Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Good morning! Yeah, I took a walk, then a shower and now I’ve been reading and hanging around in here. I don’t attend to meetings, I’m too introvert plus I have a terrible anxiety when around people. I’ve tried online meetings, but at least not yet so regularly… I have a therapist and support from mental health clinic though and I find them enough for me at the moment. I hope you have a good day ahead!


Thank you Twizz dear friend :people_hugging: I know you have a lot of this too so it means a lot to hear it passed. :blush:. It will for me too. Maybe after lunch. Yes it feels real like I’m under that same threat again. Feel like I need a weighted blanket but a kitty will work even better. I’ll breathe and relax a while, just let it drift away. I’m in therapy making a lot of progress. Thank you :heart:


Day 22. Just went for post work 5k run. In this heat, heart rate through the roof, dehydrated, but got the job done :heavy_check_mark: :muscle: Hope you’re all enjoying your day.


Oooooohhhh a weighted blanket I need get me one of those!!
Hope your doing okay :purple_heart:


@sadmemequeen @scorpn @jules000 thinking of you ladies. I felt that the SH urges have been super high lately and just want to send you all big hugs and love. Hope today is a much better and brighter day! :people_hugging:
@danam56 :laughing: Girl me too. Maybe with our new sober lives we can burn some sage and demagnetize ourselves – I know many good men are out there. Don’t give up hope
@jeanine So annoying and true that we have to justify our reasons for not drinking. It has become so common that not doing so is seen as odd. I do just say that I’m not drinking anymore and move on with the conversation as its not something to be made a deal of. Keep up the amazing work – you are coming close to your 3 months – so exciting :clap:
@goku2019 and @twizzlers Thank you friends. Appreciate the support :pray: :hugs:
@avior87 Yeah day 1! The emotions do run wild for some time when we start our sober journey as we have kept them buried for so long. Be gentle with yourself. Make sure to have a support system in place and remember that each moment you don’t drink is a moment won and you won’t have to repeat the withdrawal process. Sending strength to you – great to see you checking in with us :hugs: :muscle:
@skhan Hows it going friend? Haven’t heard from you in a minute – hope you are well.
@chrisslawek115 Great to see you checking in Christopher. Amazing work on your day 2 – hope you did get some good sleep and are keeping that positive attitude going. Remember that you are not alone and with this community and irl support groups you can keep pushing forward :hugs:


@catmancam thanks friend! Hope you had a good therapy day :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli Love the new avatar pic :heart: Sorry for the bad hot uncomfortable sleep – I had the same. This weather is so crazy. I hate the AC but really can’t function without it – everything is so sticky. Hope you have a wonderful trip and do try to stay cool best you can.
@mrmoustache WOW 3 weeks is fantastic friend. Think of all that you have overcome in these 3 weeks. I am sorry that you are feeling all the feels today. They can sneak up on you and be overwhelming. Do not give into them – fight em by going on that walk. Possibly connecting with others too – via meeting or group event or??? Sitting alone with these hard thoughts can be the opening for a dark hole. You are kicking ass my friend – keep pushing forward :muscle: :hugs: I see this was posted 8 hours ago – hope you were able to turn your day around and are doing better now. Saw your update and glad you are hanging here… i found this place to be the absolute best for my recovery. The threads are filled with great advice and information and the just for fun threads are awesome for some good distractions.
@aussie_tiger I’m sorry that you ex is making it harder to see you kids. Don’t give up – it takes time for the people in our lives to see the changes we have made and how far we’ve come. Remember that she has not seen you making this progress as you were here in the States for your recovery. 75 days is impressive work – keep at it and your actions will show her how much you have changed and grown. :hugs:
@whereswaldo OMG! I love the Godfather trilogy :heart: was just thinking of the scene where Sonny gets shot while I was driving today – not sure what triggered that but made me want to watch the movies again. :laughing: My friends and I would watch the trilogy like every couple of months in high school. Hope you have a great watch!
@happyfeet OMG!!! Look at you go Anne :tada: :tada: That is absolutely incredible. Thank you for sharing this milestone with us. Keep stacking up the days friend. Always so good to see you :hugs: :heart: tenor
@laner So glad that you had a good session. If it is relaxing and enjoyable then do try to learn a new language but don’t but the stresses on it to make you feel like you have to learn it all in a certain amount of time or have deadlines… just go with the flow so to speak
@thirdmonkey Glad you were able to go back to the basics and that it is starting to help. A great reminder that what we did at the beginning of our journey can be a lifelong habitual trait for us and self care is always needed
@lighter 150 days is fabulous work Marie. Sorry that the day started off so rough. Hoping that with your distractions and keeping busy you are able to turn it around. Great attitude to know that this does not last and it does get better. :hugs:

Checking in on Monday afternoon
Been a off day - still not feel great and even though i’ve been in bed for so long I feel unrested and exhausted. This muggy heat is not helping at all LOL. I have turned on the AC again and hope that it will help. Glad I had the energy to do a delivery and spend some time with mom this morning for an hour.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks Jazzy, I would kill for AC!! We got down to 26 degrees in the night inside here and we all slept in the living room like a strange camping trip (with the balcony doors open)… The cats were so excited, us not so much at having furry legs jumping over us…

We are going away on Wednesday for three nights to the seaside. The boys have to go to a boarder… I’m looking forward to fresh air and a break. Though the specific ten mile cliff top walk I have planned on the North downs way might be too much in 28 and with sea glare :smirk::face_with_spiral_eyes: [knowing me, I will still attempt it…]

Hope you get a good sleep @JazzyS :sleeping:


:waning_gibbous_moon: -24-


OOh sorry love - i forget that you don’t have AC. I don’t mean for it to sound the way it did. I am grateful for having this luxury. Our AC is not working properly as I get frozen tundra in the basement and my brother gets hot mess upstairs – yet its still better than the muggy mess we would have without it.

Your evening sounds like a bad camping trip - so sorry! Hope you get some cooler nights at least. It is the worst when trying to sleep in the heat.

OOH that hike does sound awesome but yeah the heat would not make it enjoyable. Do take pics as I am sure you will attempt it and conquer it. Seaside should have better cooler weather hopefully :crossed_fingers:

i’m going to force myself to stay awake till bedtime so hopefully the exhaustion will kick in fully and allow for a good nights rest :laughing:


75 days is amazing. Ex problems I hope will iron itself out. You just keep doing your sober work. Remember 1 day at a time and tomorrow has endless possibilities!


Happy 1 year!


Checking in on day 6
Today it’s been a good day, nothing really out of the ordinary. I did my morning walk, and this time (I do this 2-3 times per month), I took a trash bag and started collecting all the shit that people leave behind on my route. Every time I do this, the bag is full again with all kind of shit - cans, crisp bags, cigarette packages, etc… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Besides that it is starting to get veeery hot in Spain! Forecast for the next few days; max 37C in the village where I live :roll_eyes:
Tomorrow I’ll go back to work after a week of holidays. Looking forward to going back! I like my job! Without work I wouldn’t enjoy my holidays so much! :nerd_face::rofl:


Workday afternoon check in. Hitting a wall! Well the whole day has been pushing through a big wall.
It’s been a busy month with no downtime, and my wife and I are exhausted and on edge.

Gotta rally and do what I can to make a pleasant evening happen for me and my household. Looking forward to picking up my daughter from daycare, taking her to the playground, and having some water table fun in the backyard after work.

I hope you find some wins in the rest of your day, soberfolks.


Checking in day 210 AF :blush:


Brightening up a bit. I had a nap and brewed black tea. Feeling more relaxed already. I think I had flashbacks last night or something. Overall, I’m almost ready to start working again, so I won’t let the occasional bad morning bother me too much. I drank to drown this out so it needs to be dealt with. Yeah it sucks but I’m ok. I’m going to make the rest of the day good. It’s only 2:30 :clock230: :thinking: I can cause trouble yet!

@Twizzlers yes on the weighted blanket! I get this cold, achey weird feeling on my skin when PTSD is bad. Almost like my skin needs pressure or it won’t stay on me. Google was spying on me and I started seeing ads for them. Lately, I wrap up like a burrito in a cotton summer blanket but I need the weighted one, yes! I feel so weirdly vulnerable as I start talking about more in therapy so I need to go shopping. I’ll spend hundreds on cat comfort but never on me :laughing:. Thank you for looking after me. I’m here too if you ever hit a bad spell. I understand how debilitating this stuff can be… I hope your evening is going well and peace reigns all around :peace_symbol:

Grazie mille @JazzyS :heart:. I want to be all better NOW. I hope you’re feeling better and I’m happy to hear you managed a delivery. Yes on SUMMER :hot_face: stay cool my friend!

150!!! Five months isn’t here yet. Those months that have 31 mean Thursday. I want to celebrate Thursday. I will do something special.

@Whereswaldo I’m so happy for you with that cute little baby. I love newborns. They stay where you last set them and they smell good :heart:

Thanks everyone for putting up with me. I hate being less than I should be.


Wow wow wow you go Anne @happyfeet !
One year is amazing. Always good to see you here :blue_heart:


Thank you I love this support I get :pray:t2: I’m grateful I for this group I found this group for help. I did in fact get some sleep and I’m holding strong. I feel confident in this journey I’m taking. I’m grateful to not be alone in this journey :pray:t2::pray:t2:


:waning_gibbous_moon: -25-

“If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs.”


girl you are an amazing person and so grateful to have you here with us. I do know about the feeling of being less than you are. You are all that and more. You may not be able to do the same exact things as before but what you are doing now (for example - thriving in sobriety) you were not doing before so in my mind you are kicking ass and are more amazing than ever!
The 31 days do mess up the count for me too… looking forward to officially celebrating 5 months with you – a hell of a sober time regardless… keep kicking ass Marie :hugs:


Read this and thought of you. Take care