Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

238 days
Another day at work, pretty quiet Saturday. Thenout for dinner with the family.
Pretty good day. Hopefully up early tomorrow for some sunday morning sparring at the gym.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 150

Was up way too late playing games on the phone/computer with the boys yesterday.
Theyā€™ve been wanting a " Really late Gaming night) and yesterday was the perfect time for it.

Today itā€™ll be much earlier to bed because weā€™re up early again on Monday for the Cowboy/Western theme park.

Cleaned the entire house and did some Fixing yesterday, today I need to got and buy some wooden beams and building material to Finnish the boys room.

My husband and brother have decided that they want to arrange a garage sale here tomorrow and next weekend. Iā€™m not impressed If I was in charge I would just take everything to the city dump instead of trying to sell it.

Itā€™s going to be me who do all the work anyway, my husband still have problems to move and my brother is simply lazy, trying to tell us via the phone how he wants to sell his stuff. He wonā€™t even be here in person. And when they havenā€™t sold anything because people are on vacation itā€™s going to be me who packs it and takes it to the city dump anyway.

Now Iā€™m going to take a walk far away from this garage sale mess, and enjoy the few rays pf sunshine that goes through the clouds. Looking forward to next week when the weather is supposed to be amazing.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.

But at least they have hope, and thatā€™s a good thing.


Day 13/Day 11
Hi everyone hope weā€™re all ok odaat . I had a great day yesterday with my daughter. my second weekend sober with her and my days was it amazing I was present, I was active ,I was at fucking peace for once, I wasnā€™t worrying about trains being late and not being able to cope with my daughter for an extra hour at a train station . Not visiting toilets to have a drink of jack or making excuses to have a quick half Every hour and not fuckin STONED and knackard,my god Iā€™m starting to realise how difficult addicts make life . Iā€™m so much happier now at day thirteen yeah I got a bit anxious when she was at the pier ploughing 2p s in the machine at the rate I drink pupil s dilated and running around in the bloody madness (Iā€™m gonna have to keep an eye on her sobriety in a few years !) but it was ok I had the calmness and ability to lead her out when she was upset that itā€™s all gone !! (Shit I know that feeling)Because I wasnā€™t half cut or stoned I didnā€™t get cross I acted like a parent should .weā€™re back to net fishing today and I can do that today and want to do it because I can stay sober today odaatšŸ˜Šblessings and love to all on ts


That sounds like a big win! Good for you. Youā€™re showing up for your daughter in the best way. Keep it up :partying_face::purple_heart:


Thank you @SoberSassy


Day 1809 no alcohol
Day 4 no binge eating

Life has been extremely busy this week in a good way I like being busy but I have a week holidays now and Iā€™m at the airport with my daughter waiting on our flight to Egypt, 5 years ago I wouldnā€™t of had the patience to organise booking and packing everything to do with a holiday all I was worried about was I hope :crossed_fingers: we didnā€™t do too much so I could get stupid drunk and make an eejit of myself and destroy everyone holiday but now Iā€™m sitting in the airport content with myself and reading a book
Hope everyone has a great day :wave:


Day 255, i am seriously looking forward to my one on one monday. All is pretty good, but idk its just nice to see my therapist. Work is ok, i say my gratitudes in the morning and look at all the good in everything i have. My girls are safe, i am safe, i have a very decent job that i do love and some days will be much more difficult than others. My neighbor that i share a bathroom with has been coming home drunk alot lately, last night he was slamming the toilet seat and making growning and moaning sounds in the bathroom all night which was getting pretty annoying lol, but it also was a big reminder of wtf im not missing out on. I didnt say anything about the girl heather im talking to bc idk i just feel like every time i talk to someone it dont last or i usually write a post saying well that didnt work out. But i am very grateful this girl came into my life. I had no intention of dating after that last girl. But heather works in sterile processing department where i clean and started reaching out to me so i figured id see where it would go. This was a cute little note she left me yesterday and its nice to get little things like this. Much love sober fam, happy Saturday


@Bluekoolaid thanks for sharing, sorry about the consequences :people_hugging: but Iā€™m glad youā€™re sober and doing things for your recovery now :blush: congrats on almost 5 months :tada:
@Laner Iā€™m so glad you poured it away, you showed yourself it really is not what you want :people_hugging:
@JazzyS thank you, it did :blush:šŸ©µ those F**k it thoughts are my Kryptonite, congrats on dealing with yours in a healthy way :clap:t2:
@acromouse Iā€™m glad youā€™ve had a great vacation :blush: safe travels home šŸ©µ
@Mno :crying_cat_face::people_hugging::mending_heart:
@Lisa-B sorry about the panic attack :people_hugging: hoping the hike does release some of those darker thoughts :crossed_fingers:t2: sending strength šŸ©µ
@MrsOdh congrats on 150 days :tada:
@Conor80 enjoy Egypt :egypt: :sun_with_face:
@Mindofsobermike that is cute :blush:

1446 days no alcohol.
911 days no cocaine.
426 days no vape.
0 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Therapy yesterday was intense, but good. It felt like only 5 minutes, sometimes Monday sessions feel like that too. I spoke about my flashbacks and identified why they might be coming up now.
I also spoke about some disturbing new memories from the night I experienced sexual violence back in 2012. I also said how I wish I could have a preview of how I would be and feel like, without all of my many medications. None of my doctors or psychiatrists Iā€™ve spoken to about it have agreed to help me come off them, they all say the risks outweigh everything else. The psychiatrist (therapist) didnā€™t express an opinion, he just asked me why I think Iā€™m reading the book thatā€™s making me feel this way. (Lost Connections).

I have listened to my body, and figured that 1300 steps is my current limit before agony. So now I can only walk 650 meters down the path and then back. Itā€™s frustrating but I know I have to pace myself in this way, in order for my back to improve without more setbacks. I am doing my rehab exercises as well.

I read a chapter of each of the books Iā€™m reading. I plan to finish one of them today, then I can return it to the Monday therapist who lent it to me.

I did my morning routine and some meditations.

I took all my rubbish and recycling out to the bins. This doesnā€™t take very long, but it always feels good.

I have my next tenancy inspection on the 8th Aug so Iā€™m planning to start some decluttering today.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Thatā€™s a wonderful post. Thank you for being honest and reaching out. Posts like this help to feel connected with the community here. We canā€™t do it alone and we donā€™t have to do it alone.
Itā€™s great having you on board Trevor. Sending love and strength your way :pray:


Checking in day 131.

Uhhhh so it looks like weā€™ll be meeting our little girl tomorrow! A week ahead of schedule. Wish us luck :grimacing:


Hey all, checking in on day 1504. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on day 4
This morning I had breakfast with a friend of mine, weā€™ve been friends for almost 25 years. Sheā€™s the type of person that says I shouldnā€™t ā€œexaggerateā€ when I say I need to stop drinking, and that things have gotten out of hand. She barely drinks, and besides that I used to be the perfect in the closet drinker, always lying, hiding stuff, coming up with excuses when people want to meet, cause Iā€™d rather drink alone. I think, till this day, sheā€™s not aware of the extend of my problem. When we see each other, alcohol is not even discussed, which is good. This has to become a small and irrelevant part of my life, alcohol has been the main protagonist for waaaay to long! :confounded:
This friend lives on a finca, and has a fruit an vegetable garden. Today I left there loaded with onions, tomatoes, green peppers, egg plants and melon! I just made salad called ā€œtrampĆ³ā€ with most of the ingredients! Life can be good! Iā€™m grateful for that! :blush:


So true love. We have to find that balance of dealing with things while trying not to let that process swallow us whole. Sleep is my go to escape too. Hopefully you know that you are strong as hell. You have made serious progress! Hope you find time for self care :hugs:
@Kareness hope you are able to relax and enjoy the weekend. Sometimes when things start piling up at work and compoundingā€¦thatā€™s when I need to step back and take a breather. Hope that you are able to distance yourself from it this weekend and hopefully that works :pray:t4::people_hugging:
@Lisa-B sorry to hear of your panic attack. They are awful and can feel so overwhelmingly suffocating. Glad you started up the therapy and will be out in nature hiking today. Hoping that this helps bring calmness to you. Big hugs love. Here if you need
@MrFantastik Happy birthday Marty!! Have a wonderful time celebrating you today. :birthday::confetti_ball::tada::partying_face:
@Conor80 have a safe tripā€¦ hopefully we will see some travel pics. Egypt is on my bucket listā€¦have a great adventure
@Mindofsobermike listening to slamming toilet seat can be super annoying but yeahā€¦a great reminder that you are in the better path. Hope you managed to get some rest. Such a sweet note Mike :heart_eyes:
@CATMANCAM do take it easy and glad you are not testing your limits. Do what you can and hopefully your back shows improvement soon. I donā€™t like depending on medications but sometimes we need them to help us get better and hopefully in time we can ween off of them. This may not be the time to give me up. Keep working your recovery friend.
@Whereswaldo ooh thatā€™s excitingā€¦all the luck and love my friend. Much comfort to your wife

Happy Saturday everyoneā€¦didnā€™t sleep well and Iā€™m fighting a migraine. In bed with some coffee :coffee: :wink:ā€¦not a bad way to start off a Saturday :people_hugging:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hi everyone, im back on day one again. Im struggling this time. I really need someone to reachout throughout today and say " hey Julia dont drink anything tonight!" Like a reminder or something. Im going to hop on a zoom AA as well today. :pray:


Day 179 AfmfA

On tuesday I will hit the half year mark.
And I WILL :heart:

Thought about a visit at a beautician as a gift, as I have some blemishes (actually I have great skin, itā€™s just minor things), but I have to clarify first if she can handle hyper sensitive skin.

Pause swimming today as I have sore muscles from the wardrobe yesterday :mechanic:t2:


After deleting all the dating shit and positioning this as a non priority in my life I feel peace here in the ā€œgirls villaā€.

My guest Luna poses how we feel here ā€¦


The container says to mix it with water to make PB. I personally use less water than the suggested ratio because I prefer a thicker consistency. My tip is to start small and add a little at a time until you get your desired texture. I rarely use the powder to make just PB though, I love adding it to yogurt and smoothies. My favorite combo is adding the powder straight to vanilla yogurt. It almost turns into a PB dip for apple slices or sliced bananas. Iā€™ll also add the powder to smoothies for an extra flavor and protein boost :blush:


Hi Jazzy! Thank you for your kind words. Despite everything, Iā€™m okay and still sober. I donā€™t have cravings, Iā€™m just sad and depressed. Part of the game. I know this will get better.


Hey Julia! Donā€™t worry, shit happens and you can always start again. Just be gentle to yourself. You got this, we got this. Stay strong!


Just checking in day 77. Another invite to a winery tonight. I donā€™t think Iā€™m ready for that just yet, so Iā€™m going to decline. I wish they had non alcoholic options, but i guess what would be the point.
Itā€™s a sunny day here in the Midwest. Have a great day everyone!


Thank you. Im going to reach out to my sponser too. šŸ©·