Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Just checking in on 1year and two weeks. Read through lots of posts and I’m so glad we have this beautiful community ! Sending everyone a little light and gratitude.:sparkles::sparkles::pray:


Lmao!!! :rofl: I think about that all the time! Out of the 3 stores I rotated every day, I really liked the owner of one. He ordered things special for me and I feel kinda bad if he’s wondering what happened to me, but he was super positive and probably thinks the best :relieved:


Keep pushing forward girl… remember that it only gets harder to recover each time we relapse. This has been one scary thought that keeps me on the sober path.

You got us love. Do not pick up today. Keep checking in :people_hugging::muscle:t4:


Hey Julia! Just a reminder, don’t drink anything tonight. You can do it. :smiley:


Oh yes… this is so very true!


@19801 Isn’t it crazy to realize the insanity we were living in?! Always hitting the bathroom to down a couple shots in secret(I did that too :sweat_smile:), or googling the closest liquor store when you’re not in your own town, or worrying whether or not anyone can smell it on you. How/why did we live like that?! Never again.

@Whereswaldo Exciting news! What an incredible event to be sober for! Wishing you all the best :pray:

@Button83 Oh, Julia :people_hugging: So glad you came right back. We’re always going to be here for you :heart: I know it gets harder each time, but you have to find the strength to fight it. Everyone in the world can tell you not to drink but it won’t help unless you’re one of them. I’m throwing this out there again bc it truly is what finally worked for me and I still do it to this day. You have to tell yourself no. The second those thoughts arise, immediately shut that shit down by saying “NO!” Consistently! Every single time. Don’t even give the bargaining a chance to begin. Try focusing on the worst of the worst. Blackouts, injuries, vomiting, all of it at once. You never intended to get there but you know exactly how you did. Just one drink. It will never be worth it. Stay strong :muscle:


@JazzyS @Vanessa8 @Just_Laura you are absolutely right. I did reach out to my sponsor. Im at work till 6 and im going pray that i dint pick booze. I guess im having a harder time because im not getting black out drunk or even getting drunk im just using it again 1 2 3 4 and then stopping. Its the habit thats worrying me becuase that where it starts in 1 2 3 4 and soon in will be a whole 26. Thats why im being honest and keep resetting my time. Thank you all for just even hearing me and being here. 🩷🩷🩷


Checking in with 5 months sober today

Large fire in neighboring cities… So smokey - no sun to see. I am grateful we are not center but feel bad for those that are.

Nectarines and tomatoes are calling. Cannot let them go to waste.

Good weekend… life calm. I am happy.


Glad you’re checking in here Julia.
I hope you know that you don’t have to take that first drink. Nothing good comes from it. Not from the 1st nor the 4th nor the 26th. Please say no to that first drink.
Sending you love and strength :people_hugging:


Checking in day 208 AF :blush:


Day 399 beautiful weather here. Spent time with family and a walk along the sea… So beautiful here when the sun is out.


Good luck you got this :blush::+1::muscle:


Madness @Just_Laura and so fricking all consuming …no wonder I was constantly angry :rage: not anymore… happy joyous and free that’s how I plan to live the rest of my days . calmness of spirit and peace of mind is what I’m aiming for :pray:t2:


Nectarines and home grown tomatoes are my favourite I’m drooling


Day 148

I’ve sure had a good week. Really positive. Making friends and a bit of professional networking as well. I’ve been very cheerful and schmoozy. Feeling positive. I just act differently, don’t know why. I’m a new person. More confident. I think this whole sobriety thing is worth it. I always thought I was full of flaws and holes and felt Ike I had to fake being whole and balanced.

I drank alcohol to come out of my shell. But alcohol actually created the shell. I didn’t know that. I started drinking in high school. I was not shy and was a clown. Then I drank because everyone was drinking, and I believed everyone that said it would make me more sociable and attract the guys. It seemed to. But something was wrong, I felt it but ignored it.

Over time, in college, while drinking heavily I became fearful. I became shy. I was afraid to get called on in Spanish class. Terrified ! But I knew Spanish! Why did I panic? I couldn’t be the center of attention. Why? Alcohol. Alcohol made me shy. Who knew? Like, WTH! Shy? That’s not what the marketing says. And that’s not who I always was.

To this day, I’m battling social anxiety due to alcoholism. It’s not the real me. I like to chatter (really? :laughing:) It’s so surprising and makes me happy. I can talk with strange people. Or regular people now. They’re just people again and the fear is gone! So grateful.

I will cook tonight to celebrate. I wish I could have you all over. :heart:


Day 1317,

Had a meet up with the parents of the girlfriend of my son. He is leaving on vacation with them next week. Although it’s not sure it will happen. It seems my son got into a argument with his girlfriend after the diner. She doesn’t seem to have liked it that I kissed my son while I said him goodbye. Now doubting (just a bit, but still) whether it’s strange that we do that……:man_shrugging::pray:


Day 657 sober


Day 60! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Julia, you’re here with us and every hour is one hour further away from that most destructive ugly substance. You’re such a talented, kind person and we adore you here. You’re going to love it like before and you’ll be sober in a beautiful place with so many possibilities that you wouldn’t have drinking. Life opens up so much. We’re here to walk with you my friend. Every day. Sometimes I post at 2 am and people in the Netherlands :netherlands: respond. Or :uk: It’s always open. :blush:

Lots of support and hugs :people_hugging: We got you.


I woke up with so much energy today! I went for a 2 mile walk with my brother this morning and then went for a solo hike up a mountain this afternoon. After getting to the summit, I was feeling so good, I made the decision I was going to hike it again. 2 summits and 8 miles later :v:t3: My brother has been my biggest supporter in my recovery. He just celebrated 1 year and 9 months clean himself. Today I’m checking in on day 32 :heavy_check_mark: