Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congrats on your program and the best of luck :slight_smile:
I love those star alligning days :slight_smile:


Day 1445

Had a pleasant day, some bits of cleaning and washing and helping the kids pack for their karate camp. My son has grown so much since last year, many of his shorts are too small, so we looked in my husbandā€™s clothes and there were some whiskey-mixer cans that he has hidden from me. It is my 4 year AF anniversary in a couple of weeks. I just feel so completely stuck in my husbandā€™s opinion of me. I would be less annoyed if he didnā€™t complain when I bring up his poor behaviour in the past, and more recent than 4 years for sure. It just really soured my mood. I understand give it time, and so on, but 4 years is quite a lot of time.


Day 891 alcohol free, 540 free of nicotine and day 12 of no THC. Iā€™m staying sober today.


Hey all, checking in on day 1503. I hope everyone has a good one!


Day 147

Good morning. Loving my new direction this week. Iā€™m finally ready to start re-joining regular life, and have waded in up to my ankles. Always with the option to RUN. :laughing:

Last night I went to another local event that was overly attended. Food trucks, booze trucks, music. It was quite hot. Stood in line for an hour for food. Got to chat with random neighbors. Some drinking around me but the heat kept everyone subdued. Didnā€™t stay long as my air conditioning was beckoning.

So glad I went! I can function now without alcohol in regular, daily life. I wonā€™t seek out drinkers or drinking events, but I donā€™t want to hide either. What hits me is the smell! I could smell booze at 20 yards strongly. Did my nose change? Did it always smell so awful? The cheap margaritas especially reeked of :skull_and_crossbones:

Today I will be wrapping up design mods to my front yard landscape plan. Time to get rolling for Fall. The past two summers have decimated my landscape. Replacing dozens of plants and shrubs. Did some myself already as I canā€™t live without rosemary :heart:. But I need help with xeriscaping. Hard scapes and such. Capping off sprinkler heads for my new extended planting beds. Drip irrigation . I have 2 big beautiful trees that are shading everything. But itā€™s Texas, they are staying! Itā€™s the grass that has to go. Iā€™m going with native plants and flowers. And some crushed granite paths and paver stones. Stuff like that. Excited. And will be so much easier to water and maintain. I love being sober. Itā€™s only going to get better from here!

Enjoy your day :heart:


Checking in day 130. My wife has gone to hospital tonight for the 4th time in the last few weeks due to high blood pressure. Our baby is planned for next Sunday the 4th but it could be earlier if things keep up this way!
I feel bad for my wife but know that she is more comfortable getting the care there instead of being anxious about it at home.

We booked in to go to a seminar about child education from 0-5 years tomorrow. Itā€™s meant for teachers and early childhood educators but we wanted to go ourselves as parents for our own education. My wife still wants me to go.

We were also meant to go to a friendā€™s house warming tomorrow night, just a few of us friends that havenā€™t seen each other for a few months. I was really looking forward to the catch up so hopefully we can still go to that.

Iā€™m taking the time to recognise that this is all a lot right now and considering my little menty-b last week, Iā€™ll need to remain mindfull and take time to myself where I can.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Day 4 checking in. The wife is on a trip so Iā€™ll be alone in my thoughts this weekend. Just need to keep busy and remember why Iā€™m doing this again.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


113 days sober
Iā€™ve really been struggling today. Cravings have been bad and Iā€™m feeling like an emotional mess. I came so close to drinking today. I mean really close. I bought vodka and poured it into a cup then just looked at it pathetically. Then it was like the sense got knocked into me and I threw it out. I called my friend and told her what happened. Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t drink it but Iā€™m afraid about how close I came.
I hate this addiction. I drink to numb my feelings and I hate that I feel like I need that.


Iā€™m glad you made it through this one. Next time you get this strong an urge try something else instead of getting booze and pouring yourself a drink. Coming here and talking about the craving might help. Calling your friend before you buy a bottle might help. Joining an (online) meeting of any denomination might help. Something else might help. This is not going to end well when you keep going like this friend. Think of alternatives. Write them down. Pin them on your wall or mirror. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. Iā€™m gladder youā€™re sober. Hugs.


I feel disappointed in myself for not doing these things first. Writing a plan is a good idea. I will do this tomorrow. Iā€™m scared at how close I came to drinking today and donā€™t want to let myself get to that point again. Iā€™ve been working hard on myself and donā€™t want to go backwards. Thanks for the advice and support.


You made it through though, and you made the right decision in the end. You didnā€™t give in. This is hard stuff. Be proud. I am of you. :people_hugging:


Thanks for saying this I needed to hear it. Next time I hope I handle it better. I need to put a plan in place and stick to it but I am so glad I didnā€™t drink in the end.


Checking in on day
443 no alcohol
374no vapes or ciggs 83 no gorm of nicotine
43 no form of marijuanna

Gotta work and save
Very important for me
Spent 2$ on canned food for lunch
2$ on a drink
The rest of the day is supplied free water

Its possible to grow
We got this


Day 18. No cravings at all, but Iā€™m feeling extremely sad today. I miss my kids and life with them. Itā€™s so hard to face the reality and all the shit Iā€™ve been doing in the past.

Just took a long walk and now Iā€™m drinking coffee. I hope you all have a great day/night! Love and peace to yaā€™ll!


Youā€™re a winner because you didnā€™t drink. Thatā€™s so awesome! Donā€™t be too hard on yourself, shit happens in life. You didnā€™t relapse and thatā€™s a win. We got this! Stay strong!


Day 26 sober from everything

Wow!!! Iā€™m finally past the longest Iā€™ve ever been sober!!! Picking up my 1 month CA chip soon :DDD Have a great day yall


Checking in on day 3
Today I spent the day at the pool with my mom, a friend and her mom. Ladies day! :blush: we had some nice lunch (everybody had to bring something). Once I got home I decided to go for my daily 7K walk! Now itā€™s 9:00 pm already, quick shower, dinner, some TV and thatā€™s about it for the day! :footprints::muscle:t2:


178 days AF

Not questioning sobriety at all.
Dogsitting time with Luna :dog2:
Assembled a new wardrobe for one of my rooms today. My car got a fresh professional polish and it was so worth it. :black_heart::sparkles:

Deleted all dating shit! :fist:t2::sweat_smile::sunglasses:

Love you guys :heart:


Checking in after 33 days no gaming and youtube. Was quite productive and tried hard in the gym. Sadly got 2 replies from companies that didnt invite me to interviews. But on the other hand im really looking forward to interviewing at 2 different companies next week.


Day 894
Had a really good sleep last night but still woke up tired. Managed to get myself going at about 9am. Took my son for a nice long walk and then walked to the grocery store for a few things. Came home to have lunch and now to tidy up. Still feeling a bit tired but im alright. Thats about it for my day. Hope everyone is doing well :butterfly: