Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in day 204 AF :blush:


Day 395.

Worked 7-5 today but at a nice pace

Watching the morning show on apple TV. Really enjoying it.

Drinking a grenadine with some water and ice.

I love waking up at 6am and being able to work from 7 am effectively


You Rock! 30 days Sober is amazing.


175 days AF

I feel like breaking into pieces.
I wonā€™t drink but my thoughts are, darkest.

I still canā€™t believe why he did this shit. His last words werenā€™t kind. All the empathy and loyalty. Gone. Already when he opened up that he is in a relationship. And especially when suggesting further dates. He was rejected. By my standards. And now he is lashing back. No farewell. Just shit.

I received the original contract and 13 extra PDS per Mail for my few job today.
Now itā€™s real.
Should be happy.
All I feel is pure anxiety.

Love you guys :black_heart:


Thank you as always Jazzy! Have an awesome day :slight_smile:


He doesnā€™t deserve your anxiety. Or any negative shit you are experiencing. You are so much better than him my friend. Love you. :people_hugging:

Edit: I came across this one just now.


Attended my second AA meeting tonight at my old home group after two years, it was really nice to be welcomed back so warmly by so many .Iā€™ve always found it difficult to open my mouth in a meeting even tho I have no problem opening it anywhere else ! So I steeled myself to share openly and honestly tonight


Thank you , Iā€™m learning to sit with my emotions and know that itā€™s ok to not be ok sometimes :+1:


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not feeling well.
I hope you get better soon.
Remember to take it easy when you move around, itā€™s good to move but itā€™s not healing to move too much.

Get well soon.


I guess it probably might come with age.
I used to care a lot about what people said .
Nowdays I mostly donā€™t.
My husband has a T-shirt that says:ā€œDonā€™t like me? F**k off- problem solvedā€

He has always been like that, me personally always thought it might have been a little bit to much to wear that in public, but last summer we had an older Danish lady (maybe in her 70ā€™s) walking up to my husband asking where he got that T-shirt from, because she wanted one as well.

I think about that a lot. Sheā€™s the most badass lady Iā€™ve ever met. She didnā€™t care at all,she saw something that she thought was cool and decided to go and ask a 2m 115 kg fully tattooed man for it, even if we didnā€™t spoke the same language and even if she didnā€™t knew anything about us. Weā€™re still in contact. Sheā€™s a very sweet lady and makes beautiful Christmas decorations :blush:


Day 1312,

Sober living is taking itā€™s form.

There only needs to change one thing and thatā€™s everything.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

And of course progress not perfection :pray:


This has been one of my favorite parts of sobriety! I feel like a new person walking into work so motivated each morning :blush:


Iā€™m loving walking about sober and motivated too . They say if you stick around long enough The gifts keep on coming


I had a t shirt once with a pair of wellington boots and mud on.the slogan was im always in the shit itā€™s just the depth that varies


234 days
Forgot to check in last night. Was busy, had gym for the little one then took both the kids to a new activity for them. They tried roller skating a couple weeks ago and now they love it. Found a club that does lessons for beginner kids.
Awesome to see them take a few knocks and keep getting up to improve at something.
Gives me motivation


Checking in today at 4 weeks sober :metal:t2: I havenā€™t slept good the last 2 nights for some reason and I woke up feeling irritable. I got my workout in before work and that definitely improved my mood. The kiddos at work today made laugh a lot. Getting to watch them learn and grow is so rewarding. :heart: I offered to stay late and pick up some extra hours. I was so sore when I got home though! Took a relaxing epsom salt bath, made a ā€œsleepy girl mocktailā€ and curled up in bed early tonight. Watching some stand-up comedy to unwind with my hunni until I fall asleep. Goodnight sober friends!


Well done @justKaitlin night night have a good sleep :zzz:


@juli1 Oh that fucking prick! I hate that he is making you feel this way and writing you with such hostility when he is clearly in the wrong. Please block this MF asap Jules. You do not need this negative toxicity in your life. So happy for the happy news and I do hope that you can take a moment to be happy with it. Sending you calming vibes friend. :heart: :hugs:

:laughing: I need this shirt and love his way of solving problems. Thanks for the well wishes. I am grateful to be feeling a bit better today. It really is a day to day with meā€¦ I do try to enjoy the good ones fully when they come :heart: That is bad ass of that woman ā€“ thanks for sharing that story. Very cool that you are still in contact!
@karenkw how are you doing Karen? Missing you on the check in thread
@19801 OOH I like that shirt too LOL. Yes ā€“ the gifts of sobriety are endless and keep on comingā€¦ we just gotta keep working it :muscle:
@justkaitlin Congrats on your 4 weeks! :tada: :tada: Sorry for the bad sleep nights ā€“ sounds like you have an awesome plan for sleep tonight ā€“ hope it helped and you are cozy in bed. Sweet dreams friend ā€“ tomorrow is another wonderful sober day :hugs:

Checking in on Tuesday evening
580 days free of alcohol and weed
995 days free of cigarettes
Had a fairly productive day. Glad I managed a 3 hour nap in between. Brother made some yummy spicy nachos for dinner so I did not have to cook today and that was lovely.
I am whipped and ready for bedā€¦ wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


What a loooong day today was. It just felt like that because of the extreme heat. We have wildfires happening near us also and so its beginning to be a bit smokey outside.
Not great for breathing.

All n all tho im alright. Nothing to really complain about. I still havent really got a good routine going. This summer break for me has been hard in that sense. Id really like to get to the gym tmrw mrng. I think that would really help start my day off on the right foot. When I dont workout first thing, i get sooo lazy and end up staying that way practically all day. Eating has been good tho thankfully. No disordered eating has happened. Had some urges today to binge eat but somehow managed to put those thoughts in its place. But the urge is still there now tho so i just need to keep myself busy until bed. No thoughts of using drugs or drinking. Happy about that :slight_smile:

Hope everyone has a good day/evening :butterfly:


@Nordique Whoo!!!:tada: Congrats on 1500! :clap: Love seeing your numbers grow everyday :smiley:

@Mno Thanks for that little excerpt. That was something I needed to read today :blush:


Slept like crap but not a bad day. Work was surprisingly busy for the weather being so bad at one point. Feeling alot better physically, which is awesome. Hitting the hay pretty early tonight. Hope you all have a good one :heart: