Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Day 30 sober!!!

The big 30!!! Hooray!!! I have hit a new personal record for my sobriety!!! Feeling good, but I need to stay vigilant and watch out for this “Pink Cloud” my CA sponsor tells me about. Have a great day yall :3


Congratulations on 30 days.


Congrats :fireworks::sparkles::fireworks::sparkles::fireworks:


@Juli1 congratulations on your 6 months :fireworks::sparkles::fireworks::sparkles::fireworks:


Sleepy as all hell! We have a busy week ahead Lordy.

Tomorrow and Thursday we have to clean house for another home exchange, hubby has go finish paperwork for his new job and pack for the cottage next week. We’re stopping at my dads place on the way up for 2 nights, then my Aunts for 3 or 4 nights then Im driving me and the kids, with my mpm and nephew to her house. Its going to be a very busy time at the cottage with the 3 kids I know it will be fun but I also kbow its going to be very busy.

Have to go make my packing lists. Xo everyone stay sane and sober friends. And to the overstimed moms out there, I FEEL YOU XO.


Day 898
Today was busy! I thankfully was able to get my sons xray done as well as dropped off his sample. So grateful that this was done. I was worried with all the work being done under the sink that i wouldnt have time.

I also made time to pray before we left for his appt. It was just what i needed. I really felt connected today and im grateful for that bcuz recently i havent been feeling too connected to my HP.

Now im just going to tidy up from supper, put my boy to bed, and then do some self care. Have a good night everyone :butterfly:


Love those times u hang out with friends and family and at no point do u think about going on your phone or even snapping a photo bc ur so occupied having fun jut being with them is satisfying and u don’t feel the need to put your fun time out on social media bc ur enjoying the present moment instead of trying to show off that moment to ur followers. It’s so nice to just be… U know?


@jesile OH YEAH!!! 1 week is awesome work girl :muscle: Hope you are able to ease back into work and not forget the holiday feeling for some time. DAMN that is hot – please stay hydrated and cool. Each day sober is a day won and a day farther away from day one so you be proud of yourself :hugs:
@skhan So great to hear from you and see that you are doing well. Grateful that the strike is done and you are back to work. Great work on 9 days! I am well – thank you for asking. Still kicking the urges and going strong!
@tailee17 LOL – thanks – Glad you did steal it and spread the joy around. :laugh ing:
@john_connor1337 YIPPEE 30 days aka 1 month of sobriety! You rock my friend :muscle: Keep pushing forward and yes do stay vigilant. So very happy for you :tada: :tada: :clap:
@butterflymoonwoman So happy to hear that you got the Xray and sample done today :pray: Hopefully you will get the results within a few days :pray: Much love friend – hope you have a wonderful evening.
@jules000 I totally love those moments :heart:

Checking in on Tuesday evening
587 days free of alcohol and weed
1002 days free of cigarettes
Still not 100% back but feeling more mobile and active. Managed to do some movement today and even got a lot of errands run. Made a great dinner and tidied up. Had a dental appointment today for cleaning and showed them my new mouth splint that I had made in December (totally sheared and shattered). I had already replaced the bands 3 times so they agreed that this was not going to work for me. Luckily they have one that is sturdier and has metal bands so we will see how that works. Hope to have it soon cause without it my migraines are so much worse.
Had issues with my car being sluggish and today it just wouldn’t start. Luckily I had my brothers to get me to the dentist. Gonna take it in tomorrow and hope its not too $$ to fix.
So a funny event just happened – my brother put in his sneakers in the dryer (laundry room is in the basement where I am staying) we were chatting and then heard an thud. He went to the laundry room and stood at the door stunned. Asked me if I had heard the machine running just prior to him going back and I said yes. He said “how can that be? The dryer door is open”. I was like WTF – nah – i wen to look and it was wide open (not just ajar but all the way open). We were like :scream: we got a ghost :laughing: Not sure how to explain what happened but had to share the story.
Off to bed – wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you Jasmine! It’s been a nightmare! I scheduled people to come and remove old furniture and they are 2 hours late! They’ve screwed up today’s schedule. The actual move is tomorrow. I can’t wait for this to be over.


Checking day 409 AF.

Very thank you there’s no alcohol in my house. The stress of this move, I may have drank. It’s been a nightmare today.



Short night after going to a concert last night. Which was excellent. And long. So no regrets but I shouldn’t do this every day. :yawning_face: Will see how today goes. Experience work day ahead. One day at a time. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.

@DanaM56 Very thank you you didn’t drink. Still some work ahead on the mindset front I feel. All that’s (temporary) relieved by drinking is the nagging voice of addiction in our heads. Which after drinking returns in full force. Big hugs friend, keep going. Stay sober.

  1. It’s too early, I’m very tired … And still need to pack as it was too warm last night to do anything!! :weary::sleeping: But let’s go! Excited to be getting away :heart: Happy 24 PEEPS. u got this.

Day 851

Have my 12yo started in therapy to help her get a much earlier start on processing her own trauma unfortunately brought on by me in her earlier years and basically up until I stopped using, got diagnosed as bipolar/ADHD and got meds all in 2022. There are other big issues not related to that, and just having someone to connect to as a kid.

So it’s been good and from personal experience I know that processing these things can be uncomfortable for ourselves but also the ones who affected us, and this evening she caught me off guard. We were talking about something and it led to some old wounds she was starting to work through.

The shortest version is she said she’d forgiven me for some things but hasn’t and won’t for other stuff right now. That she might in the future and that’s what therapy is for. It’s such a succinct thing for a 12 year old to say and I sort of stumbled through a reply but I did tell her it’s okay, and I understand and that she’s never owed me any forgiveness.

There was obviously like a lot more to the conversation and I wanted to support her therapeutic healing as much as is humanly possible and told her I’m here and an open door for her to talk to about those things if she ever needs to process or feels like she needs to have a calling out moment.

Honestly there was a lot of my thoughts and feelings dedicated to the fact that I’m so proud of her for having words and strengths to say those things at such an early age and I wish I would have had that. I’m still actively working on breaking generational trauma and I want her to inherent as little of that as humanly possible.

Like, our relationship is getting a lot better and has over the last year and a half or so, but I’m glad she’s finally going to be able to properly work through some of these things in a way that I can’t give her as someone who’s still actively healing 33 years of my own trauma.



I slept like garbage last night. Couldn’t fall asleep for hours. You’d think after 3 hours in the pool and sun I’d have been beat, but nope! Sure was today tho. Ah well. An afternoon thunderstorm moved in just in time for a nap. I must’ve been dreaming about food bc I woke up craving Mexican, but then changed my mind to Chinese bc the buffet is cheaper. We definitely got our money’s worth. I haven’t felt hungry in 7 hours! :sweat_smile: Time for bed now as I work lunch tomorrow. Hopefully I sleep tonight :crossed_fingers: Goodnight my friends :orange_heart:


Day 660
The interview has been postponed because the manager was out sick. Still hope it goes good when it does happen


Day 403. Slept OK. I have one more night of the visitor here and their drinking together. I feel OK. Working early is just a great rational for going to bed early

Busy day today… Working tomoro and then off for a long weekend


Checking in day 78

It’s been hot in the UK! I didn’t sleep very well last night. Solidarity being sent to any other brits who can’t cope in this weather :joy:


625 days is good, but it sounds better as 15,000 hours! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey grl, what kind of interview do you have? :nerd_face:


242 days
Bit of a rough nightshift last night, ended up finishing late too. Missed out on seeing the kids before they went to school.
Got home and got some exercise in, showered up then a quick nap.
Got a couple days off now before im back to work on the weekend.