Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congratulations on day 2. Of course your emotions will run wild. Hold on stay strong you can get through this. Keep checking the great sober folks out here.


How did dentist appointment go?


Fair shout on your 16 days im well proud of you ā€¦.and Iā€™m coming after you :grin:


Todayā€™s been lonely. Still have a cold but getting a lot better. Isolation has been hard to cope with but tomorrow I see my sister!


Checking in 9 months 4 days

What uuuup?! Hope everyoneā€™s doing well, I thought Iā€™d take a few minutes to do a check in :slight_smile:

Everything is going very well tbh. Sobriety is pretty steady and works going great - I have my best friend working with me whose also in recovery and a real pro at the front of house. So loving it!

Romances and finances are still difficult but I think they always will be! My sponsor said to me that the big book says ā€œNo relationships for a year but based on your sex conduct Josh, youā€™re on probation with women for 18 months!ā€ Soā€¦ Iā€™ll do as he says I guess lol

Iā€™m getting to 2/3 meetings a week still which is about all I can manage reasonably now but it feels like the right amount. Most of my amends are done which feels awesome and the promises are still coming to light everyday.

My biggest issue is balance. I find it really foreign to me to instil balance into my life in any and all aspects but Iā€™ve also been able to accept that I canā€™t control everything and that help with sobriety doesnā€™t just mean help with not drinking, itā€™s help with life - Itā€™s reaching out to the right people for the right advice for the right things and truly spend most of my days smiling in gratitude. Generally speaking, my problems are between the promises and the preamble.

Iā€™ll be sure to check in again soon and will come back and read a bit more once Iā€™ve got my kitchen sorted out and everythingā€™s settled as well as I want it to be :slight_smile:
Hugs not drugs


Day 164
Ok, things are getting a little strange now. Last night I dreamt I lost my licence for drink driving. I havenā€™t dreamt of drinking or anything previously.


Wow have i ever fallen behind on this thread! I have been pretty busy today. The heat wave seems to have broke finally but the smoke here is getting worse. Its very hazy and has a strong smoke smell. I feel awful for those that are directly affected :cry:

Today, I did some cleaning in the morning (swept n mopped floors, vacuumed, & dishes), went on a work related mtg in the afternoon and then gave my son a bath afterwards to freshen him up. Its been a pretty good day overall. I feel accomplished :hugs:

I didnt get to the gym AGAIN this morning tho but thankfully my eating has been good today! Ive come to the realization that during this summer break, even tho its been extremely hard for me to maintain exercise, it has taught me how to eat properly. Exercise has always been easy for me to do, but nutrition has always been a struggle (for yeats). This summer break has forced me to learn how to eat properly bcuz i havent been able to exercise often. Its forced me to focus on healthy food and healthy portion sizes and how to manage my ED when it pops up. So yaā€¦ if i can get to the gym, great. If not then at least im caring for my body thru a healthy relationship with food.

I had a small thought of using my DOC today. Nothing major but id love to get to the point where i rarely ever think of it.

Hope everyone is enjoying their wednesday! :butterfly:


Sounds like ur doing great in ur recovery and with life in general. I always enjoy reading ur posts. I could absolutely relate to the part about finding balance in life mow thay Im clean. Im very much and all or nothing kind of lady. I go big with everything i do lol I do my best to not get too carried away with one area of my life. Glad to see u checking in :slight_smile:


Check in day 29 :heavy_check_mark: Despite setting myself up for what I thought would be a restful night, I didnā€™t sleep great again for the 3rd night in a row. I had a terrible migraine and kept waking up from the pain. Still got up and completed a modified workout before work. Work was pretty exhausting overall. While working with kiddos on the spectrum can be rewarding, some days are SO challenging. Today was particularly rough with a lot of aggressions. I know Iā€™ll be bruised tomorrow. A coworker even said ā€œAfter today, I need a drink!ā€ Thankfully, I couldnā€™t relate. Iā€™m thankful for no cravings today. I came home and took another epsom salt bath to relax. I saw a quote earlier that said ā€œA bad day sober is still infinitely better than a good day drunk/highā€ and I couldnā€™t agree more. Peace, love and positive vibes :v:t3:


Thank you, my friend. Awesome that youā€™re also gaining sober days! We got this!


@Butterflymoonwoman I feel sorry for all of you with the heat you describe Iā€™m from England weā€™re always bloody cold , itā€™s the middle of summer now but it was about 26 degrees today :face_with_diagonal_mouth:and raining. Glad to hear you ate well today and your sons ok hopefully you get to the gym soon


I have a 2hour deep clean tomorrow
Im getting numbed up and everything

3 fillings and a crown in the future about in a month i think

Brush your teeth kids


Checking in day 403 AF

Sobriety intact. Thank you all for your support and kindness. Instead of pounding a bottle of wine it was a pint of Oreo Cookies in Cream ice cream. Not a good habit to get into but certainly better than the other.

Thank goodness works been quiet so far this week which is allowing me to accomplish some other things for the move. Deposits are paid, mostly everything is packed. My back is holding up so Iā€™m grateful for that.

Flirting with the idea of attending an AA meeting but Iā€™ve already got so much going on, I may wait until after the move.

Feeling very blessed that all seems to be going well.


Day 145

Checking in late. Went to a big neighborhood social thing. Ice cream was the highlight, luckily. Not a lot of alcohol around. I could smell it but didnā€™t see it. Good :laughing: Made some new friends. Iā€™ve been feeling isolated. I needed to isolate for some time, until I was solid in recovery. Now Iā€™m finally out and about. Itā€™s scary but itā€™s time. Iā€™ll keep close here. New people and all. The good thing is I can start off as a non-drinker. Iā€™ll find the right people.

Social events sometimes rattle my nerves. Iā€™m rusty and hate being the new person :flushed:. Glad I made myself go. Couldnā€™t imagine doing this a couple months ago. Iā€™m getting better :mending_heart:



I am big supporter of AA MEETINGS. I go in person 4 times a week. There are online meetings all the time. Less time consuming and you can disconnect any time you need to.


Day 148

AA Meeting this morning. It is like that is my daily vitamins. So good for me.
Work and household chores today.
Pool exercises 1 hour today. Body is loving :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: me.

I use recycled grocery bags for my water shoes before and after pool. Today I had to remove a piece of kale out of one of the shoes. I laughed out loud and thought you donā€™t see that every day. Then I thought when I was drunk for past couple years I hardly ever laughed or even smiled. I always felt I could make people laugh or at least smile. So nice to have the real me back.


@mno Iā€™m with you on it being hard to wake up when its so dark outside. I may have oto look into a daylight lamp myself. Need that push to get out of bed. Hope you had a great day.
@soberwalker OOH that is so exciting. Looking forward to celebrating this major milestone with you Claudia. Sorry about the leaky roof ā€“ hopefully it is a quick and inexpensive fix :crossed_fingers:
@acromouse Glad you are not beating yourself up over the slip. Reset and refocus. I know you are kicking ass overall with your timers :muscle: OOH ā€“ waking up to that coffee roasting smell is the dream ā€“ enjoy your trip :hugs:
@seb sorry for the icky feeling. I try not to let the terminology define me or my journey. Its easier said than done I know. We are doing what we can to make sure we donā€™t fall into addict behavior (whatever it may be called or however it may be seen by an outsider). You are doing an amazing job on 163 days and I hope you were able to get past the icky and just be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished.
@jeanine Damn salesman! Grateful you were able to send him packing and buckle down on your recovery tools. 74 days is impressive work ā€“ keep working it friend :muscle:
@noshame hope your trip to the dentist went well today. I saw your update ā€“ sorry friend. Dental work can be rough. :hugs:
@juli1 How are you doing love? Hope your day got better. :people_huggnig: Iā€™m sorry to hear that you were not able to drive to swim. Sending you loads of love my friend. Here if you need to talk! Loved reading your update. Glad you had a peaceful walk and a cleansing cry :heart:

What helps me with this is that I picture this forum in real life. Realizing that I donā€™t know what is going on in the background. I am still a work in progress but like you said ā€“ we donā€™t know what someone else is going through ā€“ at least we can offer some kindness and support (even if its just with a smile). Hope your little one is feeling better today.
@catmancam WOW ā€“ look at your timers! Congrats on sticking to your guns and not having to reset the sugar timer. Sorry that you were dealing with a migraine and feeling nauseous ā€“ hope you were able to get some rest and are feeling better now. :hugs: :heart:
@lefty624 WOOT WOOT 1 month is amazing work. Keep going strong :muscle:


@zzz 3 weeks is great work ā€“ loved the drumming video on the selfie thread too. Keep the momentum going strong :muscle:
@ncgolfer Way to go with jumping back into sobriety! The early days are hard and the only thing to focus on is not giving into the addiction. Stay connected here or in groups irl ā€“ this helps let us know we are not alone. Donā€™t worry about the motivation to do stuff or the energy ā€“ I slept soooo much in the early days as my body needed this time to heal. Be kind to yourself :hugs:
@holysquid sending healing vibes ā€“ hope the antibiotics kick in soon :pray:
@jules000 Sorry you feel lonely today. Engage here ā€“ it helps when I feel alone. Glad you will be seeing your sis tomorrow :hugs:
@wahtisnormal hope you made the flight today and are enjoying some vaca time in Peru :hugs:
@danam56 was just thinking of you. Glad you are doing well (with your back, with the move and with your sobriety). Oreo cookies and crĆØme icecream :yum: OMG ā€“ used to love this so much. YES ā€“ so much better than the bottle.
@lighter OOH I love that you are getting out and being social now that you have your sobriety sea legs ā€¦. Starting off in a new group already sober is awesome as no one knows the past you. Love this for you Marie. ODAAT
@tailee17 Girl ā€“ you had me rolling ā€“ I am imagining you walking around with kale at your feet :laughing: Glad to see you are returning to your bubbly self and thanks for the laugh

Checking in on Wednesday evening
581 days free of alcohol and weed
996 days free of cigarettes

Started to check in this morning but then i needed a nap first LOL.
Woke up feeling off and it seemed that everything and everyone was on their worst behavior for my benefit :laughing: I was so agitated and put off that i kept away as i did not want to spread my negative ju ju. Glad i realized it and worked through it so that it did not consume me. Even went for a nice walk with mom this evening.
Grateful that my timers are in tact and i did not blow my lid today either.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks heaps Jasmine.
Iā€™m doing better :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 62

It has been 6 days since I found out my mom passed. Initially, I wanted to drink to take away the feelings but I didnā€™t. I feel really content that I have made it through this so far without breaking. Now that the shock is subsiding, I have been talking to my momā€™s sisters about what kind of conversations they last had with her and one of them said she spoke with her likely the day she passed away and mom told her that she was getting sicker than the previous day and was going to lay down. She was throwing up so much she thought she had food poisoning. She didnā€™t want me to know about this because she thought I would be worried about her and tell her to go see a doctor. She made a point to never go to see doctors. It was rough today getting these details, but, surprisingly, I never once thought about alcohol. I feel like even after just 60 days, I am much more emotionally equipped to deal with grief and loss.