Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

75 days sober now. But ex wife is making access to my kids problematic. On account of mental health grounds. It has me kinda bummed.


Checking in day 133. Looking forward to lazy days on the couch with the newborn. I plan to watch the godfather series over the next couple days.


Hey all, checking in on day 1506. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for these pics Claudia. Thatā€™s amazing artwork. Thereā€™s a statue at MCO Orlando airport called The Traveller I think. Itā€™s a man sitting in a glass cube with all his luggage around him and I was trapped twice to go closer to see if heā€™s real like some kind of performance art ā€¦ Itā€™s incredible.
Glad you had a nice day out.


Yes I made it to my one year milestone and Iā€™m super happy about it. It was a good year having you all onboard with me although you probably didnā€™t know :wink:

I mean this forum definitely made the difference this time. Thank you all for working on it. Not only for your own sobriety but being there for everyone who needs and anytime someone is reaching out.
Thank you so much. Iā€™m proud of you all :pray:

Iā€™m now going to work on my mental state of mind as Iā€™m still not happy with it. Iā€™ll have a closer look on whatā€™s causing those slightly depressed feelings and wheres that lack of energy is coming from. Really hope I can work out a better version of my self for the upcoming new sober year. I know Iā€™ll be doing it sober and itā€™s possible!!!
Iā€™ll have you in my prayers. Thank you :pray:


Wow, one year! Thatā€™s so awesome and inspiring! Congrats!


116 days sober
The session with the online counselor went well. It was only our first time meeting but I felt like she was someone I could talk to and I felt comfortable to be open with her. Was a lot of getting to know me type questions today and to give some background and reasons of why Iā€™m wanting counseling. I think it was a good conversation. Iā€™ll meet again with her next week.
I went on a hike after. It has been hot so I wanted to hike to the snow line and found the crisp air refreshing. Then I had a very productive afternoon. I got a lot of work done and have started to plan the travel I will need to do soon to wrap up this project. I think I will go in 2 or 3 weeks. After this project is finished I can wrap it up and work on the alcohol recovery material and shouldnā€™t need to travel out of country again for some time. Which I think is maybe good for me right now. Looking at things it might not even work out for me to travel to Tajikistan at the moment with the weird border situation so I might need to put a pause on that and come back to it at another time. I guess Iā€™ll see. :woman_shrugging:

Tonight Iā€™ve been fantasizing about learning a new language which is what I tend to do when i get too stressed out over a longer period of time.:rofl: not sure if now is the best time to tackle this but is something I find relaxing and fun.


A walk will break the loop your mind is in. Iā€™m thinking of that too. Sometimes our minds want to indulge in the fear and it just snowballs. There are many ways to break the cycle, even if our brains seem stuck in a loop, itā€™s breakable. Iā€™m off to make another coffee and get cleaned up and out the door. Doesnā€™t matter where. Hang in there!


Day 2320. I am in no way in danger of drinking. I just donā€™t like where my center is at. I got back on here yesterday. I also decided to go back to the beginning and do some of the same things I did at the very start or my journey.

I sat down and listed all the chores I jad been neglecting because of my busy life. I then added the hobbies and fun things I had been neglecting as well.

I found, in the beginning, it was hard to drink when I was doing things to take care of myself. The feeling of accomplishment, dirty hands from chores, and satisfaction of getting things done go a long way.

My center isnt quite back to where it needs to beā€¦but I feel better.

If you are struggling, maybe start here.

Stay sober friends


Thank you for your wise words. I took a walk and a shower, made me feel better for a while. But now those bad thoughts are creeping in again, so I try to focus on reading a book.

Same to you, my friend, hang in there!


Thank you!!


Thank you!! :blush:


Yes sir, youā€™re doing great. Distraction helps. Anything that breaks the overthinking cycle. Anxiety will still show up fiercely sometimes. I donā€™t struggle with it nearly as much as I used to. Being clean helps :blush: Walking, a streaming show, cook something, work in the garden, maybe take a country drive. These help me. Youā€™ll find what works for you and I promise this gets better over time! Iā€™m having a rough morning but those are pretty rare now. :people_hugging: Weā€™ve got you.


Such an honest post friend and i can relate to this alot lately. Thank u for sharing this! I hope ur able to find ur centre sooner than later :slight_smile:


Day 150

A very rough morning. Anxiety is bad with no cause, really. Iā€™m clean and got out for a bit but cancelled the rest. Disappointed but itā€™s just one day. Bad things happened to me in the past and sometimes it feels like itā€™s now. PTSD setback. So Iā€™ll keep safe and busy. Yes this is part of healing. 5 months and I felt almost healthy last week. It was wonderful. Still need time. I want so much to be normal and be counted on but not yet. I took this time to get better. Thatā€™s all I need to do.


One year, what an accomplishment!! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing, itā€™s very inspiring.


Your doing so well !! 150 days congratulations :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkler::fireworks::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

My day started off really bad, the feeling of fear etcā€¦ like itā€™s all real and happening now. Iā€™m grateful I was able to come out of it and I hope this is the same for you as the day goes on. Big hugs :people_hugging::hugs::people_hugging::hugs:
Thinking of you today :sunflower:


113 days sober.
Made it through another weekend sober. My husband still drinks a lot and made himself sick this weekend. Itā€™s a good reminder as to why I stay sober. I donā€™t miss those wicked hangovers one bit.
Getting close to 4 months sober, Iā€™m looking forward to hitting another milestone.


Congratulations on your year :fireworks::sparkler::sparkles::fireworks::sparkler:


Good morningā€¦ Yahoo day 21. Hopefully you went for walk. If not get up and get out there. Take a picture of something ā€œcoolā€ and postā€¦

Get some music onā€¦ are you attending meetings?