Checking in daily to maintain focus #68


It was weird not to check in last night. There was a massive internet outage for hours in my area, and since my cell service sucks where I live, I couldn’t do anything on my phone :tired_face:

Yesterday was great! Work was fine, but after, we went to a street fair for kids. They had an open mic stage where kids could take over and do whatever they wanted. My daughter did karaoke…by herself! She blew me away :astonished: She knew about it in advance and said she’d been practicing every day! She sang as many songs as there was time for! I was so proud and shocked and…I don’t even know! It was amazing :star_struck:

Today we finally got to the pool. It was so relaxing. We stayed in for 3 hours! Definitely got some sun :sun_with_face: Then had dinner with my family and got to catch up with my brother. Another great day! Now I’m just winding down for sleep so I can enjoy my last day off tomorrow before the big weekend. Hope you all have a great one :heart:


Day 39

Work was a success we had some down time so I had a chance to get a few things buttoned up on my Harley, I’m looking into getting rid of my soft tail and buying a bagger. I have just a couple silly things left to fix before it’s ready to list. Our mini split a/c unit is supposed to be here Wednesday :crossed_fingers:t2: so let’s hope it doesn’t show up damaged. Our little guy is going through a sleep regression soooo I got right around 3 hours of sleep give or take 15 minutes last night so I feel like a zombie . I’m hoping I get enough time to go for a swim before it gets cold but I don’t know if that’s in my time schedule.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and I’ll be back tomorrow


For me it would be a good idea if art was behind glass all the time :blush: I always have the urge to feel it. That traveler sounds like a great artwork too and in the right spot to be.
Congratulations @happyfeet Anne!! :confetti_ball:
A whole year in your pocket! :facepunch:
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Huge congratulations Anne!



182 days AF!

Uhyea it is 6 months today! :white_flower:
Thanks for this community and thanks for having a possibility to vent here if the pressure is high. Since few weeks I am free from cravings. If I here alcohol storrys from people in real life or about parties escalating or trivializing words… Its just so strange in my ears! Realy feel I am on the other side now. Knowing I am never save and have to keep up recovering (from many things despite of alcohol).

Deinstalled Youtube. Was so lost in watching shorts yesterday again. Today I will just focus on my goals, get a swim in and be happy!

Love you guys :heart:



Way to go on 6 months



That’s so awesome Julia! :confetti_ball:
Half a year! Wow!
Keep growing :seedling:
dancing-number-dancing-letter (1)


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 153

The nice weather is said to stay all week. I’m looking forward to that.

We had a wonderful day at the Cowboy/Western theme park yesterday. Unfortunately there was still a lot of people. If we’re going for a season card next summer we will try to avoid high season peak weeks.

Was at the hairdresser for my konsultation appointment this morning. She definitely didn’t think that I look old. She said that if I wanted some more life into my hair we could go for bangs and some face framing layers, she also said that my hair is in very good condition and that it would be a shame to alter the color in any direction because it’s beautiful.

That felt really good.
When we discussed the pixie cut she warned me that they all need styling and that all the Pinterest picture I had on pixie cuts was heavily styled. And that if I wanted to go really short we could always do that later.

So now I’m going to think about it for a while and book a new appointment. Didn’t have to be nervous.

Got an email from Gardener school yesterday we don’t start until September. Next summer season will go all the way into July and the school has it’s own garden that we’re responsible for even during weekends. Not something that they informed about when you applied. But I think I’m still going to do this. It seems so much fun.
Everything has a natural and ecological theme and I now belong to the Faculty of Nature science at the University of Gothenburg.
It sounds fancy even if it is a programme aimed to Cultural science and cultural nature preservance.
This is the closest to a Park Ranger education I’ll ever come in my country. It’s exciting.

That All Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.



I’ve got the day off. The monthly experience workers meeting organized by my employer was cancelled because of the holiday season. Suits me fine as I had a long but satisfactory day yesterday, with work first and a Dharma Recovery meeting after. I’m not 100% sure this is a perfect fit (what is). But it was only the second time there and I sure feel at ease for as far as meetings with strangers go. I’ll be back next week.

It was also nice to bike home through town at dusk as the weather was great and I’m not out that much anymore at that time. However overcrowded parts of the center are it’s still a beautiful city. I’ll never tire of seeing it.

So today I’ll relax, watch my nephew row in the Olympic quarter final, maybe go and sit in Oude Kerk for a little bit (it’s gonna be a warm day and it’s nice and quiet and cool there), and have some good food. Tonight it’s The Roots playing in my favourite venue, will see that with my niece. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing else will come of it. Love.

@happyfeet Huge congrats on a full year (and a day) Anne!
@Juli1 Six months! Yay! Excellent work friend! Hugs and love.

  1. Another 5 hour sleep :poop::poop: hot night and the cats started playing at 4am when it was at its very coolest. Smart little monkeys. I woke up with a selection of mouthed gobby toys on me :joy:. Off to my first spin (RPM) class in years shortly, then my normal weightlifting class straight after. It’s with the drill sergeant from bootcamp today as my normal instructor is away :face_with_spiral_eyes:. I really don’t feel like it, but we can’t always believe our own ego (it’s too hot, you are tired, you deserve to take it easy). The endorphins after will last for the entire day and make me feel good, I know. We go away tomorrow for a few days, so we are dropping the boys off at their boarding home very very early tomorrow. Looks like the weather is a high 30 for each of our days at the coast. Need to pack wisely as I have a couple of ten miles hikes on the North downs in mind… Could do with it not being so hot, but that’s life. Happy 24.

Day 659

Another interview tomorrow.
Fingers crossed.

It’s at a grocery store, and I could use a discount on food for the house! I spend a LOT on groceries :sweat_smile:


#Day 2141 :walking_woman:
Sure had a good day yesterday! It was fun!
Today? Work in another store then I’m used to so a bit out of my comfort zone. But I manage :wink:

Picture of a golden statue I saw at the exhibition, measuring the sky.
The sky is the limit :wink:
Have a good day ore night all, it’s going to be very hot where I live :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:


241 days
Catching up on sleep after I dropped the kids at school.
Again only saw them briefly in the afternoon before they went off to training and I went to work.
Last nightshift tonight before days off. Been busy so far, was raining so got a bit wet, but its quietened down for a bit now.

@Mno enjoy The Roots. Would be an awesome show. They’re playing a summer festival here late in the year, not an ideal venue


Day 402.working 7-3 today or maybe four. Weather is fab so I want some time outside

My wife had a friend over and they were drinking last night, so I headed to bed at about 9.30pm

I don’t mind. It helps me get a good night’s sleep

I feel blessed to be sober and part of this community


@Tragicfarinelli Enjoy your trip. If you are inclined to do so please share some pictures of your hikes with us. I love to see where people live and travel in the world.
@Mno Already missing cycling through your country and your city :hugs:
@MrsOdh Very curious what you’ll decide about your hairdo. And congrats on this new school and the exciting times working in nature coming your way.
@Juli1 You are a pro! :medal_sports: :raised_hands: :partying_face: 6 months is so impressive. Do celebrate with a nice long swim :ocean: :swimming_man:
@Lefty624 I remember the sleepless baby nights :face_with_peeking_eye: Felt like my brain was rotting away with the sleep deprivation. I hope you get some quality sleep :soon:
@Just_Laura Your daughter sounds like a total pro! :singer: :man_dancing: :microphone: And thanks for your response how you manage worrying. I found it helpful. We all need strategies for our strange human brains :brain:
@DanaM56 Good to hear all that long prep work is coming to an end and showing its results.
@Refreshedperspective Good job on handling a very stressful situation without reaching for your DOC. Especially being ‘only’ one month in. :muscle:
@Bluekoolaid Thank you for sharing how you went about dealing with a day that started with uncomfortable mental experiences without reaching for your DOC. Great sobriety work. Just as an aside: Experiences of anxiety and depression are often higher in the morning after wakeup due to hormonal changes in our bodies. So if you have these experiences mostly in the mornings on a somewhat regular basis, the reason is your body going through its normal morning routine and there is no need for alarm. Having a good morning routine helps me.
@Aussie_Tiger “Shit is complicated” sums life up really good :wink: Working through wreckage is tough work. Sending you peace, patience, and strength :ocean:

251 sugar
115 UPF
122 gluten
21 dairy
4 overeating

Another hot summer day in my town. There is still stuff to be planned and prepared for my and my daughter’s respective vacation trips. We have an appointment at the dentist later. Pool and yoga in the afternoon, Recovery Dharma in the evening. I love this structure of my days.

Staying mindful. Letting life. In peace, kindness and freedom friends. The middle way :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Congratulations on half a year!


Day 169
Congrats @happyfeet @Lighter @Juli1 on your milestones.
@Aussie_Tiger Hope things work out for you and you get to spend time with your kids.
@Jules000 how are you doing today?


Day 258. Did not get to do my one on one with counselor bc he wasn’t at work. I definitely was a little bummed. Didnt do much yesterday, definitely having little hard time with depression but im gonna be ok. Much love everyone


Thank you so much for your kind and wise words, Mira. Today is luckily a better day.


Thank you, Laura! Yeah, better days are ahead. Just taking one day at a time.