Checking in daily to maintain focus #68


Another day of experience work coming up. One thing I don’t like is that’s its dark when my alarm goes off. Can’t be helped. I might have to dig up my daylight lamp to help me wake up properly. Well. I’m alive. I’m sober and clean. I’m on my journey of Discovery. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from my balcony.


Day 653

Another long day up and out of the house by 4am and still awake past midnight…
But tomorrow I am off of work so I’ll be resting as much as possible


*Day 2135 :walking_woman:
One month to go and I will reach a milestone I’ve never reached in recovery: 6 years.
I had my 5 years milestone twice because I had a relapse after the first one. So my 6th is special!
Slept bad last night because we discovered our roof is leaking! :face_with_peeking_eye: So we had to put towels on the floor and we couldn’t sleep because of the dripping sound. Shit happens :cry:

Today? Off from work so crossfit training and going to my daughters house to look after her cat because she is away.
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:


I use to just feel groggy till about 10am whereas now I’m probably most productive first thing. Great to hear its a positive for u too :+1::+1:


Day 37 sober , checking in enjoying the summer holidays trying get out the house more and enjoy the sun :sun_with_face:. Hope your all having a good week stay safe.


Day 396.working 8-5 today

Several meetings and some admin time

Got a week off mid August to go to London which will be exciting…

I need to make some headway with planning for the course I am aiming to start in September. Again it’s in London, so I need to plan where to stay etc

All good. Tinnitus is bad tho so I’m booking another hearing test. I think i need a full service like the car gets :blush:


Day 17. I have stayed in bed a bit longer this morning due to being on annual leave. Loving it.


245 sugar
109 UPF
116 gluten
15 dairy
0 overeating

Yesterday evening I had intensive cravings, my attention slipped, my addict mind used the opportunity and I dug into the leftovers of dinner even though I was already full.
Today is a new day and with that lots of new chances to just be present with whatever might come up.

I’m staying here in Utrecht just next to site of the Douwe Egberts company - specialising in hot beverages: coffee, tee, etc. This morning I woke up to the rising sun and the overwhelming smell of coffee roasting :grin:

The weather is great, with sun and not much heat. I’m going to go for a bike ride along the old Dutch Waterline: forts and water galore. :sun_with_face::bike::ocean:

Let’s stay in peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 147

Took all day to help my Ma with taking things to the city dump yesterday.
And I mean all day, we weren’t home until 21.00.

It was a surprisingly good day anyway, even if my Ma and sister have a diploma in draining my energy. My youngest nephew was there too ans he is indeed a wonderful little boy to be around.
So that helped a lot.
Ma also decided that she didn’t want to go anywhere tomorrow, because my brother decided to come and visit her. So I’m free. Which is a really good feeling.

However my Ma and sister did say that they wanted to do a bbq at our house around next weekend. I’m not sure about that, but we’ll see. I’m not sure I want that, definitely not if my Ma get her will trough and brings my other sister. We haven’t really talked for years. We’re not enemies, I’m not mad at her. She just have a habit on bringing and creating a huge drama wherever she goes, and I try to stay away from that.

Besides that we’re talking more and more to my Ma about eventually selling the house or get other tenants. Mostly because I’m tired of all the drama that comes with it, just wanting to be free to do whatever I want. I will be missing the garden and the possibilities that comes with it. But on the other hand we’re working on getting other possibilities for ourselves in Croatia. And a garden there have much more potential because of the different climate.

Nothings clear yet, and nothing’s really decided. But it feels good to have a real plan. An apartment here, and a house in Croatia that we can move to when the boys have finished all school years here in Sweden. Mainly because I don’t want to take that away from them by moving. When you’re done with 9th grade here, you will be splitting up from your friend group and start different schools anyway.

And if that isn’t the case I’m okey with waiting until they’ve finished their gymnasium as well. It’s just 5 years as a maximum anyway.

My Ma doesn’t like the idea, but no matter what I do it’s not enough for her anyway. So I’m at the point where I just stopped caring.

That’s all Folks.
Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


235 days
Got some exercise in after feeling not too flash for the last few days.
Not too much else going on today

  1. Feel frustrated at inertia. I’m getting itchy feet and need a change of scenery :smirk: Although I love my home, I also love not being at home; getting stimulus from different places and areas. Kittens won’t be kittens forever, and I need to get my passport renewed. I’ve never been good with feeling ‘settled’ or still, I get really bored and stir crazy. But I’m also a home body. Go figure. Sounds just like me. :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

Day 163
Still feeling kinda icky.
I sat in on a work meeting today and one of my fellow workmates had to introduce himself to the group so he proceeded with ‘Hi everyone my names ******* and I’m an alcoholic’ to everyones amusement except mine.
I got really fucking annoyed but didn’t show it. It has taken me a long time to admit to my addictions and accepting the whole terminology of alcoholism but I just took it really personally when I really shouldn’t have. Anyhow, another sober day in the bank.


Checking in n day 74. Back home house sitting in a beautiful home. Feels like I’m on vacay. So much so that my cravings came on strong! The salesman disguised as a cabana boy was back in full force. It took some intense prayer, mentally going through my list of the pros of not drinking, what just one will lead to and reminding myself I fell for that lie before and it took me 9 months to get back to zero. It was hard but I made it through :sweat_smile:
Coming here and reading others posts and experiences really helps to strengthen that resolve not to drink.
Much love to everyone and stay strong! We’ve got this!


Chcking in on day
441 no alcohol
372 no vapes or ciggs 81 no form of nicotine
41 no form of marijuana

When i was about 15 i had a terrible fall and chipped a bunch of my teeth
The last time i aaw a dentist was about 25 years old about 9 years ago
Today i see the dentist
Wish me luckd
Ill need it



Nothing makes sence anymore.


Day #234

Enjoying the afternoon coffee outside in the neighborhood. Now everyone is either at work or sleeping :rofl: so is perfect time to be outside and to be with the own thoughts.


Thank you so much @Just_Laura! Same goes to you!

And hello to everyone else as well on day 1501 for me.

As usual, I hope everybody has a good one!


Hi everyone Day 9 Day 7 , woke up a lot more comfortable with my emotions this morning I’m very sad and panicked still when I wake up I don’t understand it but I don’t try to .I pray and journal read a bit out the big book and get on make a cup of tea ignore shit feelings . I’m doing some laundry for my mum today getting a speedy walk in and going to a meeting Tonight :facepunch:


I am with you. Nothing makes any sense today. In fact, I’m in bed. Today is today, let’s just ignore it and stay sober. :heart:


Checking in day 128.
Feeling a lot better today, despite the family being tired after a rough night with our sick little man.
Hopped into bed a little earlier tonight and had time to read through the forum. It was good to read people’s stories, it really puts things back into perspective. I need to be kinder to people, I don’t know what’s going on in their lives.

Hope everyone is having a good week, and if not, I hope your week improves :muscle: