Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@button83 How are you doing Julia? Hope you are enjoying a beautiful Sunday :hugs:
@jeanine 77+ days is great work! Smart move on passing on the winery tour – I don’t think I would be ready to put myself in that environment. I loved all alcohol but Red wine was my kryptonite :laughing: Hope you are enjoying your weekend
@stand_like_an_oak YEAH! 2 months + is amazing work – Keep up with your solid efforts :muscle:
@justkaitlin That is an impressive active day! Love the energy and strength that we gain with sober living! Many more adventures ahead :heart:
@jessica2 Welcome to the community Jessica. Grateful to have you here with us and working on your sober journey! Lets keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman That sounds like a hell of a dream! I know even though we know it’s a dream our mindset and general being can be off after a realistic dream. Glad you did not put yourself in a draining situation at work after such a dream but practiced self care instead. Glad the gym helped :hugs:
@sadmemequeen How are you doing Meghan? It is exhausting to still have to battle the urges after such a long period but sometimes our minds need time to heal reconfigure it so that we can find better coping mechanisms. Our minds need to relate other ways to deal with our bad days / moods etc. There is no time line on when this will happen and that is the sucky part. You have gained a lot of tools friend. You are working your recovery daily and you are kicking ass each day! Glad the list helped. Remember to always check in and stay connected. I find reading here helps me keep on top of my tools as sometimes I forget the simple ways of dealing with my urges when they hit hard. Much love to you :heart: :hugs: Hoping today was a better day for you. Just saw your update – OH GIRL I’m sorry love – do not give into that urge. You are too precious to harm. Please reach out here – spend time reading / writing whatever! Reach out to a help line or a friend. :hugs:
@scorpn Hope you had the energy to get through today. Sorry your sleep was so messed up last night- hopefully it makes for a good sleep night tonight :pray: Not being fully alert and energized can cause our defenses to fall. This is when we have to stay connected and vigilant. Sending you strength and energy friend. Remember that SH will not help you but will only cause harm to a beautiful woman. :people_hugging: :heart:
@just_laura So happy to see how much you have grown in a year’s time. Grateful that you are not dealing with panic attacks and are finding it easier to deal with the chaos / stress of it all. Hope you enjoy your time to recharge. I try to elevate my legs as much a possible. 90 degrees is best at least once a day but at night I put my foam roller under them for some time (it ends up on the floor by the time I get up but at least I get some elevation time in.
@juli1 180 days and going strong :muscle: Looking forward to celebrating your milestone with you soon :hugs: I find it very easy to get sucked into the rabbit holes of social media. I get sucked into You Tube shorts when I am looking for something totally different (it has delayed a lot of my projects). Hope you enjoy your swim and BBQ – sounds like a perfect Sunday


@thirdmonkey You were missed Scott. I totally agree – this place helps me stay centered and motivated in my sober journey.
@mrsodh That is some BS! Glad you handled it well and are setting up your boundaries!
@timetochange WOOT WOOT! 400 days is amazing work :muscle: Keep stacking up the days! :tada:
@mindofsobermike Waking up giggling is a great way to start the day. I think we go through pockets in our recovery where we release the pent up emotions that we have hit so deep inside. Grateful that they don’t all come out at once or we would go mental (this is my take on why we feel some random emotions out of the blue). Keep kicking ass friend – 256 days is amazing!
@whereswaldo OMG such a beautiful picture and baby girl – welcome to the world baby Elenor :heart: Grateful that baby and mom are doing well. :hugs: :heart: Much love all around!
@thewolf Nicely done with 3 weeks – love the feeling and keep it going :muscle:
@misokatsu You are right that being sober means dealing with our feelings and the situation sober and then hopefully moving on in a healthy manner. BUT – you can reach out and connect so that you are not dealing with it alone. You are not alone and you are not a worthless. I know that not getting the results we want with what we set out to do can mean failure. I think this is the nature of what is taught to us and some cultures are harder on enforcing it than others. You have nothing to feel guilty about. It is natural to feel down when we don’t meet our expectations (or those of society) but the key is to know that we tried our best and we will not let not meeting the goal hold us back from trying again! The time zone sucks but know that I’m here if you need to vent or talk. :hugs:
@twizzlers 85 days girl – look at you go! So close to the triple digits :tada: The silly thinking is silly but valid if you know what I mean. It does suck living a sober life when you leave so much of your life behind and don’t have sober activities / friends to fill the void. I am glad that you are going to start the detox and go to the gym (I do love a good workout and swim). Are you also able to look into book clubs / meet ups or hiking clubs in the area (activities that will help you meet and engage with people in a non alcoholic environment)? Can you write down the reasons as they come to you for why you are not drinking (maybe re-read some of your old posts to help) so that you have them in front of you and don’t get stuck with the tunnel vision? Sending you love and strength my friend – we are in this together – just remember to stay connected :people_hugging:
@laner That totally makes sense and I am so glad that you were able to host the Sunday group today. Love that you are focusing on some of the good memories of your past too. So great to see you not letting your traumas overtake you! Sending you good vibes for your meeting tomorrow! :people_hugging:
@eke Great to see you checking in and with 6 years!!! That is amazing work :muscle:


I’m speaking to a. friend right now


@soberwalker Oh wow – that is super interesting – hope you enjoyed the exhibit
@rosacando Oh man a tough therapy session (especially a brutally honest one) can be draining and the emotions will linger for some time. I am sorry that this is the weekend you are alone and sitting with this. Glad you reached out. Are you able to put on some good vibe music or a good comic to watch to help you get through this emotional time (laughter helps pull me out of the dark moments). Sending you hugs and comfort – here if you need to talk.
@19801 WOW 2 weeks is awesome – enjoy the gift of sleep – so wonderous :hugs:
@jules000 It will not be worth it! Nothing good comes easy love – please do not let your SH voice win – it wants to keep you in captivity. You have a safe place to stay with good support – reach out to someone irl or keep connected here but do NOT go to the store. Spread those wings and love yourself. Listen to Meghan @sadmemequeen IT IS NOT WORTH IT!

Checking in on Sunday evening
585 days free of alcohol and weed
1000 days free of smoking :tada: :tada:
Been not so hot the past few days and spending a LOT of time in bed. Hoping the rest helps. Just dealing with fatigue, pains and allergies to boot … well now monthly BS too. Might as well pile it on right now so i can get it over with :laughing:
Glad to have left over pizza as I am craving something greasy.
Glad I got caught up - so much missed in a day.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


OH that is great to read - thank you! Much love Meghan. You are worth it :hugs: :heart:


Congratulations Sean!


I did. I put a CD in my old car and drove a bit and sang my heart out. I took a shower. I filled my dishwasher. I walked my dog. I watched all the olympics I could. It’s been a good weekend. I’m still struggling but I’m going to get through this. I need to invest more time here to expect more response but I’ve got friends there for me and thank you. Thank you.


Checking in Day 407 AF

Took a brief break from the stress of packing. Met a new guy for lunch. He seemed normal until I got home. He sent me a text asking if he could ask me a question. Sure I told him. He asked if the necklace I wore had a specific meaning. I told him no, it was just something I saw and liked so I bought it. He then went on to explain that he’d been told someone that wears such a necklace wears it so others would know I was a submissive! WTF…… I mean to each is own but that’s not a world I walk in nor do I care to. It’s not something I understand. He wouldn’t let it go and continued to tell him how I shouldn’t wear it again because there are people out in the world that would think that was what I was trying to convey.

Jesus are there no normal people left in the world? I think k this is why I chose to stay in relationships that are mediocre because it’s better then what’s out there. I think it’s time to stop dating, and just realize I’m meant to be a party of one.


Oh that’s great love… Glad to hear all that you did and are doing… grateful that it’s helping! :people_hugging:.


Wow…Seriously? I would have no idea and think it’s made up horseshit. Well good riddens to that guy.

You got a lot going on right now with the move and all …maybe altake a bit of a break from dating but please don’t give up on finding someone. Many good men out there. :pray:t4:


Jasmine if there’s an oddball out there I’ll find them! I’m oddball magnet. Lol


Checking in at he end of day 78.
@JazzyS thank you! I’m glad I didn’t go either. Red wine is my krypto too!

Funny though, I felt like I had to give a really good reason for not going to the winery. I think someone posted on here how we have to defend our choice not to drink. They can’t just accept no thank you, smh.

Have a good evening/day.


Day 1016 AF

Wud up, gang.

Not whole lot going on. Staying busy with the fam and the kids. Went out for groceries. Took the lil man to the park. Gonna go for a walk in a bit. Excersise. Watch AHS. And then pass out. It’s back to the grind tomorrow.

Have a goodnight, y’all. Stay strong! :muscle:

ODAAT. Much love. :heart:


Congrats on 1K off the smokes! You’re killing it!


Checking in Sunday evening. It was hot today and I had some family time with the paddle board at the lake. Got a bit too much sun :sunny: it seems.

I hope everyone has a good start to the week. Sending you strength and good vibes @RosaCanDo



My weekend was busy but nice. Lots of cycling, and meeting some friends, old and new. It was good. Now into the new week. I’m sober and clean. I got a job I like. I’m healthy and on my journey of discovery one day at a time. Together with you all.

Good days and bad ones friends. Using never made anything better, only much much worse. We’re in this together. Have as good a day as you all can and make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.

@RosaCanDo You’re not alone :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:
@Eke Great to see you, huge congrats on an amazing 6 years of sobriety my friend!!! :birthday: :man_dancing:
@Laner I recognize that. There’s some good memories of people having me over as a kid. I should work a bit harder on inviting folks to my place. Success with the counselor.


Congratulations on your 6 years :sparkler::sparkles::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::star::sparkler:


Congrats on the 1000 no smoking :fireworks::sparkles::fireworks::fireworks::fireworks:


Day 1 alcohol free for me. I wasn’t prepared to feel so many emotions about finally surrendering :sweat_smile:.


@DanaM56 ,Wow well done