourself early on.

So glad to be sober. Early night with the rain. Need a good rainy sleep.



Checking in 146

AA MEETING this morning. So great to share with my “peeps “. Practiced self care and got my nails done. Stopped at fruit stand and picked up some delicious strawberries. Worked on some accounting and filing before I went to gym pool and spent an hour. Getting ready for some relaxation while watching baseball. I am having to deal with disappointed unhappy spouse but I try to have a great day in spite of him. Tomorrow meet with sponsor. It has been Since my surgery we last met. Tackling step 4 in AA.


Day 1312,

It works if you work it…:pray::heart:


@catmancam Thanks friend to get back out for the lake walk! Sorry your back is acting up and causing you pain. Don’t focus on the time it took you to take the walk. You will get your pace back – just listen to your body’s cues and take it easy. LOL – I hate the cliffhangers that make it easy to watch that one more episode. I do hope you got to bed and were able to get some good sleep.
@misokatsu Thanks friend. Appreciate you :pray: So true that anything is better than a hangover. Great to hear from you – hope you are doing well.
@twizzlers That Next Door App was making me paranoid and I found myself checking in every few hours to see what new thing was happening in my neighborhood. It was maddening. I finally muted it and still found myself checking in so I had to delete. Hope you were able to find that light and positivity in your day :hugs:
@scorpn Sending you sleepy vibes friend – hope you are able to get to bed on time and sleep. :sleeping:
@jules000 I’m sorry you are sick and feeling lonely. I do think that sleeping would be a good idea. Maybe meditate before sleeping. It may help calm and change the mindset and help you wake to a brighter outlook. Are you able to video chat with your friends? If you can’t see them in person it may help to somehow stay connected. Remember we are here too – reach out on the site – do some reading :hugs:


Checking in day 27! Woke up early to squeeze in a workout before work. Today was the first day of an 8 week program I’m committing to :muscle:t3: Work was so busy today and flew by. I had a rehab appointment this afternoon. I saw a new provider and he was impressed with all the progress I’ve made in such a short amount of time. Came home and cooked a healthy dinner for me and the fiancé. Happy to be sober :v:t3:


Day 100 :blush:

Was supposed to leave for Peru today (original flight was for yesterday, this was our re-booked flight) but Delta is having so many issues we even got as far as boarding the plane before they told us there’s a two hour delay. Ended up re-booking a new flight for tomorrow. So third times the charm I hope :smiling_face_with_tear: long and stressful day and its also impacting arrangements and changes we need to make since we’re losing 3 days of our trip. Ultimately glad to be home and cozy with my cat after a long day. Probably going to shower and go to sleep super early so I can get a long night of sleep before doing everything all over again tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Oh man, I know the feeling (or at least to an extent. Obviously dont know everything you’re going through). If there’s one thing I know, it’s that SH isn’t going to help solve how you’re feeling. Often sleeping absolutely can help. Or it might not. But regardless, tomorrow is a new day, and if you’re well rested, you’ll be better equipped to make the decisions that are right for you. I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Know that you’re not alone. And know that these feelings, no matter how long lasting, are temporary :pray:t2: I’m rooting for you and I hear you, I hear your pain. You are not alone. One breath at a time :blue_heart: when I’m feeling stressed or urges for SH i have to remind myself that what I need right now is care. If my friend was feeling this way, what would I suggest for them to do? How would I talk to them? My go-tos are a relaxing shower with the lights dim, and a candle, maybe some other good scents like my favorite lotion. Then curl up under a big comfy blanket, and let myself cry if I want to or can (and if not, that’sokay too), maybe watch a comfort TV show. There’s lots of different ways to care for yourself. If you’re feeling more energetic maybe a light workout or a walk. You’ve got this, and I hope you feel better soon :blue_heart: Having these feelings while being sick has got to be extra stressful :confused:


Day 401 AF

The desire to drink carried over into the weekend. The addict mind tried playing tricks. “ what would one glass of wine hurt? No one would know……”. Feeling fortunate I was in LA on Saturday with my brother who is sober. I flew in for the day and flew out after getting my hair done. Not enough time at the airport to even think about drinking and too tired once I got home to even think about it.

Much needed quiet day at work but racing thoughts about all of the tasks still to do. I’m a bit panicked that it’s all on me to get everything ready. It will work out, it always does.

Sleep well everyone


Checking in sober on Monday evening. I went for a nice long run today. I’ve found that running has become another tool in my toolbox. The weather has been lovely here lately. Not too hot. Have a great day or night wherever you find yourself today :blue_heart:



I didn’t get the job that in the end I didn’t want either. It’s not always necessary to go for the most complex, the most challenging, the very hardest thing to do. As this job was. And I learned that in a way I was trying to emulate my father, by going big and hard and complicated, instead of listening to my heart.

I should do what I want myself. And right now I’m fine in addiction care which is a hard enough job as it is. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from my sister’s garden where I had dinner last night.

@Jules000 Don’t isolate friend. Nothing good comes from trying to do it all alone. I’m glad you’re here.
@wahtisnormal Fingers crossed you’ll fly today :crossed_fingers:. And huge congrats on 100!!! Big milestone!!! :birthday: :partying_face: :tada:
@Button83 One day at a time for all of us Julia. You’re not alone. We got you if you let us. Big hugs. :people_hugging:



Thank you!
Happy for you that you realized what you want to truly be happy. That takes a lot of self reflection. Its so true, you gotta do whats right for you and what makes you happy. Life is too short to break our backs working the hardest job we can. Gotta enjoy it a bit. And that’s a beautiful garden!

@Chevy55 congrats on 200 days! That’s so awesome :raised_hands:t2:


@Button83 Welcome back Julia :blush:

@Vanessa8 Those are definitely doable! I was the exact same way for a very long time. It’d be a miracle to go 24 hours without a drink, let alone 2 days. Now, everyday sober is another day further from it’s clutch. You got this :muscle:

@Scorpn You’re sober, so you’re doing great :heart: I’m in the same boat with sleep. Too much I think I need to get done that isn’t getting done bc I’m too tired. But the chores aren’t going anywhere :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I think some decent sleep will help things fall in place, for the both of us I hope :pray:

My thoughts exactly (the night I relapsed). The next day I actually thought it hadn’t hurt anything, but girl, was I wrong! That belief led me to drink a few more. Which also seemed fine, until the next day when I drank 15! Then I realized what I had done…too late. I’m glad you didn’t listen to that voice :pray: It’s a fucking idiot.


Sleeping in was nice :relieved: Still woke up pretty stiff and tired, but it got better as the day went on. Happy to be going to bed sober. Another day won :sparkles:


Checking in day 10 so happy to have reached double digits had a bad day yesterday with cravings and head was just all over the place I came out the other side and I am ready for day 11