Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Starts hard, gets amazing, becomes normal… I think we could all use a little bit of normal.


Really?! I asked the lady at the store how to use it and she didnt give me many suggestions. How do u mix it up to make pb?


@soberwalker Sorry to hear about the damage the leak has caused. Sounds so crazy! Wishing you a quick and easy fix :pray: :hugs:
@chase.e.u 123 days – love the sequence. WOW – such a cool revelation! Love your phrasing here. Thank you for the reminder that life is life and we are learning of healthier ways to deal with it. :hugs:
@kareness Oof our minds can be scary at times. You are putting in your full effort at work and that is all anyone can expect. Getting sucked into the what if’s and what could be’s will be draining and catastrophic like you said. Glad you are getting past this thinking. Sending positive happy vibes your way!
@noshame Grateful that you found out now and are no longer living an addicted lifestyle – you can stop the progression and keep your teeth healthy from this point forward. We really do cause so much damage to our bodies when we are active in our addictions. Don’t even realize all the life long harm that we inflict. ODAAT :heart:
@lance Yeah day 2! And @ncgolfer yeah to day 3! – Great to see you checking in – keep working the recovery and stacking up the days!
@lighter Oh I hope you enjoyed the food trucks – the music and the new people. Sounds like a good evening
@Jules000 those are some happy smiles – glad you are having a good day with your sister :heart:
@justKaitlin YEAH 1 month :tada: :clap: :tada: The body detoxes and heals at different intensity and time frame for each of us. I did go through major fatigue and irritability. Still have off days but I know that years of damage can’t just be overturned overnight. It is getting better every day. Glad to hear that today was a good day for you! Waking up with out a headache is magic :hugs: Keep going strong in your recovery
@Butterflymoonwoman cool haul! you will have to give us a review of the powdered pb - i’ve never heard of such a thing and am curious too on how to use.

Checking in on Thursday night
582 days free of alcohol and weed
997 days free of cigarettes
Been a bit of rough day but managed to make it through. Grateful to be in bed now and feel like I will be in la la land soon enough.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’ve been doing the same thing for the past 62 days. Constantly analyzing my body and mind. I have been going to the gym like crazy since I became sober and I figured that, without the extra alcohol calories and all of the running on the treadmill and lifting weights, I would look like 1980’s Arnold Schwarzenegger by now. Sadly that has not yet happened.


:waning_gibbous_moon: -22-

" Once the soul looked contemptuously on the body, and then that contempt was the supreme thing:–the soul wished the body meagre, ghastly, and famished. Thus it thought to escape from the body and the earth.

Oh, that soul was itself meagre, ghastly, and famished; and cruelty was the delight of that soul!

But ye, also, my brethren, tell me: What doth your body say about your soul? Is your soul not poverty and pollution and wretched self- complacency?

Verily, a polluted stream is man. One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure. "



Day 29

I’ve been following my theme of… K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid).

A very simple day, as it’s been all week. I woke up around 8:30. Had my coffee and breathe work outside. I made the boys breakfast. Relaxed for a bit, spent time planning summer vacation. I took my eldest to swimming lessons (super proud of his progress). I had lunch and then my nap. I went to work and did my time. I came home around 8:30 pm. I got in a hard weight workout, washed up and had dinner. I spent the rest of the night on the couch.

I feel fulfilled and know I did my part for me and my family. Simplifying things and not distracting myself with nonstop nonsense has given me satisfaction in my day to day life (something I struggled with before).

I wish everyone a good night and happy morning!


Checking in sober late Thursday night. Have a great one, everyone :blue_heart:


Yes :raised_hands: So happy to read this :smiley: This is what recovery is about! I am forever grateful for the ways AA has taught me how to live, bc I had no idea before then. Life’s not going to change, we have to. Putting in the work is what gets us there. Great post and great progress! 123 days! :tada:

@justKaitlin Congrats on your month, girl! :tada:
I understand what you’re saying about being in tune with your body now. Your body is probably still healing quite a bit at this point. I feel it took months for me to even out and even now, I know there’s still more to go. I found it’s best to acknowledge any feelings (mental and physical), but don’t dwell or worry about them. That can snowball and create other issues(like panic attacks in my case). The mind is a powerful thing once you get a hold on it :heart:


Been a pretty chill week, which is good :pray: I felt like work has been insane for too long but it’s slow for now. This is good bc next weekend is our biggest event of the year. The Invitational weekend. Grateful to have some time to rest before beginning those three days of straight up insanity. Not much else going on otherwise. My house is trashed, but I anticipated that at this time. Not stressing it, or anything else, until after the invite. Need to rest as much as possible while I can. I’ll get thru it and then it’ll be over :pray: Time to wind down for bed. Goodnight everyone :heart:


Day 398.up early :slight_smile: going to work say 7-2.30 today. Got an eye test later on. Then I need to book a hearing test too :blush:

Work is OK. Home is good. Weather is looking promising all next week.
. I feel so different alcohol free. Quite alot calmer… Able to plan more clearly, on top of my finances… And my ability to be in a relationship and not be a liability has improved

Looking forward to a sober day :+1:


Day 655

Interview went well, but I’m not sure I can afford the (temporary) pay cut :pleading_face: I’d have to take a 20% pay cut for 3 months (at least) before I could start their supervisor training. Because they don’t do outside hires for supervisor or managers…

I will have to think on it, or maybe keep looking


Day 35. Grateful to be sober. I love my life



Three day weekend! Yay! I had a pretty good work week, after the new job fell through. It’s good where I am. Addiction care is (still) my thing. So let’s keep going. One day at a time.

Meeting a fellow TS member this morning to do a little :bike: tour of my town. I’m looking forward to that. Weather should improve soon, or so I hope at least. Well, we’ll survive a little bit of rain too. We’re sober and clean. And healthy and fit.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from Bandon Beach OR. Weather this morning reminds me of that morning in 2018. Also thinking of my friend who was there that morning and who’s having a hard time right now. :people_hugging:

@justKaitlin Congrats on a full month of sobriety Kaitlin!
@Sunshine-girl Good to see you on this thread Julia. Congrats on your days and keep going :people_hugging:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 149

Another calm day, just had my morning tea out on the stairs (we don’t have a porch yet) without my phone or anything to distract. Just listening to the world. Despite the weather that’s about to start raining any minute now,it was a nice way to start the day.

Today we’re not doing much, I’m going to do some laundry, and fix a little around the house.
We’re going back to the Cowboy/Western theme park on Monday. The weather is supposed to turn for the better again on Sunday. And stay that way until Wednesday.

Yesterday It was the second admission order for the university. (In Sweden you’re applying then after a few months it’s the first admissions where you get to know if you’ve got approved, and gets the chance to answer yes or now, a few weeks after that it’s the second admission)

I answered Yes to all my reserve placements in the First admission. And after the second admission I was still placed as a reserve on the Librarian program, with a place of 20.

But the good news is that I got approved for the gardener program.
So I’m going to go for that.
It’s the second time I actually get in, last time the boys was to small and my husband away working so I had to say No.
But this time, I’m going for it.

I’m so excited. It’s a pretty long commute but I’m going to make it work anyway.

Yesterday was really one of those days when everything hust works out in a wonderful way. It’s rare, but it happens sometimes. I needed that. Thank you universe.

So now I’m back to my ordinary positive self. And feels great.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


That’s so beautiful Menno. I would love to see that beach in person!! Hugs. Have fun cycling.


237 days
At work today. Was pretty busy but entertaining day as always. Having a good work crew really makes a massive difference.
Home for a bit of family time before the kids went to bed.
Wife is currently asleep on the couch while I watch my league team.

Back to work tomorrow and looking foward to another good one


@KarenKW feel better soon, sending strength 🩵
@Rob11 nice hike! Thanks for sharing the photos :camera_flash: :blush:
@Laner sorry about your flashback :people_hugging: well done for reaching out to a friend 🩵
@Lance welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@justKaitlin congrats on your month :tada:
@MrsOdh congrats on getting a place on the gardening course :clap:t2: :tada:

1445 days no alcohol.
910 days no cocaine.
425 days no vape.
0 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

After getting less than 2hrs sleep Tuesday night, I wasn’t very functional yesterday, I couldn’t focus my mind on anything after catching-up here. So no reading, only 2.5K steps, and no morning routine. I did manage to listen to 3 episodes of a podcast though, and watch 2 episodes of the show I’m watching, all caught-up now. 4 episodes left of the season. And also 4 episodes left of the other show I’m watching. Maybe I’ll watch 1 of each for the next 4 nights. Anyway…

Yesterday daytime I was having some very disturbing multisensory flashbacks, I still haven’t been able to shake the feelings of disgust and anger. Thankfully, I have therapy today at 1pm, so hopefully that will help. But yesterday, I used my “best” dissociative coping skill and did binge crisps in the early afternoon. Again, I wasn’t tempted by anything sugary, so I’m still grateful for this. I do have slight cravings for it, but when I “play the tape” and remind myself how I feel afterwards or the next day, I don’t want it. Right now, I feel the same way about crisps too. So let’s see if I can make some progress…

As well as therapy, I also plan to do my routine things to get back on track today. I slept better last night so hopefully I’ll have the energy.



Day 165
Got my mojo back. Feeling much better.

  1. All good today. Feeling I’ve shrugged off some random baggage holding me back. Better sleep helps. Ready to focus on what’s truly important (including sobriety and inner work):muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:. No more time wasting.

Ugh. I think it’s the flu. Feel like I’ve been run over by a truck.


Its not a wall, its a step! I think it makes a lot of sense for you to crave in another area while working on this step on your life. What did you do when you craved alcohol or smokes in the past? When quitting drinking I craved sugar and some snacks. Treat yourself, or do what works for you, but try to shift that perspective. This isnt a wall, its a bump, its a step, its a curve in the road that makes sense…go forward and find what works for you to keep going xo!