Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in with 109 days sober. I will stay sober today too.

Went out to dinner last night and my husband had a couple of margaritas. I didn’t want one at all.
Then, during dinner we got some bad news about our kids’ school. In the past I would have drank to cope. But not last night. Not a single part of me wanted alcohol. Now today, feeling clear headed, I’m tackling the problem.



@Noshame :joy::joy::joy:


@Noshame i wasn’t laughing about your dental work I was laughing at the bible post


Hey Dana, thank you sou j for your feedback. I appreciate it, you. Blessings :pray:t5:


Hey Ms. Jazzy, thank your for the love as always. Hugs and blessings :hugs:


Day 118.

Still sober, still kicking.

See ya. :wave:


Having an awesome day with my sister!


Day 893
Good afternoon friends :sunny: Today has been decent. Didnt do too much but still enjoyed the day. Got paid and wanted to spend a little money on myself since i had some extra cash to play with. So my son and I went for a bus ride to the supplement store. I got myself a few things :smiley: An EAA supplement, protein powder, preworkout, a protein bar, and powdered protein peanut butter. Excited to give everything a try!

Now just going to begin supper. We are having nachos. Yummm! Hope everyone is having a good day so far! :butterfly:


Aww you two look positively glowing :blush:


I love the bible
It helps me and even teaches me

Do you read it at all?


No @Noshame not since school my school was connected to a church but faith is faith

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I agree

I dont have a religion i practice
I believe what i believe snd no1 convinces me otherwise. Im very strong minded and super smart

I think the bible is wise but not 100% god made

I like the universe theroy
I believe death is birth

But non of it matters because its all theroy
Thats the beutiful thing about my own mind
Im free

I feel like this subject was touchy for you
I apologize if i put you in unease


NO @Noshame not at all ….If the bible helps and you enjoy and take comfort from it that’s good .personally I’m not religious I’m spiritual I have a higher power and an AA big book that I take my comfort from and I read passages from that :pray:t2:


My appologies
Huge misunderstanding
I thouht something not true

Thank you so much for your message and helping me understand

Take care


@JazzyS Yes I appreciate this so much. I find that its so true as you get older you just care less. And amen to seeing who is truly there for you. It is hard to have to go through that during difficult times, but thats when your people show up and the rest do not. It has been challenging to learn that in life through the loss of my sister; but I am also embracing it as well. Best I can. But yes, just wanted to say thank you for everything you wrote. :heart:

Oh my I am tired. I wanted to read and connect more here with other peoples posts but its very busy right now. My dad is supposed to have my nephew, but some important work things came up and his family wouldnt help. So he drove him out here and now hes at our place, and his care is a lot. I am so happy he is here, and I have managed to find a carer who can come be his 1-1 during our daughters birthday party or else it would be impissible.

Just wanted to check in. Still sober just busy as hell with these 3 little ones. I love my nephew to bits and am also glad hes here for his cousins birthday xo.


This is happiness :blush:

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Hope you feel better soon :heartbeat:


Day 103

Peru trip is going well, just has been really exhausting so far. Tonight isnt going so well, just some really inconvenient and unfortunate circumstances but I know everything will be okay. Lind of just looking forward to going home but this is a two week trip and this is only the second day lol. Feeling lonely even though I’m with two friends. Doors were slammed which was triggering and made me feel even more alone. But everyone is just in a crabby mood which i dont blame them because some stupid shit happened and its effected our entire night lol. Just really missing the comfort of my own home and feeling really uneasy. Hope everyone is doing well.


Checking in 1 MONTH sober :heavy_check_mark::metal:t2:Today was a great day. I finally slept good last night and woke up happy and headache free. Got in a great workout before work and had the smoothest shift I’ve had all week.

As I reflect back on the last month, I realized I’m analyzing every little thing about myself. Not sure if anyone else can relate. For example… I’d get a migraine, or feel fatigued, or feel irritable. I found myself questioning if it was a result of my body adjusting to recovery or if it was just the same normal symptoms of already known diagnoses. It could be in my head or it could honestly be a combination of both. I don’t see it as a bad thing though. It’s an interesting thing to be so self aware and in tune with noticing all the changes my body is going through. I’m acknowledging how my body is feeling and validating all the reasons why it may be feeling that way. I feel like I’m not describing it as well as I’d like to, it’s hard to put into words, but I appreciate you all for taking time to read my thoughts! Sending all my love and support sober friends :blue_heart:


I love that powdered peanut butter! So many different uses :yum: