Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 152

Cowboy/western theme park all day today.
Weather is amazing and is supposed to stay that way for a few days.

Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


Going into Day 6 feeling good


2121 days alcohol free. It’s starting to stick😀

For you who are maybe still in early days and having it rough, my noble advice is to keep working on it, through the possible bad days and times. It will become a lifestyle instead of pushing hard every hour.

AA, TS community and trusted fellows have helped me tremendousely after tens of other kinds of attempts (mostly alone) during my drinking years. Constant attempts and relapses really wore me out mentally.

Today Im grateful not having to wake up in hangover and self-despice. For the most, appreciation trust and love of my three kids (12, 17 and 35).

Connection with other supportive people is crucial, never forget that. One day at a time :muscle::sparkles::heart:


2 hours into my second day. Feeling good so far. I’m about to head to sleep soon I pray I wake up with the same positive attitude I have now. I pray my friends and family are safe. I pray the people I’ve cut off or cut me off are finding peace. I pray for easy sleep tonight :pray:t2: I pray that God protects me through with any type of trials that comes my way


Congratulations with the magic :six: @Eke :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
I’m right behind you :sunglasses:


Checking in

Off to bed I hope everyone has a great Monday :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh yeah jazzy sleeping was the best last night 7 glorious freaking hour and one of the was before twelve​:ok_hand::sunglasses::love_you_gesture:


Day 401.working 7-3 today. That way I can grab some sunshine at the end of the day.

I like working early. It’s quiet. My mind is in a good place and I can crack on

Starting to talk about maybe getting somewhere small to live in Italy when I retire. It seems doable now. After my divorce it didn’t, it felt like that dream had been buried.


@Twizzlers I can relate so much to having no friends, or anyone to do anything with, but wanting to so badly. Stay connected here and keep shedding light on those FOMO thoughts :people_hugging:🩵
@Laner it does make sense, I’m glad you had that friend :blush: I hope your session today goes well :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@Eke congrats on 6 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@RosaCanDo I find in-person therapy much better than online, but I do find it very intense too. Well done for being honest with them. I’m sorry you’ve been alone dealing with the reliving, on top of the depression, I’m glad you reached out :people_hugging:🩵
@Ncgolfer congrats on your first sober weekend :tada:
@19801 congrats on 2 weeks :tada: yay for natural tiredness :sleeping: :raised_hands:t2:
@SadMemeQueen I’m sorry you’re struggling🫂 I’m glad you reached out to a friend 🩵
@Jules000 I’m sorry you’re struggling too, maybe be honest with the carers about your urges, it would be better than having to tell them after you’d harmed yourself. Sending strength 🩵
@JazzyS congrats on quadruple digits for no smoking :no_smoking: :tada:
@Avior87 welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:


@MrsOdh have a great time :smiley:
@chrisslawek115 welcome :blush: congrats on getting through day 1 :tada:

1448 days no alcohol.
913 days no cocaine.
428 days no vape.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday I caught-up here, read a chapter of my Kindle book, did my meditations, and did my steps.

I allowed myself to fall asleep early last night, I was asleep before my cravings usually start at 8pm, so I didn’t binge. I can’t guarantee I won’t tonight as it’s the finals of both shows, so I know my addict will be in my head big time, saying it’s my last chance, etc.

Today is a therapy day, so now I will meditate, do my morning routine, and shower.



@CATMANCAM Wishing you a productive therapy session and calming self-care afterwards.
@Timetochange For whatever reason I became - at least in comparison to previously - an early riser this summer. I enjoy the quiet of the morning, being done early and having time for sun in the afternoon a lot too. Enjoy the sun today :sun_with_face:
@chrisslawek115 Welcome to sobriety :wave: Wishing you a good second day :+1:
@Fireweed Thanks for sharing your experience. It took me a long while to understand that connection is key :stars: :heart:
@Lance Stacking those sober days. Looking good. Keep it up :muscle:
@MrsOdh Wishing you and your family a fabulous day at the theme park today :cowboy_hat_face:
@Avior87 Welcome to the community :wave: Great job on day one. Keep it going. Stay connected :heart:
@Mno Enjoy your newly discovered joy in your job :smiling_face:
@icebear Sending cooling breezes to you after all that sun :ocean: :wind_face:
@Jeanine Setting boundaries is sometimes hard. Especially with people we care for and who might have a hard time understanding why we might need those boundaries. Great job on sticking to yours :+1:

250 sugar
114 UPF
121 gluten
20 dairy
3 overeating

Did my morning run already. It’s going to be a hot day here. I’m going to prepare for my next and for this summer last trip. This time to Poland. I’m going to be visiting family mostly, so I don’t have to book any accomodation. But some things need to be prepared anyway. Yoga in the afternoon, maybe the pool. And board games in the evening.

Let’s let life be, in peace, in kindness and in freedom :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:

  1. Bad sleep, so warm and uncomfortable. Tired today, but it’s already very very warm. We are off to South London today to visit my best friend and her two beautiful kids and to have lunch together. Looking forward to that, despite the hot and sweaty three tube and overground train travel. Happy 24.

*Day 2141
Had a lovely day yesterday. Went to the exhibition of Ron Mueck and loved to see his artwork. It’s so real! The statues are like you and me with all the little details, even the little tiny hard to see body hair on the arms .

This one above was a small one in size, but again…those details and it made me think of myself. Myself as a mom with 3 small children working and taking care of those tree. It was exhausting those days. Less sleep and working hard and yes: drinking too.
I saw it all in this statue, the tired face almost grey. Glad my children are grown ups now and more important: glad I’m not drinking!
Today? Just back from the crossfit training, so shower is the first thing I have to do :crazy_face:
And later on I’m going to visit a friend.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


240 days.
Got in the gym this morning after nightshift, had lunch with the wife before getting in a nap.
Picked up the kids from school and got to see them for a bit before I had to head off to nightshift.
Been quiet so far.

Beautiful @Whereswaldo . Nice name too. Congratulations.

Welcome @Avior87 good work on day 1. We’ve all been there. Keep coming back


Thank you @CATMANCAM :love_you_gesture:


Day 21 AF. I’m having again a really hard day. Feelings comes and goes, I’m sad, anxious, full of fears and doubt. I hate my past and who I have become. But I know that sobriety is the only way and I know my mind will heal when the time goes by. This is just so overwhelming.

Now I’m drinking coffee and thinking to go for a walk. But I’m so depressed that even walking outside in the fresh air and sunshine feels too hard. Oh well.


That’s the paradox of depression. Please do your utmost to get out there! Sunshine and exercise are what the doctor prescribes. And try to see the positive: you are changing what you are, and changing your future, right here and right now. One day at a time. Big congrats on 21 days of sobriety, that’s huge! Keep going friend. You’re doing so much better than you think. :people_hugging:


Hey all, just wanting to check in.

Made it through the last few days with the 3 kids. It was so wonderful having my nephew here, and the birthday party was amazing. My friend came to help and she was so good with him, and has said she would come to act as his support any time. She was so impressed with his ability to wait, his efforts in communication and his understanding of rules/boundaries and ability to deescalate when hes upset. My daughter and her frienda had such an amazing time at her party and havinf the support with my nephew allowed me to focus on her party. I was so grateful not only for that support, but how involved she was with my nephew. Respite/PSW/DSWs are supurbly underpaid, and in many instances you get what you pay for. I stand on business with my nephew and if youre solid/engaged, we pay a wage that honours that. Not because we flush with cash, but because you have to stand on your principles…

This is difficult to talk about; but Im going to anyway. My husband had a hard time having my nephewbhere. He had a visceral reaction, bringing him back to the stress of how we were struggling when he lived with us. I deeply wish it was not this way, my husband is thr most loving and compassionate person and theres a lot of context in the situation that isnt specifically my nephew but its just very hard. I feel so much positivity and joy having my nephew here, and I am adjustinf to my role as his Aunt (with guardian responsibilities :blue_heart:) instead of being his Aunt-Parent, which is a massive shift and difficult to navigate. It actually felt so good to have him here and get to feel that releasing of the reigns, which feels difficult also to acknolwedge that the responsibility to raise him is not going to be mine (I cannot describe this feeling of guilt/saddness)…it is a lot of work having him here, especially with our children we have to be on 100%of the time and vigilate. But I did feel a real breath go through me, understanding thebppwer of him visiting and that its okay to let him have IPAD time (we dont have tablets, and he didnt have one when living here). I just wish it didnt take so much out of my husband or effect him so negatively, I also cant describe all the feelings attached to that.

Anyway, i am superbly exhausted and tbh im not super looking forward to going to the cottage with family. I think I felt this way last time though and we had fun :slight_smile:

Life is just so much more complicated then it is straight forward. Good Lordt!

Hubby got a new job that is well paid & Im super proud! I think thats also contributing the level of stress as he starts in 2 weeks and having to shuffle around our plans until then. God bless this men & give him strength!

Just needed to let that all out xo


Day 168
Quite a busy day today.
@RosaCanDo hope you are doing ok? I too had a session with my counsellor on Saturday, I laughed I cried and learnt some more things about myself. I cannot do online meetings, I much prefer face to face. Always here for you.


Thank you for the encouragement! I’m gonna now go outside for a walk, it always lifts my spirit. Thanks again!